37143 mep'z DaMah Mish! Sum mewromz roam DaKasred Keiv, & Kehte McKehtezon kawld u 2 purrge tha'. Blast 'll thoose Pseudo Kehtez.
Itz a lawtuva Kehtez & DaKehtez. Itz a Smosh/Lisol Da Ffahme! & it has a Plot!
Ermahgerd it has a plot!
It has a NEMESIS plot.
Yah l said it's a Nemesis plot.
It's a plot and it's Nemesis.
It's Nemesis plot!
Da Mish'z Nemesis Plot!
37143'z a Plawt! And it's Nemeziz!
It's a Nemesis plawththe.
Yah as l've already said it has a Nemesis Plot!
Architect mission 37143 has a nemesis plot!
And gr8 to plop to ur tewn a bubble of missin' XP to ur new lvl.
And has a Nemesis Plot!
And it has a Nemesis Plot!
And it also has the nemesis plot!
Dun FURget it's 37143.
And a nemesis plot. Go hunt. Blerst DaPseudoKehtez!
And a nemesis plot.
If ur skviss youz JetPek powah & howah abov enemyz. Naw defdebuffin' instad nuffin.
Itz Nemezis Plahththe!