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Posts posted by EdgeOfDreams

  1. 3 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Looking at lowest level or just "while naturally in the level range?" (given, especially low level, you'd likely be leveling, of course - do you have to *end* it in the same range?)

    I'm not sure. Let's take Posi 2 for an example. Its range is 11 to 16. Trying it at level 11 seems silly and unnecessarily difficult to me. Doing at level 16 (with XP turned off) would be the ideal accomplishment, at least in the way I think of it. Going up to 21 would make sense as a compromise, since when you're Exemplared down you can access powers that you got up to 5 levels after your Exemplar level. Going above 21 would be too far.

    So, yeah, "at the top end of the official level range, and no more than 5 levels above it" is the rule I'd probably go with.


  2. Since Homecoming allows soloing task forces, I started to wonder - Is it possible to solo non-endgame task forces at or close to the recommended level range? For example, could you solo Posi 1 without leveling past 15 or 20 first?


    • Assume you have unlimited Inf to spend
    • Temp powers, summons, and Inspirations are allowed
    • No buffs or help from other players
    • No Incarnate abilities (duh)


    I suspect this would not be too difficult for the later TFs where you have more powers and slots. The hardest would be the early/mid game ones like Posi, Synapse, Yin, and Citadel. Obviously some ATs and powersets will have a much easier time of it than others as well.

    Ultimately, I suppose this all boils down to a question of, "Given unlimited Inf, what's the lowest level at which soloing an AV is plausible?" So, what do you think?

  3. I figured it out. When using the Cel Shading graphics settings, the Color Posterization effect creates some weird looks on certain textures. The point of Color Posterization is to have fewer different colors instead of smooth gradients. Unfortunately, it seems that on some very 'natural' looking textures like fur or skin, color posterization makes them jump sharply from one color to another. Turning it off made those costume parts look normal again.

  4. Playing on Homecoming 64-bit. Some costume textures seem to be broken, bugged, glitched, whatever. They show a weird bright red on some or all of the part no matter what colors I choose. I've seen this happen with one of the male faces, and with the Monstrous gloves set to the Animal Fur texture.

    Is this a known bug? Could it have anything to do with my graphics settings?

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