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Posts posted by Jawbreaker

  1. 11 hours ago, Lightslinger said:

    Got a new character and need some name help from my fellow costume/character concept enthusiasts: hyphen or no hyphen?!


    Introducing: Missile Man

    Bio:  Back in 1940s I was just your regular, run of the mill enlisted. During my first combat mission something changed, I was super-charged with electricity and pretty dang invulnerable. So the US government did what you did to "mutants" like that in the mid-20th century, strap a missile to 'em and see how it works out. Worked out alright for me, watch out for the Missile Man, comin' in hot!


    Question is, does this character name + concept work better as Missile Man or Missile-Man? Right now he's Missile Man, but I keep thinking maybe it would look better with the hyphen, but I'm not sold on it yet.



    Missile Man.jpg

    No hyphen

  2. I can't quite find the combo to make this work, so maybe some of the creatives in this thread can help.

    My mind/FF troller, Claustrophobia, needs a revamp. I wanted her costume to convey the feeling of being something that conveys her namesake, without being too bulky i.e. not an armored prison/iron maiden type costume. 


  3. 6 hours ago, MagicalAct said:


    A small-time tech villain for hire named Rebuff, would shield the heavy hitter villains and keep interference at bay with his forcefield device eventually wound up being caught and sent to the Zig. Time passed before he was approached by an old government type who informed him that he had fought alongside his grandfather in WWII on a team of superheroes called the Victory Squad. While he had super powers which got him through the war and slowed his aging, Rebuff's grandfather did not. He was a man in a costume, who inspired those around him as Commander Victorious. Rebuff was given an opportunity. He agreed to carry on his grandfather's legacy and serve Paragon as the new Commander Victorious in exchange for a pardon. Armed with his grandfather's pistols, his grandfather's old costume, his forcefield gear from his days as Rebuff, and several even more minor-er villains he's tried to convince to go straight with him as the new Victory Squad.


    In all my years of playing CoH I've never really got into MMs, the highest I'd play them would be to about the low 30s and then just get bored but I've really enjoyed Commander who should be 50 shortly after writing this. Part of is just that feeling that your pets do everything but thanks to being active with forcefield and kind of a strange build I'm constantly dual wielding, emptying clips, and liberal use of the fighting pool Commander Victorious is right there fighting alongside his squad.

    That's a great costume

  4. I've tried and tried to get into kinetic melee, because it has such great thematic potential and the animations are very cool. But it seems so underwhelming to actually play and I'm wondering if it would be more enjoyable if the devs could maybe lower the damage slightly and speed up the animations to give it more of that crunch factor that makes brutes fun to play. I don't know where it ranks currently in overall power set usage, but I believe it was pretty low when that report initially came out a year or two ago.


    Anyone else think that would be a viable change? If not, does anyone else have other suggestions?

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