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  1. My first foray into Dominators is a plant/psi with permadom. I actually wrote off controls and enjoyed melee and range after a very meh experience with a illusion/ff controller many years ago. I wanted to give Doms a shot for once... and I absolutely LOVE my plant/psi. Drain Psyche is really that good. Seeds of Confusion is really that good. Roots is really that good. Ok, you get the idea. I haven't played Mind/Fire, but I can tell you that plant/psi is enough of a "in your face scrapper" that it satisfied my melee range needs. Not to mention the fact that many of the powers in psi do best when you're in close range. When building, I focused on +recharge and +defense of course. Permadom is great by itself, but you really can really enjoy destroying things when you're at the S/L defense soft cap too.
  2. I've led an all melee ITF speeder, but never an all brute force. This is awesome! I'd love to join in next time.
  3. Although it isn't part of your list in the original post, I'd strongly recommend Water/Kin. Kinetics pairs up nicely with a lot of primaries, but I feel like it really gets things boiling with water. All of the self damage buffing with Fulcrum Shift and Siphon Power stack up nicely and gives you some nice killing power with all of those blasts. You'll always be the life of a team too. It's active and very fast paced. So you won't feel like a buff bot at all.
  4. It's interesting how so many threads tend to derail into the same direction of "Incarnates and heavily IOd builds makes the game less interesting"... I can't say I disagree with those statements. But back on the subject opened, I definitely agree with the feeling around toggle debuts. I never actually played a radiation emission character on live, but I decided to roll one in Homecoming. I had always heard about rad being so amazing and tide turning... but I was actually disappointed in the performance of the character for the same reasons you mentioned. I feel like crowds are melted and dispersed and the debuts make no difference. I've had to make a couple of shifts to keep things interesting for myself. I only really bring the character out to do task force/ strike force content, trials, and anything else where there's a single or several really tough targets. If I bring her out in PUGs, I just feel like a subpar blaster with a paltry heal. All that to say... I think it would be less frustrating if the debuffs were not toggle and just were powers to fire off. If the idea is to prevent a single player from applying the same debuff more than once to a particular target, I'd hope some clever coding could angle around that and keep things balanced. I realize the ability to apply the same debuff to more than one target might be an issue, but I am confident that minds steeped in the arena could figure out ways to prevent something game breaking there too. Troya
  5. Hello- first time poster, recent lurker, and refugee from years ago here. Super glad to be back in action in the game I love! I did a search in this forum and don't think this has been requested. I think that Clear Mind should be applied with the same splash effect that other sets use to apply their buffs. Take Kinetics for example... if the buffer applies Speed Boost to a nearby teammate, all teammates standing nearby the target get splashed receive the buff. This is helpful as it dramatically cuts down on the time needed to cast this buff around the whole team. I can't think of a game breaking reason why Empaths should have to apply this individually vs applying via splash. Thanks! Troya
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