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Posts posted by Phanto

  1. Do you do the old school contacts, or do you skip them entirely?


    As a completionist, I feel some obligation to do them, but completing them all would be extremely time consuming. 


    Is there any advantage to doing old school contacts instead of relying totally on Flashbacks?

  2. This is a very petty thing, but as a perfectionist it really bugs me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


    I accidentally failed one of the Safeguard Missions, and now I permanently have "Tasks Failed = 1" on my kiosk profile.


    I know these kiosks are old as hell and don't really matter, but why do they have to keep track of your failed missions? I'm not against failing missions, but why do they have to keep a permanent record of it??


    In the next update, could you just remove that stupid "Failed Tasks" thing? It would probably take two seconds to edit it out and would be a big relief to lots of OCD people!

    • Haha 1
  3. When we chat with the contacts, why does the font have to be so small? Could you give the option to increase the font size a little? In most conversations, the words are barely taking up any space in the menu.


    I like reading all the story stuff, but I have a large monitor and get tired of having to focus on the small letters all the time. I have 20/20 vision, but its still a pain after a while.


    This option already exists for the chat windows. Why not the contact/NPC conversations?

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  4. The Sorcery power pool has an excellent and unique color palette that can't be recreated in the Character Creator. Its a collage of purples and blues.


    Could you make this palette available to all powers in the Power Customization menu? You could add it as a special option along with Bright, Dark, etc. It would be so awesome to have ALL my powers with this same palette, and not just Sorcery. 


    You could even add the Experimentation and Force of Will palettes as well.



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  5. Maybe I'm being OCD, but I hate having incomplete contacts in my Inactive Contacts list.


    It would be great for us completionists if there were a way to finish all those old contacts. I know that Ouroboros offers old missions, but the problem is that (as far as I know), Ouroboros only offers missions which award badges and/or souvenirs. Even then, (as far as I know), the updated contact relationship isn't saved on your list.


    A possible solution would be for Ouroboros to allow us to search by both mission and contact name. I also heard that Thunderspy allows you to unlock old contacts manually when you speak to them.


    Anyway, thanks for reading this!

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  6. 3 hours ago, Arc-Mage said:

    Oh, I get that. It doesn't matter. You can still hit every contact in Ouroboros. If you don't get enough CXP to talk to the next contact just hit them up in Ouroboros.


    Are all contacts available through Ouroboros? From what I understand, Ouroboros only offers missions that award badges and/or souvenirs, and even after that, you don't maintain the contact and relationship. Maybe there is some function I'm missing. I'd love to complete some of the relationships with old and inactive contacts.

  7. Considering that a Germany-based EU server (Reunion) already exists, do you think there's any possibility for a west coast USA server? Currently all the North American servers are in Quebec.


    I work in Asia and get horrendous lag on all servers (consistently 250+) Based on my experience in other games, the lag is manageable for me if the servers are based on the west coast. In that case it will be in the 150-200 range, which is still isn't ideal but is playable.


    Of course, west coast servers would also be loved by the many people who live in that area!

  8. Right now whenever you wear a hat you can see a short hairstyle hanging out the back! What if you just want to be bald guy with a hat? Or a fully bandaged mummy with a hat?


    Can we have the option to wear hats that exclude the hair? The hairless assets already exist in the game, they just need to be combined with hats.

    • Like 2
  9. 13 minutes ago, GM Sijin said:

    I think, and could very well be wrong, the limiting factor is actually the UI. I've heard that certain elements of the UI are.... unfriendly... to being changed. Not sure if the title selection element is one of them.


    There could have been theming reasons behind the original choice, too. Like as not there were. Though if selecting your title is all about choice, I'm not sure the wisdom behind arbitrarily limiting that choice. Perhaps to make Origins seem a little more important? Who can say. I like the idea of opening up title selection a bit, regardless.

    That all sounds very plausible, though I hope that the UI limitation isn't real in this case. In regards to original reasons for the title restrictions, I'm guessing its a matter of "it seemed like a good idea at the time".


    In this image I borrowed from Paragon WIki, we can see a list of titles available to this particular character. We also see a scroll-down function, which implies that the list could be extended. I'm obviously not an authority on the CoH UI, but this gives me some hope that more titles could be added.



  10. I have a game suggestion which has been on my mind since way back in the day. Have a look at this https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Titles


    It never made sense to me that titles would be held behind Origin and Alignment restrictions. Why can't a Natural origin be "wise"? Why can't a Science origin be "strange"? It makes no sense to me and serves no real purpose in the game. For the sake of player creativity and investment, I think the Origin and Alignment restrictions should be removed.


    What do you think? If you like the idea, give some support in the comments.


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