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Everything posted by mrgambit

  1. Something went wrong with excelsior earlier. Might've brought the whole thing down to figure out what went wrong.
  2. Gonna try to keep this short. Been a good year and a half since I've played but it seems like a lot has changed for both stone armour and tanker in general, this is the build I currently have on the character. How can I improve this? I imagine I can probably drop a mace attack or a defense mule for combat teleport, moving sets around ETC. Alternatively I've heard that granite-lite/graniteless builds are also doing far better since the changes. Does it hold up for tankers because i can't deny that there's some appeal in playing the build with more 'normal' mobility. Jurassik Junior - Tanker (Stone Armor - War Mace).mbd
  3. I remember having to sweet-talk every kin i met so my rocky backside could keep up haha
  4. Lots of good choices here! If I had to pick something? It'd have to be freezing rain/sleet. Boatloads of long-lasting soft control and debuffs right out of the box that's also not too hard to bring down to a pretty short cooldown. Gets even better when you have a second person that can also summon it. You love using it, but also can really mess you up if you're not careful against enemies that have it in AE arcs and such.
  5. Seeing some D&D stuff again recently inspired me to make the cackling brute Gnoll Mercy
  6. I've had this poor fella sitting at 50 since pretty early in the server's life but have passed em up for other characters for a while now. I don't really know too much about controller in this day & age so I would appreciate any nudge in the right direction. Definitely loving the stone guy but I'm not 100% sold on empathy these days.
  7. Martial Arts needs some love for sure. It has some strengths but those strengths could be accentuated. If I could make a greedy pick in sets that could use some TLC? Battle axe comes to mind. Unless you're sold on the concept of using an axe, or prefer more knockdowns. I rarely find a reason to want to use it over war mace. This could creep into rework territory but I wish it had something to differentiate it from its sibling some more (Different animations, maybe a radically different power.)
  8. Bit of a weird ask. But does anyone still happen to have a copy of the old promo character creator floating around? Most of the links and mirrors for it are dead. I don't really have a good reason for wanting it beyond a bit of a nostalgia trip.
  9. I am sincerely curious as to what server you joined, cause you're hitting me with some culture shock. Come to Everlasting. I know it's the "roleplay" server, but if you're looking to just group up and slap things I cannot suggest it enough. Most of what I see on there is just doing some radios, "Kill as we go" TFs. You can usually find at least 2 or 3 other people for whatever you're doing at the time.
  10. Managed to get the name Cairn. Pretty excited! I'm kinda shocked it took that long for someone to grab that name! I was using it there for my main dude around launch until the devs made server transfers available.
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