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Everything posted by Badgemaster

  1. I have just returned after a long time away! I don't know if anybody has done this one yet, but I proudly present a character I started 3 months ago when I left, and finished just this morning: The Living Geode! (Stone/Stone Tanker) Rainbows come out of him when he runs. Try and guess all the gems/ore/stone on him and I'll do... something?
  2. Made a Nature/Water defender mushroom man called 'Fungus Amongus'. It's really hard to make mushroom people. Sadly, I don't have much reason to play a support, what with being a solo player. He'll have to sit at the bottom of the character list for now.
  3. I only got to play this for like a year before it was shut down, I got to it pretty late. Thanks for letting me collect badges again, your badgemittment brings a badge to my badge!
  4. Cosmion! Warshade and collector of badges! First Costume Character was originally made to collect badges, and his original name was Badgemaster, so naturally I made him out to look like Taskmaster since I couldn't think of much else and just wanted to play the game. Got sick of this costume around level 30, got tired of looking at the cape; the unoriginality of it also contributing to my dislike of it. Second Costume Renamed him to Cosmion after I realized I wanted to make other characters, and that I could just have my chat handle and username be Badgemaster instead. I figured that since he's a Warshade(and a good guy), that I should build his costume around that concept. His human attacks and aura are tinted blue in contrast to the more alien Nova and Dwarf forms. Initial costume design is based on Captain Universe Spider-Man which has been my favorite Spider-Man costume since Spider-Man 2000 on PS1. I kept trying to add more details onto the suits I was making to replace the old one, and I finally realized that it would be best if I made it simpler, more cosmic ya know? edit - removed the leg star+fin becus i didn like it no more
  5. Ernst Reijseger - Shadow
  6. Captain Castillo started his spiel as he normally does at the end of the Mediport story arc, he conned blue and faded away, and another Castillo at half health came out. However, I noticed that the old Castillo was still there, though his body had disappeared and he was now a floating gun ally. He started attacking himself until we killed him(the new Castillo), and then the titan came out and finished the old Castillo off. I took a screencap, and though I had clicked on him so that you could see him better with the UI and all, I didn't know screencaps removed the UI, so I have put a helpful red square box around the floating gun. I believe that while this is funny as hell, it is unintended. EDIT - came back to double check a few things and found that i had posted this in the wrong area, can somebody move this? i meant to post it in bug reports.
  7. Was playing through Lords of Death arc on new Warshade character, when I got to Part 3: Deep Cover. Quest proceeds as it does for non-kheldian characters until the little arena fight. The opponent will spawn as normal but additionally a mob with a quantum array gun will spawn from where the police come from and rush the players position, continually downing him or her with the gun. I got through him after a single death, then when the police showed up, a half dozen skulls mobs with quantum array guns spawned all around the area and rushed my position, downing me, and then melting me. The only reason I got through the quest was because it auto-completes that section of the quest if you die when the police show up. pls fix bby ty Note - "Kheldian(?)" in title because I do not know if the problem exists for Peacebringers, but presumably it should.
  8. Was loading into Steel Canyon and the loadscreen dragged on for about 15 minutes, so I was forced to close the game, tried to log back in and it has been this result for quite awhile, now.
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