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  1. I love the Official Occasions uniform! Very nice look Gentleman 🙂
  2. Two Shadow Widows were sent to James Smith's apartment to gather any information and bug his devices. Cassie was dressed in her Shadow Widow uniform for stealth, she was the extractor of information from James appartment. Oksanya, who had met James the day before and placed a tracking device on him, was dressed in a short skirt, knee high boots and a bustier, she was dressed to kill if needed, though she tried to seduce and befriend James instead. Both Shadow Widows were no experts, they were only a few months into their Arachnos service. So mistakes were made such as when Cassie knocked over a cup, which alerted James to someone else being in his apartment while in the bedroom with Oksanya. While Oksanya tried to do her part, she came off far too strong and James was not falling for her ruse. Cassie suggested they kill James before they left but Oksanya wanted him to live. Perhaps she had plans for him later, perhaps she wasn't that cold blooded. The two shadow widows finished their mission and left the apartment. Upon returning to the base, would they find enough information about heroes that James had interviewed in the past? Would their bugs they planted all over James apartment lead them to more information? Or, would James turn to heroes himself and turn the tables on the Shadow Widows? Arachnos was getting stretched thin by the growing number of enemies. There were only so many expert Night Widows and Blood Widows to go around, so a new division of Arachnos was created called the Shadow Widows. A large recruitment program to lure hopeful women with false promises. What the women got instead was re-education training and long hours to fill the petty jobs for Arachnos. Make no mistake however, the Shadow Widows were deadly in the right situations.
  3. We now have our first custom mission showcasing the Shadow Widows of Arachnos. You can play the simple mission at the architect in Pocket D. Search for "Get the Key Codes" and an agent will hire you to infiltrate an Arachnos base full of Shadow Widows protecting Arachnos property. Good Luck! The Shadow Widows are a player made division of Arachnos that are like walking and talking NPCs for other players to enjoy and interact with. There is a Shadow Widow SG which is not limited to just playing as a Shadow Widow and the SG welcomes all kinds of Arachnos character types for Roleplay. See you online, enjoy!
  4. I had really fun RP last night with a group of Widows. You are right the leadership buffs are great. The mission was fun for me because my recruit shadow widow did what she was trained for in roleplay, scout ahead, find the objective for the team. She helped out a bit but was rather squishy and expendable. Thats shadow widows, the female recruitment arm of Arachnos. very fun RP with the other Widows.
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