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Rathys (SC)

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Posts posted by Rathys (SC)

  1. 1 hour ago, jagspowar said:

    How do you get Mu Mastery powers at level 38? It won't give me the option to even talk to the arbiter til Level 40.

    Respec after you do the arc, probably.

    3 hours ago, Crysis said:

    I suspect the Devs themselves would say they are leveraging market economic experience learned from the 6+ years the SCORE servers were run in secret.  Much smaller player population than even what we have in HC today across all shards.


    However it’s rumored that the SCORE market economics were pretty different than how it works even here as of today or a week ago.  I never played on the secret server so only have a few reports and videos to go by.


    Bottom line, only time will tell if this has any negative or positive impact on the game.  I’m not sure THEY are sure either.

    It will definitely be interesting to see what comes of it. Seems kind of like a crap shoot to me, but like I said, I'm no expert. I didn't see a problem with the way things were, and my motto is if isn't broke, don't fix it. But obviously some people thought it was broke, otherwise they wouldn't have touched it.

  2. 4 hours ago, Crysis said:

    By definition, since all the current Dev team are working with code that was (ahem) “liberated” minus any real documentation or experience writing the original, they are all mostly hacking someone else’s creation.  And historical posts by the original Cryptic Devs on the archived Live forums would have us believe even back then the code was pretty much already a hot mess.


    Ive been pretty vocal that I think they nerfed AE influence too harshly with this and the past nerf.  But it’s their game we are being allowed to play, not ours, and we can choose to play what we are given or go play something/somewhere else because they have their own design ideas on how things “should be” and unless one of us wants to create a different instance of this game to compete with HC, nothing to do here but take it or leave it.

    I think their hope is that if people are making less money, prices will drop on the expensive IOs so people who play the game "normally" will be more able to purchase the higher marked IOs. I don't know how likely that is to happen, I'm not a market expert or a flipper, but I believe that is their intention.

    As a very casual player, playing mostly for nostalgia, I don't think there was anything wrong with how things were. I was able to casually farm and relax when I felt like it, and could also do TFs/missions on my decked out toons when I wanted. I understand the Dev intention with the nerf, I just don't know how likely it is to be "better" than it was to begin with.

  3. I understand the soulbound allegiance build up is bugged, but just to be clear - there is no longer a reason to put the "gaussian's chance to build up" proc in Thugs Enforcers anymore, as it only procs on the player now instead of the pets themselves? And only when you summon enforcers themselves, not just constantly over time?

  4. Thanks for the discussion. Looks like I'll have to figure out how to get on the beta server to test out some builds at some point. I've been pretty lazy with my builds since homecoming launched aside from my fire farmer, but building a stalker certain ways is pretty interesting with the ATOs and how procs work - so I'm willing to put a little more work into optimization.

  5. @Dr Causality Thanks for the post. Very interesting take with focusing on all of the procs and dropping accuracy due to alpha choices, and using shred in the main rotation too.


    Definitely something I'll experiment with. I'm a little concerned with managing endurance, even with vigor. I guess I'll have to level up my stalker a little more to see how it goes. Thanks again, really well thought out choices, and stalker is probably one of my least familiar ATs, so I appreciate the careful explanations as well.

  6. 16 hours ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

    Maybe no patrol exp? Otherwise idk.

    It was this. Didn't know I needed patrol XP for it to work. Must've missed that somewhere.


    Thanks for the help!

    11 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    1. Anybody else in the farm with you.

    2. You might of changed your setting level without realizing it

    3. Settings for EB/AV or solo

    I honestly don't know much, had settings screwed up that was similar on my farmer before I fixed it.

    Apparently you need patrol XP for it to work, and I didn't know that. Thanks for the suggestions anyways 🙂

  7. Did the exemplar bonus inf get nerfed at some point? These are my settings, on +4/x8 on the 2915 map. When I enter I'm getting auto-exemplared to 49, and not getting XP, but still only getting the same inf numbers as I do at level 50 with XP turned off on the regular (xp) fire farm.

    Here are my settings for the 2915 (lvl49) map, which I think are right:




    Anything else I could be missing?


    Edit: here's a screenshot of my inf drops, which I believe are standard level 50 rewards. Not the level 49 exemplar amount.


  8. It's probably the best all around MM secondary, especially paired with bots for the free protector bot shield. Great buffs, debuffs, and defense softcap for smash/lethal/energy in incarnate content (with bots shield), and defense cap for everything in normal content. You can probably even get def soft capped in incarnate content without the bots shield, but it will take some IO set trickery.


    With how easy it is to get "rare" IOs with merits now, /time is better than ever since it honestly doesn't take much to get it beefed out. Perma hasten and perma Crono Shift is easily possible with 5 LotG procs and a few set bonuses and agility alpha incarnate (easily obtainable in Homecoming). Don't even need purple or PvP IOs to accomplish any of it. With purples you could probably even drop the agility alpha for something else.


    It won't buff damage as much as /kin, but it also pairs well with a /kin because all of the recharge buffs from time makes the damage buffs from /kin that much more powerful.


    The only real drawback of /time is that it's a bit of a late blooming set and requires power boost from mace mastery epic pool to get the most benefit out of Farsight, and also a bit of IOs before it's powerful. Some other sets feel super powerful out of the gate. But if you're looking for an end game farming/AV soloing/group all around strong MM, it's hard to beat /time.

  9. Most of this is memory from before CoH shut down, so forgive me if anything has changed since then:


    Bots/Time is probably the best all around MM after investing a little bit. Great team buffs, enemy debuffs and great solo survivability. Won't buff damage as much as a kin, but has some good recharge buffs that stack well with other support damage buffs.


    With power boost and farsight, it's pretty easy to defense soft cap with a protector bot shield and some minimal defense set bonuses. If farsight was a toggle, and power boost interacted with it differently, it would be a lot worse. But power boost is very strong with clicky defensives compared to toggles, since it lasts the entire duration of the click rather than the 15 seconds of power boost.


    You can also give your allies a nice chunk of defense too, not as much as FF though. But close, and more def for yourself than FF has. Your double shielded bots will easily hit defense softcap as well. With Scorpion shield it's not hard to hit 65% personal defense to smashing/lethal/energy, which will let you tank most incarnate content too. Perma hasten and perma time Tier 9 (forgot the name) is pretty easy to hit too with a few LotG and a incarnate alpha agility (easier now in Homecoming). Debuffs on par with most of the other sets, -acc (not as much as rad or dark, but farsight buff more than makes up for it), -def, -dam, -damage resist. Has a good amount of -regen, not as much as rad and traps, but enough to solo AVs though. Some decent soft control with tons of -recharge, an AoE random "pulsing" hold, as well as a single target hold for nastier mobs like sappers. Has some okay healing and regen too.


    Basically, time is an all around good buffer/debuffer that can defense soft cap yourself and get your team well on the way there.


    Does lack CC resist, but unlike rad and dark, you can def soft cap without offensive toggles. So even if you get CC'd and your offensive toggle drops, you're still def capped and pretty much unkillable. Basically, you won't get CC'd often, and when you do, it won't matter much compared to some of the other supports power sets. Also, even though you're defense soft capped, you're still weak to -def debuffs that manage to hit you. But that's a weakness of almost all def softcapped class in the game besides sets built for it that have defense debuff resistance, like SR.


    I think overall, /time is just better than /traps. I think /traps is really clunky with the force field generator, acid mortar, and poison trap, and having to set stuff up, and /time has better/more dependable buffs and debuffs, outside of the more powerful -regen in traps.  In general, I think /time is just faster as you aren't depending on setting things up, and traps going off when you want them to and hitting the targets you want them to. I had a bots/traps for a long time before /time came out, and my /time just felt a little smoother and more consistent after investing some IOs and getting incarnate stuff.


    I think /traps has only slightly less potential than /time though, so if you like the playstyle of setting stuff up and being a "trapper", it probably won't make much of difference 90% of the time. I do think /traps and /time are easily the best "solo everything" MM secondaries though. Everything else lacks the debuffs and/or pseudo invincibility for the hardest content. I think if farsight didn't work with power boost the way it does, it would be a little closer. Also, Homecoming making it easier to get incarnate abilities and LotG procs just makes /time that much easier to setup, where /traps is a little less dependent on those things.

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  10. Last Update: June 18, 2019




    I25 v3:


    -Added Enhancement Sets to Tanker Regeneration Primary


    I25 v2:


    -Removed Unused Pool Powers (Experimentation, Force of Will, Gadgetry, Utility Belt)

    -Fixed /Kin and /Rad Secondaries for Mastermind (/kin and /rad secondaries had no powers, errors when switching to another secondary)

    -Fixed Stalker /Radiation Armor power order and level requirements (Proton Armor and Fallout Shelter out of order, wrong level requirment)





    -Can't delete Pool Power fitness tree without causing problems with Inherent fitness - Stamina

    -When loading a save for Mastermind /kin or /rad, powers are still in the build but not selected in the power choices. End result is that you can plan and save a build, but can't remove powers after reloading a saved build.

    -Some values still incorrect for some power sets.

    -No values for tanker Regeneration powers.


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