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  1. It will be interesting to see how the xp buffs work for folks. I dont plan to use them but it will be interesting to see how it affects the servers. Overall, great update, thanks for all the work.
  2. The majority of raids were basically just pugged. There were some groups that did speed raids (or similar) but they were organized around global channels as much as they were around super groups. Personally I just had a supergroup base as a convenient place to store salvage and enhancements and pass them between my characters. Huh, ok then. I guess I will drop my SG and look into base building. I've definitely felt the pressure to sell a lot of my recipes and what not that Im not using because of no space. Thanks everyone for all the responses.
  3. Ok, this is interesting. So its worth it to form a personal one just for trading resources between alts? That definitely makes sense but kinda removes the point of trying to find a big one I guess. Is there really no raids at end game that makes sense to be in a SG for or is it all just pug'd with CoH? Was never involved in high level play before so maybe I just have this weird idea that CoH would operate like other MMO's.
  4. So I've been running around looking for supergroups for about a week now. I always wanted to find an awesome group of folks to play the game with and make teams on a regular basis. I've joined a supergroup on one of my characters and its really low on players. However I'm not seeing many SG's looking for more players. Maybe its the server I'm on but since a lot of players are enjoying building bases, is there even a reason to join a SG? From what I recall and have read, SG mode isn't a thing since players dont need to farm to create a base. Is this why folks are uninterested in making SG's or rather have their own person SG just for the base building? I would think players would want to group together for end game raids but being a player that never did any of that during live, I don't even know whats available. So the question remains, are actual SG's going to be a thing like a guild as they were back in the day or are they basically gonna be personal things on these servers merely for base building?
  5. I haven't been playing AE missions since coming back at all. Personally, I just never found them that fun or interesting. It didn't feel like personal stories, just player made missions to make farming/xping quicker. With that said, the game died for me pretty much when I came back at one point and the only groups I found were AE missions. That is what got me to stop playing the game before the servers were turned off. As these servers stand now, the population is amazing and there are groups to be had everywhere. So I don't see the problem, other than server stability issues. The real problem will come up when/if the population drops low and there is a segmentation in the community of who likes what. Since there are so many servers, it may not be that big of a deal and especially with the current population, it definitely isn't right now. I think this issue rears it's ugly head when you only have a couple thousand players playing. However to have some players complaining about the speed of leveling with the increased xp and the xp buff you get on creation, blows my mind. Maybe it's because I'm an EQ player and this grind is nothing to me but right now xp seems so fast that I can't imagine speeding it up. Of course that's my personal experience but I am happy we don't have insta 50's, cause thats how you kill a game imo but the leveling rate right now seems a lot faster/easier that needing any kind of help for farming/xping seems completely unnecessary. Not to mention, you can farm easily without AE but to each their own. Im just glad that the devs/admins of the server prioritize server stability/population over AE. Might be upsetting for the AE players but not sure how you can argue between more people on the servers/servers more stalbe and certain players wanting specific content as a convenience.
  6. Would definitely like to see a SG recruiting section for SG's to post recruitment threads and players to post LFSG requests.
  7. I'd like to think that I searched everywhere and came up short, but please feel free to link me to anything that I might have missed. Is there a section for Supergroups on the forums? For recruiting purposes that is? I get the servers are all relatively new and not necessarily permanent but it seems it would be a good idea to have a spot for folks to do that. Is this maybe something on the discord that I missed? I posted on the reddit but didn't really get many responses, is a large section of the community not caring about SG's anymore? Or is this something that most folks just make a personal SG so they can have their own base? Heres the thread I posted on reddit if anyone wanted to check it out: https://old.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/bjyw3u/which_supergroups_are_lfm/?ref=share&ref_source=link
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