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Posts posted by VileTerror

  1. We -sort- of have something like that, Ironblade; the Reputation System.

    I don't know if it's possible but the Homecoming Team might consider adding a Dev-only Rep button.  But Rep'ing every single post would get tedious, to be sure.

    Even still, we do see the Devs and GMs Rep'ing various posts here and there.  Maybe we could just encourage them to Rep a little more frequently?

  2. My thoughts were more about having variations of Blast Sets where the player has weapons/tools/devices to "cast" the Blasts.


    So, going to go ahead and pop that foot in my mouth prematurely anyway, it seems.


    My idea was to have it so that -every- Blast Set has a Weapon Slot in the Costume Editor.  Every weapon also has a texture "skin" which is 100% translucent, thus allowing for the weapon to be invisible (this would be the default for most Blast Sets).  Weapons would include Rifles, Ray-Guns, Pistols, Wands, Staves, or (in the case of Sonic) Guitars.

    THEN in the Power Customization section we would have the appropriate animations for all of these various props.  

    So, this means that "yes, the player can mix and match a 'bad' combination of Prop and Animation."  Holding a Guitar like a Pistol, and doing the 'throw' animation for Fire Blast might look janky and awful to most people.  I personally feel the power should be in the hands of the individual player to decide if it looks appropriate for their character, though.


    There's more to my idea, which revolves around sets like Traps, but I -definitely- need to do my research before offering that suggested solution.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Oof . . . this is going to be a tough one for me.  A sizeable percentage of my characters are Natural, including both my mains . . . 

    Except my Hero main's appearance doesn't fit the bill for traditional "Natural."  While it won me costume contests back in 2004 through to 2007, it's only received honourable mentions since Homecoming.

    My main villain's appearance is pretty plain . . . I could run around in a birthday suit and be au naturel, but somehow I think that might be grounds for a disqualification.


     . . . right, so . . . I guess I know who I'll bring.


    Before this costume contest hits, though . . . one request?  Please give us a costume-change emote that is Natural-friendly?  

    There was a suggestion months ago for an animation which summons a phonebooth or wardrobe, which the character steps in to, then steps out of with their new appearance.

    (Not seriously; I know new animations are a nightmare to add.  Would be AMAZING to have, but I know that realistically the chances are in the slim-to-none department.)

  4. If you "escape" Galaxy City Tutorial before picking an alignment, the game awards you the Praetorian-titled Badges.  HOWEVER, it also locks you out from using Null the Gull.

    Not terribly helpful for an already existing character, of course.  For that, you'll need to visit  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15184-gender-locked-badges/  and try to help us convince the Homecoming Team to unlock all Badge Titles across as gender-models and Alignments.

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