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  1. I defeated Black Swan and tried clicking on the portal to trigger the ambush and noting happened. After filing a support ticket to get help, GM_Globetrotter showed up in game and also couldn't trigger the ambush via the portal. The only conclusion was for the GM to manually complete the mission. They asked me to file a bug report. Thank you for all your help. [10:55] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: Hi there. Do you still need help with y our mission? [10:56] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: Yes pls [10:57] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: (( I cant trigger the ambush by clicking on the portal)) [10:57] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: I see that [10:57] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: I can complete the mission for you [10:58] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: ((That would be great. TY [10:58] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: (TY so much! [10:58] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: all done [10:58] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: Will you please file a bugreport? [10:58] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: (( Sure thing! [10:58] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: Thanks! [10:58] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: ((Welcome! Doing it now [10:59] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: ((you do that under support? [10:59] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: let me check that [10:59] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: ty [11:00] [Tell] GM_Globetrotter: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/32-bug-reports/ [11:00] [Tell] -->GM_Globetrotter: TY
  2. Thank you so much for all your hard work. This is amazing. Truly amazing!
  3. Seriously, thank you for bringing our home back and putting so much hard work into this. Please also thank the others @Cipher!!!
  4. Thank you for the data!!!
  5. New enemies and content. Fix or rebuild Task forces
  6. I would love better costumes and accessories like swords on back and hips, same as guns. A better level scaling. When you do a lower level mission it doesn't make sense to lose your power. Logically it doesn't make sense. If I am a hero doing a lowly rescuing cats out of trees, why would I suddenly forget how to shoot a electric bolt? Better graphics. I believe that people are working on this. But not sure. Better character creation if possible. I know it is an older game, but better control on this like faces and body scaling would be awesome. Love this game and I thank you all for all you do.
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