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  1. Cone is not AOE. If you stand in front of 10 mobs, you will hit 1 or 2 and maybe a third in the back row. However if you used AOE you would hit all in front, unless you missed. However, if you step further back away from the group, your cone gets larger the further it is away from you. You will then him more mobs at one shot. With that said, I am not here to debate that, or take this off topic like others. The main topic of the thread is which Stalker has the best aoe. I tried Elec/Shield after reading the first few posts here. It took 32 levels before Aoe was even present. Not my idea of the best AoE Stalker since it does not have it early levels. Staff has 2 aoe Psi = 1 Rad = 1 Elec = 1 Savage = 1 These are the only classes with AoE, for the Stalker
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