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  1. People suggested slotting the chance-for-confuse in Gang War and then doing 2x Gang Wars -- worth it?
  2. Why knock em down when you can just kill em all?Bubbledroid - Mastermind (Mercenaries - Force Field).mbd
  3. +1 upvote for minimal FX on Rock Armor in Controller Epic - now 2025!
  4. +1 upvote. why isn't this a thing yet in 2025?
  5. Folks above said not to proc it out with dmg procs. I think the real question is whether 5-slotting it with Ice Mistral (including the cold proc, which apparently procs more due to being related to a slow in this power?) is worth it for the set bonus & the damage proc as well as the potential for some extra slow and damage (especially +5'd IOs), vs (a) either 5-slotting it with Ragnarok for a bit more recharge & accuracy buffs (vs Ice Mistral) (and or including Ragnarok chance for KB proc) - or (b) simply 1-2 slotting it and freeing up some other slots. I already moved 1 slot from my prior 6-slotting to be Build-Up Chance proc in the tri-cannon pet.
  6. OK back to the drawing board on this troller, then.Controller (Arsenal Control - Kinetics) 2.mbd Will swap em out. Maybe the v3 attached. Is it worth 5-slotting Ice Mistral (including the cold proc) for the recharge bonus and some slow & damage? Does it have a to-hit check where you need to slot accuracy as well? Or literally just 1-slot it like @Frosticus suggested and not count on it to really do any damage? Controller (Arsenal Control - Kinetics) 3.mbd
  7. Now that some time has gone by, has anyone figured out the optimal slotting for Liquid Nitrogen in Arsenal? It looks like it should proc-bomb great in MIDS but in reality the procs don't seemt to trigger often? On the other hands, full-set slottings like Ice Mistral don't seem to do that much on the damage front?
  8. Thanks. I don't see a minimal option for the Earth epic pool or Rock Armor in it though.
  9. Is there any way to hide Rock Armor (e.g. in epic controller pool)? It seems to overwrite / show on everything including Prismatic Aether costumes. Is there any Prismatic costume where it doesn't show?
  10. Yeh, it's a 4-star content build for 4-star TFs like LGTF, ITF, Aeon, etc. Like @SeraphimKensai said, these 4-star teams rotate permanent Barrier Cores and also stack defense buffs via (usually) 2 /cold corrs, or sometimes bubbles, time, etc. In PVE content you just chug purple def inspis which are super cheap on Auction House if you buy in bulk in advance and leave them in the AH or your in-game mail. You'll be surprised at the damage it puts out. My PVE elec/nin build (previous) was fine. The 1 sort of exception to 4-star builds that I made was keeping Short Circuit because I really like it these days as a proc-delivery bomb and AOE, in addition to BL. The damage of the build makes up for not having VS. My earlier PVE build is attached. With CJ/Weave/Manuevers/ScorpShield he got to ~ 33% S/L/E which was enough for 1 small purple insp to cap (assuming no other def buffs from team). Was fine but 4-star is much more aggressive. Sith Acolyte - Blaster (Electrical Blast - Ninja Training).mbd
  11. My 4* elec/nin build. Technically I should go Concealment if he's gonna be the Incanner, but this build i didn't. SithAcolyte4star-ElectricBlast-_Ninja_Training.mbd
  12. I'm enjoying my thematic Necro/Marine MM named Marine Corpse. Seems quite powerful. I tend to run in groups or for iTrials, so there are also a lot of group buffs around. I also chug purples when solo. Got a 42-second pylon time. Whitecap on refresh keeps the +rchrg up to make Power of the Depths perma while also providing some target debuffs. marine corpse v7.mbd
  13. I have a thematic Necro/Marine MM called Marine Corpse, it's working pretty well. I tend to run in groups or for iTrials, so there are also a lot of group buffs around. I also chug purples when solo. Got a 42-second pylon time. Whitecap on refresh keeps the +rchrg up to make Power of the Depths perma while also providing some target debuffs. marine corpse v7.mbd
  14. I basically have perma PoD with a +rchrg FF in Whitecap and using it whenever it is up. marine corpse v7.mbd
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