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Posts posted by Haijinx

  1. Single rage with more competitive base damage for jab and punch (with longer recharge to scale)  would be less out of pace than double rage.   


    Its telling that similar boosts in other sets only do +30/37 damage and less to hit.


    Titan weapons damage is too high, and should be adjusted.   


    Its okay to be the best dps set, but it shouldn't be so far out in front that its lulz. 



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  2. 1 hour ago, Kimuji said:

    And let's not forget that SS provides its own tools to help countering the defense crash: Hand Clap and Footstomp.


    And like Snickerdoodle said, there are inspirations and incarnates powers. Ageless can counted the end crash, but Barrier can counter the def crash, and so do the melee hybrids. You also have Rune of Protection... There are options.

    Well, how about the amount that comes with the current Rage crash?

    Of course SS is sooo OP. So much that everyone is rolling SS at the expense of all other melee sets. We should absolutely nerf it, it's not like there are higher damage sets like Titan Weapons around with virtually no penalty. 🙄

    I mean SS isn't even the most popular set for farmers, and these guys only swear by sheer damage (they're all Spines and Rad melee). SS is not top tier either for Pylons.
    Just how many of you asking for a SS nerf have opened a thread to ask a Titan Weapons nerf? None, yeah that's what I thought.
    Suddenly SS had become OP just because some people don't want to deal with the crash. So yeah let's brand SS as an OP set to hide the fact that the true goal is to get Rage for free.

    The fact that the thread is somewhat torn between "SS is OP" and "SS is trash" only reinforce the fact that the set is exactly where it should be.

    Just relatively OP.  Not "soooo" Op.  In that no other melee set can get that kind of to hit and damage buff that you get with double stacked rage.  


    Claws needs double focus just to approach single rage.  No other set can even approach rage.


    If punch and jab weren't so lame, it wouldn't even be debateable.


    There is a reason they never ported it to scrappers.


    Titan weapons is a bad example, since everyone knows its an outlier.   

  3. You could just make it work like Hasten.  In that you can't activate it again until the buff is over. 


    You can't double stack hasten.


    I believe energize works like that too.  


    Though removing the double stack is what some are trying to avoid.  Precisely because that is where super strength becomes OP


    Double stacked rage footstomp on a 70%  fury SS brute feels like a mini nuke


    Every 6 seconds .. 




    Tankers damage is low enough even perma double rage flys by under the radar.




  4. 6 hours ago, Extor Prime said:

     I "macro" mine to be used together with whatever big attack I use for the alpha strike. Autohotkey is magical. And in course of normal attack rotations, it's become a second nature to hit BU as soon as I see it come off cooldown.

    I am interested in how to do this?  I have only recently started trying binds.


    Never been much of a programmer or anything like that.

  5. think its only 6 actually, targeted AOE  and there is a tiny cone in sweeping cross.


    Both do good damage though, especially if you have your combo level at 3.  


    The fear effect in spinning strike is fun, especially if you pair it with the vigilante fear power.  


    Stalkers can solve the lack of AOE thing by 1 shotting minions, and 1 or 2 shotting Lts.  The crits/refreshed buildups literally rain down from the sky once you get the ATO procs





  6. 9 hours ago, Leogunner said:

    Heh, Fire Melee absolutely blows Savage out of the water with regards to damage.  Heck, Katana blows it out of the water.


    They also gets a proper BU.  I'm actually surprised you'd compare the two.


    And Savage does get mitigation.  It's just crap.  I'd actually wager Savage doesn't beat many sets in most regards except mitigation where Fire Melee has 0.  It's not as efficient as Claws and I'd wager it's pretty low in that regards too (efficiency being a measure of kill speed and endurance consumption).  It's utility is middle of the road (20% recharge and 23% endredux when you have max stacks and a teleport...that's it) probably beating a few sets like Battle Axe (although chain KD is as good as a hold on a boss), Fire melee (just damage).


    It probably beats Energy Melee, I suppose.  But then I'm not really a min/maxer.  I like niche sets as many as any other...Savage hasn't shown me anything.  I even paired it with something that needs and amplifies its benefits and it still ranged from meh to frustrating...also, why don't blood stacks refresh?  I can be sitting at five stacks while slapping a group of mobs and suddenly 3 stacks drop off at the same time.  Lol come on!


    Haven't tried Savage Assault.  Might be different.

    Hear people say that the damage is on the high side as well?  Including the DPS/DPA comparison sheet in the scrapper forum. 


    That seems like conflicting with information in this thread.  If it is underperforming damage-wise then it should be adjusted, since the intent seemed to be along the lines of Fire, with DOT being its main secondary effect.


    Of course it seems like both cant be right?  If the DPA is as good as some claim,  maybe the damage is weighted too far on the dot end vs the initial hit end.  


  7. I suppose you could slot Sudden Acceleration KB to KD in all those KB powers you take- but that would eat up tons of slots and Kheldians are slot starved.


    So definitely some/all should get either KD or KU instead I think.  


    Or allow the Sudden Acceleration KB to KD to be slotted in Nova and Dwarf and affect all their branching powers.  That way it would save some of the slots



    Additionally for Khelds in general, I have 2 suggestions - 

    The toggles for the shields should stay on when you change forms (but be suppressed)  

    And they should get a tiny (maybe mag 2) status protection in one of the shields for the basics (hold/sleep/disorient) 




  8. 1 hour ago, Kimuji said:

    SR doesn't fear Rage's crash that much because its defenses are so high that you can still maintain yourself close to the soft cap during the crash. Ice is hit harder but Ice is also a set that needs a revision as it has become a bit obsolete compared to newer or revised defense sets. Which leaves Energy Aura and Shield. Shield/SS is OP so, it's not a problem that needs fixing IMO. So, we have Energy Aura, that's one set alright, I think we can live with that. And it's not like you are forced to perma double Rage either. You wanted to show that SS even without Rage wasn't that bad, did you change your mind?

    As for armor-agnosticism, the funny part is that the arguably two best sets to pair Super Strength with are also among the worse to pair with Titan Weapons. Fiery Aura and Radiation Armor are very reliant on their click powers (Healing Flames, Burn, Consume, Ground Zero, Particule Shielding, Radiation Therapy) and these make the use of Titan Weapons very cluncky because it interferes with the Momentum mechanic. So should we also make Titan Weapons more armor-agnostic as well?
    And that armor-agnostic argument is quite selective actually, because not all armors are made equal against the endurance crash. It's a lot tougher on a set like Dark Armor due to its already heavy endurance consumption, so should we remove the endurance crash for the sake of equality between armors?

    Only SR tankers


    SR brutes would definitely get hurt 


    Tanks get Ice instead of Energy Aura but there are similarities.  


    Also Stone gets hit.    


  9. 17 minutes ago, Jeuraud said:

    and 2 stacks of Rage would be +40 to hit, +160 damage.

    and 3 stacks of Rage would be +60 to hit, +240 damage.


    Or are you telling me that Rage does not stack with itself, which would go against what I've been reading in this thread.


    Oh no.  I had just read your response as being single and then double.  Misread I guess more likely.

    I've never seen 3 stacks before even with a kin so maybe it didn't occur to me.  


    Even a single stack is the best "build up" style power in the game.   



  10. Sounds like devices is getting buffed quite a bit.  Enough that i might try this set.


    Did not see where the nerfs to other secondaries are.  



    As to the original post.  /energy is still awesome.  Hard hitting ST melee attacks.  And the amazingly good Energize.  


    Blaster Energize might be my favorite power in COH


    Imagine instantly adding two boosted slots of end reduction that ignores ED in every power.  Easily perma.


    Oh and its a heal and regen boost too.

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  11. Energy Aura is an underrated secondary you can get good defense very early. 


    You will want Tough and Weave.  


    For ios the two 3% defense IOs are a huge help.  


    EA is typed defense so i built for S/L first.  Then for EN/NE since NE is a little lower.  


    You should be able to get to 45% on all types except PSI and neg eng without any drain.  And over 50% s/l resist without too much effort

    • Thanks 2
  12. 17 minutes ago, Jeuraud said:

    I just looked at SS's numbers in-game and I noticed all the knockback except Hurl was at .67, and Hurl is an 80ft Ranged attack that can knock down flyers. Something else I noticed in the set was a Knockup/Hold, a PBAoE Stun, and a PBAoE 80% Knockdown, in fact I noticed that all of the attacks have some type of CC in them. SS is a fricken Melee Control set, which I see as part of the problem. Control means forethought and finesse, while Super Strength makes me think Hulk Smash. Even Rage is a forethought and finesse power. I think the numbers are fine for a Control set, unfortunately this set is called Super Strength.


    As for Rage, I've looked at the numbers, and see nothing to justify a +40/160 Buff that last longer then 10sec, let alone a +60/240 Buff, even with the 10sec Debuff (Really.... 20 pages for a 10sec Debuff.).  Asking for a Rage "Fix" is asking for this set to be looked at and tweaked in ways that many of you do not want it tweaked. If I cared about SS I would be presenting some numbers that supported my argument, or I would be shutting the fuck up.

    I generally agree but i think you overadded here.


    1 stack of rage is a +20 to hit, +80 damage.


    The two powers that are poor are jab and punch.  Basically because they recharge too fast.  


    Thus punch looks more like a tier 1 power from many other sets.  And Jab is just pitiful.  


    Thus you only really have 2 good ST attacks (can't really count hurl its too slow)




  13. Im on my phone so i might have missed it but i don't see the following in the build 


     steadfast 3% def 

    Reactive scaling resists 

    Panacea end/hp

    Performance shifter plus end

    Guassians chance for buildup

    Miracle rec bonus





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