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  1. The power tray locking is HUGE. I have wanted this since the game came out. I can't wait for this to go live. I have a bad tendency to missclick with my mouse while looking elsewhere on screen and thus suddenly I find my character dying while my powertray is on page 5 which is blank. We already have the ability to display multiple trays - more than enough for anyone I think, so locking them in place is going to be just amazing!
  2. Thanks, I did exactly that the first time and it wasn't doing anything. Did it again since you suggested it, and it has worked, so thank you for that friend!
  3. I can't seemingly log into the game all of a sudden. I had no problems the previous day, I don't think anything has changed on my system. I am able to log into the forums. Is it possible I have been hacked? Banned? Is there a status page somewhere that I can check I have still got an account etc?
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