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  1. Pardon me for the late post in this thread but I just want to check something. I did one CoH:H stream before this thread (believe I did it early summer last year, or AT LEAST I only read this thread after) and it was saved with the intention of uploading it to YT later. I've uploaded the rest of the series I streamed (other games, not to worry there) already this week but have held off on this one because I'm not sure if this extends to YT. So far I've assumed so but if anyone can clarify this specific thing (so again: uploading a previously streamed session of CoH:H on my YT channel), that'd be great. Doubt it matters, but if you need to know: I have next to no viewers whatsoever on both channels.
  2. Ah alright. I'm just picky about names so it's a thing, but it won't stop me from starting. Thanks!
  3. One more question that's not actually related but maybe doesn't warrant its own unique thread: are supergroup names still fixed for their existance?
  4. Technology! What will they think of next..
  5. Thanks for the clarification. I'm not certain I will HAVE to worry about it, though. My original intention was just to play this game by myself, casually. A friend may be joining me at times soon as a result of me asking him for help in inviting my characters in. If the maximum is indeed 600 days then even if I get other players in the groups at any time, it should be fine. One can end up without access to an online game for extended periods of time for multiple reasons but longer than that is very unlikely for me.
  6. Ah alright, I didn't know it worked through regular promotion. This wasn't an issue back when I played it on Steam and I was just asking here before making my new groups along with a friend. As for the demotion timer, I'm not sure if the Homecoming team changed this feature? Again, had no experience with it directly last time but according to the regular wiki the minimum is 15 days and the maximum is 45 days, with any amount higher or lower than that automatically adjusted to be within the limits. Just asking because I'm pretty sure I also didn't have (for example) 1000 character slots on the old game or a bunch of free costume slots! Thanks Emmy, I'll check it out! It may be silly to others but I like to figure out which of my characters would be the most likely leader and have them be at the top - even if they're created after the group has already been established.
  7. Hey! Just wondering what the options are when it comes to (as the title says) changing leadership in a supergroup. Couldn't find any mention of a command or interface option that lets the leader (/owner?) transfer their title to another player/character. So question 1: Is letting the timed demotion kick in the only way of making this happen? Follow-up questions.. 2: Can I use this to switch leadership between my own characters? 3: Is there no way to disable the automatic demotion? I'm aware of why the system exists but other than the answer for question 1 being "yes", I have no need for it. Thank you!
  8. This was a creative can of worms! Wahey!
  9. Ah right. So one could safely assume that (besides it not being any priority, I suppose) it's also because of the difficulty involved in making it happen. My game coding knowledge is absolutely minimal so I'm usually just guessing! And yeah, androgynous seems like a nonsense reply to the question! If that carried any weight, surely there'd only be "Normal" and "Huge" - leaving players to fill in the blanks with further body customisation. I think that's what they're doing in Cyberpunk 2077? Not the huge thing, but "achieving" a gender (identity, since it's 2019) through manual customisation. Thanks for the quick reply!
  10. Hiya! Just wondering if there were any plans to add a body type to the list for giant ladies! Well, not just length. But size in all manners like with the regular "Huge" type. I'm not bothered by the lack of it, I don't need it and the lack of it existing is not a dealbreaker for me - before anyone asks. It'd just be fun to have some female characters that aren't just tall but also have the "volume" of the huge male! 😄 I'm sure this has been brought up some time before but I couldn't find it in a quick online search. It's probably too specific and small a thing to really be requested and I can imagine that maybe it's not in the works because the idea is to not mess around too much with the original game code or something? It's fine for me either way, I'm just really curious about it. I can think of some fun things to do (maybe also RP-wise) if such a body type was available. Thank you!
  11. Haai! CoX was a game I started playing pretty late, not a lot or very deep. Didn't really play with anyone either despite having made super groups. But I was completely in love with the character creator and the charm of the simple (accessible I should say?) graphics. Had good fun creating at least one character per archetype and my low level gameplay experience felt like an extension of my messing around in the creator. Then at some point game went F2P, most of my characters got locked. And I don't remember exactly when but sometime after that the game died. I don't remember if I was even actively playing at the time, but that hurt. So as a casual (I'd still call myself a) newbie of that time who missed CoX, I can only imagine how veterans felt. Looking on the net every now and then years ago for any half-decent resurrection left me disappointed. Some projects that were getting crowdfunded but didn't look much like the CoX I had a game-crush on and stuff that didn't sound like they would become a reality anytime soon. So when a streamer I follow on Twitch was in the CoH category maybe a week or so ago I went to ask how they were playing the game because I thought it'd just be this open character creator thing where you run around the city but there's no gameplay. And she told me about Homecoming. Finding out this game was alive and well (albeit in a modestly sized and unofficial capacity) was one of the best surprises of the year. Honestly, I haven't even set foot into the game yet. I've been busy with other stuff for the past few months and I'm currently spending some time making a little list of characters I may want to create soon. But I'm excited. I didn't get the details but something was said about Homecoming being acknowledged as a legitimate version of the game and won't face a possible shutdown? If that is true that's even better news. Long story short, I look forward to making a ton of characters and having fun with them in Homecoming. I don't know if I'll play it intensely/seriously but even if I can just enjoy the power sets for a while that'll be enough for me. Thanks so much for making this a reality!
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