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Everything posted by Sasha_S

  1. Hello! Thank you for the opportunity to submit our group's base for consideration! Supergroup Name: Price-Chatterton Estate Passcode: MANOR-7356 In-game Contact: @Soviet Shadow ('Judy the Contractor') The Price-Chatterton Estate is a small, close-knit supergroup that operates out of the 120-year-old mansion built by our founder's father. The mansion is located along the road to Croatoa but close enough to Paragon City to be outside most of Croatoa's mystic oddities. Constructed of dressed New Hampshire granite in a Gothic Revival style, the mansion has been used both as a base for adventurers and social happenings since the pulp era. Today, it operates both as a social venue AND as a fully-functional supergroup base. While the features (teleporters, medical revivers (via the mausoleum), shop NPCs, etc, are scattered about, they are there for our group and guests to use. The best route to tour the manor is to enter by the main double doors via the courtyard (the side door is quick-access to living quarters and teleporters). There is a main floor, a cellar, and an upper-floor living quarters. The cellar is accessed by the lower left-side doors from the Great Hall (the dark wood-paneled room with the Pillar of Ice and Flame), the upper floor by the upper right-side doors from the Great Hall (or, again, by the side door in the entry fountain courtyard). The formal gardens are accessed by two sets of double doors from the Grand Ballroom. There is also a 'secret' mystic grotto with a couple of hidden entrances for those observant (or curious) enough to find them. Please feel free to show yourself about or contact us in-game to arrange a tour. The teleport points are made to look unobtrusive and we would happily point them out to you if the above directions are not sufficient. Thank you VERY much for running this contest, and for the generous prizes that encourage so many of us to try out our skills and then show them off to the community! - Judy the Contractor for the Price-Chatterton Estate
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