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Everything posted by Regrek

  1. Of course I want customized minions. That's like asking if someone wants pie; without restricting said pie to a specific kind, portion size, or having to pay for it. If we're just throwing what we want out there, I want full costume customization same as player gets for each individual minion, along with selecting which type of minion per slot in a power, and full individual inventory management so I can fiddle with team management like a game of Necromunda. It doesn't even have to do anything, just let me fiddle with stuff. As for what I want our dev team to actually spend their time producing, a simple across the board rebalance of set powers to a baseline DPS by AT for a start. If this UI code clusterbunk is a real thing, scrapping the entire UI system, and reimplementing it with modern usable code would be a huge project with no visible benefit, but one that really needs to get done sooner rather than later. UI code is usually a PITA to make in the best of times, but it would allow all kinds of things. As far as playing goes, just pull the power sets up to parity within the AT, and all the previously unusable stuff will keep people busy for a while. Numbers, spreadsheets, no fun but it's just math, not arcane mysticism.
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