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Neiska last won the day on August 20 2022

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  1. Boy oh boy, this topic can only go to great places. I better get my popcorn!🍿 If it bothers you that much, you can always just quit the team. Usually the best option if other people play in a way you don’t like, vs them trying to make you play it their way or you making them play it yours.
  2. I hope you have an energizer bunny theme!
  3. What's stopping you from self-imposing it via honor system? Make a character, you die, delete everything and start over. You could even keep a log in the forums for people who might be interested in a hardcore ironman start to finish. I bet it would be a good read.
  4. No I haven't, that was on my todo list before I moved onto other things. But provoke/placate were both on the list, as well as look at paetron pools for possible immobilize/hold abilities to browse too. I still have my widows, just haven't played them in awhile. But when I did i went for a "money is no object" build. Shes still one of my most expensive builds i think. Mostly just wanted to see what could be done and how far you can push it, just for funsies.
  5. I love widows, my only two big gripes is how their resists are all over the place, and runners. Wish they had a tool for runners. But everything else? The damage, the style, the nukes, the spinny, even the tush capes is *chiefs kiss* I even love their metallic cloth costume option.
  6. Holy necrothread Batman! 5 years is impressive 😆
  7. Well IIRC, the Legend of Dragoon all the hero's had different element types - Dart was Fire, and so on. So any of the elemental armors could work. Rose had a "dark" element. Only Albert used a Spear though, as they all had various weapon types. So I would say you could really mix any weapon type and element type that you like. Dual blades is neat, War Mace and Battle Axe I hear is very stronk. Titan weapons is powerful but some don't like how awkward it feels to play. Far as secondary? Well Shield has some pretty neat models, but you can only take shield with certain weapon types. Rad armor is very good, but the powers can be tricky to color right as it is a bit cluttered. There's always Bio Armor if you want something more organic-feeling too. So there is a lot you can do if you are looking for style. Far as synergies, staff and bio both have stances, so you have options there. Dark Armor is good but very END hungry. Ice Armor is solid all around good. Bio Armor is very strong but it takes a bit to get there and likes to focus on recharge above all. I have never had an endgame staff fighting, but I believe it sort of lacks single target damage? (could be mistaken here.) If that's the case you can plan accordingly and take an armor set that helps boost offense a bit too. Shield also has that "charge" ability, which would fit the theme I think of jumping/leaping into enemies too. You can't take it with staff though.
  8. I generally take "tier lists" and the like with a large pile of salt. Other people are entitled to their opinions certainly, but I am not obligated to agree or even care. Oh, and Merry Christmas.
  9. I use Levi for my crabby, as that -res stacks with venom grenade and having a lot of cones evaporates groups. Still a little meh on single target but that’s kind of crabbys downside overall.
  10. IMO, what’s “the best” greatly depends on the rest of the team makeup, the activity in question, and perhaps most importantly, player skill and knowledge. What powers you have and how much you spent is moot if you don’t have any clue what you are doing or how to play it, and how to synergies with your team. If we are talking the hardest content here, maximum difficulty, it really isn’t about “you” alone, but how the team plays together. And personally, the harder content I’m doing, the more I tend to favor debuffs. Just a personal preference mind you, as the right debuffs are king in that kind of content.
  11. This is why I always add a merit into the mail with the inf, because it’s account bound. So it always goes to the correct account.
  12. "Madness may not be a break-down, it may also be a break-through." - R.D. Laing
  13. If you don’t like running repeat activities, there is probably over 100 ae missions. Even if you did them only once there would be enough of them for you to reach 50 on multiple characters without doing anything twice.
  14. Could be better, but it could be a lot worse too. Just remember that unless they have a “HC staff” by their name, anything said is just their opinion. And to be taken with a grain of salt.
  15. You do your thing, I’ll do mine. They aren’t the same? Who cares. Nothing says we have to play together or enjoy the same things. Do support a boot timer though. I’ve returned to ae over the period of a few days and still see the same guy there firing off his auto power.
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