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Easter Bunny

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Posts posted by Easter Bunny

  1. Hello all! I'm close enough to complete with my second ever base that I'm feeling comfortable enough to share with our highly talented community 😄


    This base 100% draws its inspiration from ShardWarrior's masterful BvS style Batmini SG on Everlasting. If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting it do yourself a favor and correct that 😜His take made me want to take a crack at my own version of a comicbook style Batcave.


    Presenting EB's Batcave - Home of the Weekend Knights:








    With just a touch of the alter-ego's lifestyle up above -




    Complete with super secret entrance!




    Please feel welcome to stop by in person and look around. I have lots of little Batman easter eggs sprinkled about - KNIGHTS-7014 on Indom


    - EB

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  2. On 5/24/2020 at 10:26 PM, wei yau said:

    If you care to visit, the SS Blackmoon is currently orbiting Everlasting ( BLACKMOON-12614)

    Looks gorgeous, Wei Yau! I'll definitely be stopping by take a closer look!

  3. On 3/1/2020 at 2:40 AM, Dacy said:

    So, as usual, today I got transported across the base (distance covered seems to relate to my orientation at time of teleport: if I am looking nearly straight down, I only go to the base floor just below me, but it I am facing higher up, I am likely to land much farther away. Typically it switches the object I am interacting with to something in my line of sight, instead, as well. 


    Dacy - Have you tried /unbind leftdoubleclick? As far as I can tell this completely resolves the random transport through the base.

    it’s to the point where it’s the very first step every time I fire up the editor.  Before F3 or anything else.


    Hope it helps!


    - EB

  4. On 4/27/2020 at 3:04 PM, Dacy said:

    Now complete and open to the public, stop by for a visit! Spaceship Oranderite, the base for the Invincible Ones, code ONES-5030.


    Thanks again for the tour, Dacy! Very incredible base! Simply amazing 🤯Creative and unique custom furniture around every corner!


    5 Stars - would visit again!


    - EB

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  5. 4 hours ago, Mystic Fortune said:

    This whole base is brilliant! The hidden area(s) before the medbay are especially amazing. I just really love the atmosphere and feel of them. The concept is so far outside of what you would expect in CoH. It's just so great. Well done! I hope you realize many people are going to borrow this idea. Myself included. 🙂

    Aw, thanks! That definitely means a lot and i'm very glad you enjoyed discovering everything! I tried to think of the Way Station less like a base and more like an interactive new zone. I look forward to seeing how you incorporate this idea!


    What I can't believe is how long this took me!!?? I am absolutely floored by how (seemingly) quickly some of you are able to pull off such incredible masterpieces! That being said I definitely learned a lot on this first go around and my mind is already buzzing with new ideas. Altoholism was bad enough now I have to contend with a base addiction too! Thanks COH 😄



  6. The rest of these areas can be found if you have discovered the secret underwater entrance in Beth Point:

    • Hidden Area / Gimel Point: Not going to ruin the surprise of this location. But there are two exits from here. One that is obvious and takes you back up to the main hall. The other is for adventurous explorers only…


    • Bonus Room & Lamedh Point: Assuming you found the second exit you will land in the [Redacted]. I’m particularly proud of the aquarium in this room.




    Thanks for playing along! Hope you had fun. And feedback is always welcome!

    Please spread the word on Indomitable – The Way Station is open for business.


    - EB

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  7. It's been suggested that I should post this here in our Indom section...


    Yes, that's right, another transportation hub base free for public use - The Way Station! Basecode WAY-5039 - or /macro Way "enter_base_from_passcode Way-5039"


    A derelict alien spaceship that's recently been discovered floating in deep space. The vessel has changed hands and is now a functioning transportation hub and base of operations.




    Exploration IS encouraged!


    Apart from this central hallway the ship has many other surprises in store.  Among them:

    • Aleph Point: The bridge of the ship
    • To the right of the base exit is Beth and Daleth points. Daleth takes you to the expansive docking bay complete with overhead space crane!




    • Beth Point has more to unpack. Highlights include a cave behind the gazebo entrance and special entrance under the library.



    • Be sure to take a swim – this is where things get more interesting. If you follow the flow of the water you should find the pipe network and the “hidden area.





    A few more to come... 🙂


    - EB

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  8. The Way Station (cont.)

    • Hidden Area / Gimel Point: Not going to ruin the surprise of this location. But there are two exits from here. One that is obvious and takes you back up to the main hall. The other is for adventurous explorers only…



    • Bonus Room & Lamedh Point: Assuming you found the second exit you will land in the Medbay. I’m particularly proud of the extensive aquarium in this room.




    Thanks for playing along! Hope you had fun. And feedback is always welcome!


    Please spread the word on Indomitable – The Way Station is open for business.


    - EB

    • Like 4
  9. The Way Station (Exploration Encouraged… and Rewarded?)


    This is my first ever attempt at base-making but I’m pretty happy with the results! After months of lurking in this post I’ve been inspired enough to give it a go. Please stop by and provide honest feedback! 

    1. WAY-5039 on Indomitable
    2. The Way Station started out as a simple transportation hub and still functions as one. The new concept is a formerly defunct spaceship that was discovered abandoned in deep space and is now actively coming back online as a makeshift base of operations.

    Exploration is encouraged!

    • You arrive in the belly of the ship. Transportation hall in front of you:


    • To the left is Aleph Point aka the command center of the ship.
    • To the right of the base exit is Beth and Daleth points. Daleth takes you to the expansive docking bay complete with overhead space crane!



    • Beth Point has more to unpack. Highlights include a cave behind the gazebo entrance and special entrance under the library. Be sure to take a swim – this is where things get more interesting.


    • If you follow the flow of the water you should find the pipe network and the “hidden area.”





    Just a few more pictures to follow to wrap this up 😄


    - EB

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  10. Thanks Crashmonkie! I guess I should add some pics of the base...


    We'll see how this goes... Haven't added pics in  here before...


    The Way Station pt. II - Please visit on Indomitable. Basecode: WAY-5039





    Docking Bay (Daleth Point)



    Park Area (Beth Point)


    Beth Point is worth exploring. There is a very nice tunnel under the Library Area. As well as a nice path that takes you behind the waterfall.



    And if you take a swim in this area hopefully you'll locate the entrance to the next 3 hidden areas. The entrance looks like this:



    • Like 1
  11. The Way Station (Exploration Encouraged… and Rewarded?)


    This is my first ever attempt at base-making but I’m pretty happy with the results! After months of lurking in this post I’ve been inspired enough to give it a go. Please stop by and provide honest feedback!


    1. WAY-5039 on Indomitable
    2. The Way Station started out as a simple transportation hub and still functions as one. The new concept is a formerly defunct spaceship that was discovered abandoned in deep space and is now actively coming back online as a makeshift base of operations.


    Exploration is encouraged!

    • You arrive in the belly of the ship. Transportation hall in front of you. My wife’s one stipulation was that the entrance room had to have everything that she considered useful right up front. I think I did a good job creatively placing the NPC contacts.
    • To the left is Aleph Point aka the command center of the ship.
    • To the right of the base exit is Beth and Daleth points. Daleth takes you to the expansive docking bay complete with overhead space crane!
    • Beth Point has more to unpack. Highlights include a cave behind the gazebo entrance and special entrance under the library. Be sure to take a swim – this is where things get more interesting. If you follow the flow of the water you should find the pipe network and the “hidden area.”
    • Hidden Area / Gimel Point: Not going to ruin the surprise of this location. But there are two exits from here. One that is obvious and takes you back up to the main hall. The other is for adventurous explorers only…
    • Bonus Room & Lamedh Point: Assuming you found the second exit you will land in the [Redacted]. I’m particularly proud of the aquarium in this room.


    Thanks for playing along! Hope you had fun. And feedback is always welcome!

    Please spread the word on Indomitable – The Way Station is open for business.


    - EB

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