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Posts posted by Stygus

  1. On 12/25/2020 at 6:41 AM, Fomsie said:

    Any info on the combo or opinions based on user experience would be great. Like, does Savage have the damage output on a Tanker to solo with reliability? Can it put out enough for the +4/x8 Solo ITF Shenanigans? I feel like it should pair well with Dark Armor, but my experience on it is limited to a Savage/WP brute and a Savage/SD stalker.

    I have a DA/ Savage Melee tank that I love playing, from the first level up it has been a breeze. I'm at level 46 now and do not have my first debt badge, been levelling through soloing arcs, just did a Malta and Nemesis one, and teaming with SG and some PUGing, it has had utility in all circumstances, soloing is quick enough for a tank, the build is solid enough for higher end team play, and it can hold aggro well,

    The synergy between the end redux coming from the secondary with end drain of the primary make it so much easier to run than that of other DA builds,

    As for soloing +4/x8 TFs and such I think that will come down to your budget, but if you have the inf, I would say that it is very doable,

    Yesterday I was soloing Maxwell Christopher's arc, at a modest +2/x4 and for each mob Savage Leap from max distance, Build Up then Rending Fury  and there were no minions to hit, just an LT or two, sometimes just a boss,

    Just my 2 inf


  2. We're trying to put together teaming/event nights for players in Asia and Oceania,


    We are, at present ~3 players, so there's room on teams and whatnot,


    This week we'll be starting around 5:30ish PM Tuesday, Beijing time, the plan is to roll up new toons and take them through the Galaxy city tutorial on Reunion, from there to the mean streets of Paragon,


    If you are interested, or want to know more PM me here or in game @Stygus

  3. 1 hour ago, Jacke said:



    I've yet to do either of the new arcs, didn't look at them during the beta wanting to experience them once they were polished.  This is a rather large spread of experiences, especially troubling on the bad end.  @CaptainLupis, @Stygus, could you both tell us more about your respective runs with more details, like what toons did you bring, teamed or not, etc.


    I'll have to find time to run it meself as well.

    I solo'd it at +1/x2or3 on a level 43 DA/SM tanker, through Oro, 


    Had a couple of rough moments but no faceplants, 


    There're some tricky bits, but mainly because it's new and you don't know what to expect, 


    Looking forward to running it tomorrow with some SG mates, 


    I'd suggest taking at lower dif the first time you try it, whatever you think would be comfortable, but it's rewarding, the dialogue is good, and the arc makes sense and wraps some loose ends with the Vahz,  


    Hope that helps, also pack insps, I ended loading my email with a few extra just in case

    • Like 1
  4. I think I'll be repeating others if I give my view, but for what it's worth I think more content is what I'd like to see, the new arcs are great, and it's stuff like that that keep me playing, and I don't think I'm alone, 


    A harder mode that's optional is fine, but doesn't affect me as my fun doesn't really come from picking or designing an optimal build, I like to push my characters when I solo but on teams I like to run at the difficulty level where we all can enjoy ourselves, 


    But it's content and story that make enjoy the game, just my two inf

    • Like 4
  5. Hi there, a quick note before I give my comments, I really enjoy the feeling of progression past 50, for me in pre-Incarnate times, hitting 50 felt like the end of a character, the Incarnate system extended them, and that is something I have really enjoyed and HC the vet levels add to that, I still get to go "ding" which makes me happy

    What you like

    The progress, and the different powers to play with, I know that there are "optimal" selections, but I don't feel pressured to take them, and I try to follow the characters' theme or story to help me select the ones that fit

    What don't you like

    I often feel that there is no "reason" to have them, I mean they do good things but I don't see them fitting into a narrative very well, for example why does my mutant tanker all of a suddent have Tsoo "ghosts" following them around? It's cool that I can do that but I feel like they aren't necessary, really wish that future content provided context for some of these abilities

    Balance of the sets

    This is a place that I don't have a strong comment on, I don't really care about balance, I think that's why CoH appeals to me, it isn't very balanced, Incarnates as well,

    I do wish I had more options, but that's just me, I realise adding to the system would bring up the question of balance to many of the players here

    The crafting system

    I'll echo what has already been said, get rid of the shards, switch everything over to threads, maybe make threads transferable between characters or accounts, for those that have too many of them, maybe at a loss like 3 for 1

    Where you'd like to see them go

    This is the part where I feel I would be asking for the moon, but I would love to see this, someday, way down the road, the game to continue the super hero/villain story,

    Magic origins developing world shattering powers to deal with Dormammu,

    Mutants facing Apocalypse and his horsemen,

    Everyone standing against Darkseid, Galactus and so on

    I want to feel the transition from fifteen year old Peter Parker, all the way to crazy overpowered Kal-El, and for that to work there needs to be themes and stories that make that make sense, and after that there needs to be a sandbox for those OP toons to play in, Dark Astoria is amazing but I'd also like to run around on Apokolips, deal with the evil future version of myself and their mobs ala Adam Warlock, go toe to toe with the Greek pantheon and so on

    In a more general sense, to continue the progression, whether that is more Incarnate slots and level shifts, which is fine, if it's a mechanic that every 500 vet levels your secondary shifts to primary power levels one power at a time, or you get a brand new power set to slot, or just new slots for existing powers, or tier 6-9 slotting for existing Incarnate abilities, whatever it is as long as I feel I'm going somewhere I'm happy


    That's my two inf

  6. First thing I should say, most of my toons are tanks, I love them, my very first character back during i6 was an Inv/FM tank, second Inv/EM, then Ice/FM, Stone/Stone ....

    The one that I fell in love with was Fire/Fire, and this was pre-IOs and incarnates, before inherent stamina, so it was one ST attack, Scorch, until quite late, I just had so much fun with it, my first two 50s were Fire/Fire tanks, and they are the only 2 I remade on HC out of all my old characters, and now that they are IO slotted with Incaranate abilities they are just awesome fun to play,

    I think part of the appeal is that for most of the time they run like any other tanker but there will be moments of "Oh crap" and you have to use whatever you've got to keep them going, which is fun

    Oh, and the damage, which is nice, three PBAoEs, decent ST chain, which is great for holding aggro, good for soloing and sturdy enough for teaming

  7. To start I have to say that being a not-that-young person I really appreciate the sheer amount of media that I'm getting nowadays, DCU and MCU have been fun, barring a couple of misfires, so much better than a lot of stuff that came before, and it doesn't feel like it's pandering to the typical audience, they know geeks are watching, we know the lore, we've seen the characters before and we're getting nice/new interpretations of these heroes most of the time,


    Who is your favorite hero? Captain Marvel, loved the powerset, loved how it was interpreted, really happy they retconned her origin

    Who is your least favorite hero? I think Scaret Witch, just because she hasn't been given a clear characterisation, hopefully the tv show will fix that

    Who is your favorite villain? Ego, the way that was handled made the character a really pleasant surprise, and Russel really made you want to see him go down

    Who is your least favorite villain? I think Ultron, he just didn't make sense to me as a character, his choices seemed random, couldn't get into his head

    Who is your favorite actor? Too many, Sam Jackson as Fury is great, Chris Evans rocks, Brie Larson did an amazing job, Jude Law for turning a one note character like Yon Rogg into someone multi-dimensional, Benedict Wong for being the most memorable actor from a film that had some crazy talent, and so on. I think that 90% of the casting has been great

    Who is your least favorite actor? Ed Norton, felt nothing from him, thought that he didn't sell the role

    What is your favorite movie in the MCU? The first Thor is one I can rewatch a lot, plot is simple and straightforward but it lands for me, and the casting was amazing

    What is your least favorite movie? A toss up, I definitely didn't enjoy Incredible Hulk, preferred Ang Lee's over it. Iron Man 2, Thor 2, and Avengers 2, watched them and forgot them


    However I should add that after Endgame I started to get hero-fatigue, still watching stuff however, since then I've watched less, haven't seen the second Holland Spider-man, might not get around to it. Last thing I watched was Doom Patrol, loved how they worked the Morrison run in throughout the series arc

  8. On 6/1/2019 at 5:59 AM, Robotech_Master said:

    I remember on the old RP Congress site, I posited a secret conspiracy of the elevator repairman's union to explain how even decrepit ruined skyscrapers in Boomtown or rusty abandoned bases or laboratories nonetheless had working elevators. Even Lord Recluse knew better than to mess with them.

    Anyone else flash to Community's school of air conditioner repair here?

    The ancient consipracy of elevator repairmen, something to shudder about

    • Like 2
  9. I would like to second, third or probaly twelfth the idea of getting her back with people who know how to behave. I run on Everlasting and Reunion, but I'd move an alt over to be on Team Karen, my global is @Stygus

    It is part of the responsibility of a community member to remind other players what is and is not tolerated by this community, and hopefully that can be shown,

    And vis-vis the behaviour of the trolls, if they can be reported, i.e. you have chat logs or screenshots I would ask you to do so, not only for the sake of your daughter but for everyone who wants to enjoy this game,

    Finally, if the OP is reading this please convey my apologies for this obnoxious behaviour, it should not have gotten to where it did, and it is a darn shame that it did

  10. Hi there, the game is going strong, not sure what issues you had with teaming, 

    You'll see people running DFB's those are low level trials, from level 1 up, mission teams can be found from your team tab, 

    Don't be afraid to start your own team the game and players are pretty forgiving, 

    I'm in Asia so time zones are wonky, but you can get me at @Stygus

    I play on Everlasting,  but I have toons on Reunion,  look me up if you get stuck, 

    Hope you get a lot out of the game

  11. I rolled one up the other day, so far loving it, SM is a nice set, and it helps with DA end drain, still in the low levels now, but at 16 it feels like a pretty sturdy damage capable tank!

    • Like 1
  12. HI there, I played this game from just after issue 6, and then off and on again until it closed,

    It has always been a great game to play in, what with the costume creator, the storylines I have enjoyed, especially blueside Crey and Council ones, and the newer ones, loved the Protean one,

    I met good people, had amazing RP with super cool players,

    Now, because of the Homecoming team, I get to relive those memories and make new ones, and it's not just the servers, it's the boards and the community, that I remember, I cannot thank you enough for that, to be able to come back to a world that was lost, I am very grateful

  13. For me, I find micro-transactions break immersion and pull me out of the game, so if they are included, I would really like to see a subscription model rolled out alongside, so that people like me can continue to enjoy the game, and the bells and whistles can be added without altering game-play.

    Further to that perhaps adopting something akin to the Kingdom of Loathing donation/subscription model would make the player base content,


    As for the game itself, I love the idea of new content, within reason, but new arcs, new stories, I like the idea of new ATs but I don't really need them, I think the present variety gives us enough,

    However as was earlier said I would love if the build changing allowed you to change AT instead of just power picks/slotting, so one toon could have a tank build, MM and a blaster, and so on,


    If it were possible, having a nemesis system, maybe a generic arc with your nemesis stuck in as AV, the arc being origin, AT and choice dependent, could be fun,


    Or a nemesis group, to replace the somewhat generic gang, one group that would pop up as you progressed, targeting you specifically, there could be ambushes and what have you, and they could be showing up in the more common style missions; for example: click the glowie, defeat all, then rescuse someone's dog type of things,


    As for transparency, NCSoft and all that, I want the game to be online and available, I don't need much more, so whatever makes that work, I should be happy with

    • Like 2
  14. Hi all Virtue people, I was Stygus back in the day, main toons were; blueside Lo Faan, Erly, Qin ko and Stygus

    Redside, Natasha Nadir and Sehkhemet, 

    These days I'm on Reunion, best connection from where I live, 

    Reading through the thread now and seeing a few familiar names, can't believe how long it's been


    I was a member of the Dauntless Reverie, though not the most active one

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