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Everything posted by Reningrendir
I swapped it for a heal proc on eye beam
I've got a build for my character Korgis Prime that is pretty durable in my opinion. The build is mainly focused on min/maxing for durability because I want to be one of the last people to die. Aside from sacrificing some dps for the sake of durability the only weakness here is a lack of self healing. If I'm grouped up that shouldn't be much of an issue. I built in several healing procs so the build has some passive healing. If all the procs are procing at their predicted rate I'm going to be healing 2074.38 hp/min including regen which should be sufficient. With two stacks of phalanx here are my stats to peak your interest Defense: Melee 52% Ranged 48.2% AOE 49.2% Resists: S&L 70.6% Energy 51.2% Fire/cold 46.7% Toxic 43.7% Psionic 31% Korgis Prime.mbd
Have you ever wanted to knock things around like a recking ball and be half as tough as one? This build absolutely nails both those requirements! With this build you're going to get strong single target and AOE knocks up to a 45 mag aoe knock (nova). This build utilizes energy for its defense because you get a great mix of defense and resist. My thought process when choosing a sentinel is as simple as this. With this playstyle you're probably going to catch agro from sending things flying. When catching agro a blaster is the last thing you want to be so there should probably be a reasonably strong amount of damage prevention and mitigation in the build. When it came time to choose which defensive powerset to select I thought practically. Energy is one of my favorite defensive sets for characters who have the 75% limit. The reason for that is because there is no defense limit to those classes. With some common sense IO slotting and picks from the fighting pool you can really round out your resists and defenses. Disclaimers... This build will not be top damage in any group of 50's. Because I made sacrifices to include more knock, the fire resistance is a lot lower than it would typically be in a standard build. 19% isn't good, but 39% fire defense makes up for it. The purpose of this build is to have fun sending things flying around the map. A mag 45 knock back is going to put things on top of buildings and probably annoy your team mates so if you get a pm telling you to cool it post a screen shot below. Strengths Knock: Your enemies are going to get sent to the moon Self healing: The heal is going to give you 682 hp and a 340 hp shield with a 28 sec recharge Endurance: There is a lot to be said for how awesome power drain is! 2 enemies will give 71 endurance with a 20 sec cooldown Durability: your defenses are pretty great for a ranged character who shouldn't be getting hit a lot to begin with and your resists will more than likely take care of most things that get by the defenses. Solo Friendly: This class is built tough if you want to have fun knocking things with out pissing off team mates soloing is a great option. Weaknesses Damage: You're a sentinel, your using a nerf gun with tacks glued to the tips while everyone else has a bb gun. This set up is not for anyone who wants to do more than good enough damage Annoyance: You are probably going to annoy your team mates if you open up every other fight with a nova that scatters enemies across the map (post pms you get down below) Closing statements This class is built for fun, please do not use this build to deliberately annoy your team mates in game. I doubt they will appreciate you casting nova after their fold space. The knock back is fun but use some discretion before sending 8-10 enemies into orbit. Lastly...I am speaking from personal experience here, if you get confused...don't hit nova! Your team will scatter from your knock back and die because they landed in enemy packs. At most we have like -18 knock resist...a 600 damage mag 27 knock into a +4x8 pack isn't appreciated by any blaster. Please be safe with this build and enjoy it Sentinel (Energy Blast - Energy Aura).mbd
I have played a stone/stone tank and I love how hearty they are. That being said the slowness is starting to get to me and I am looking for something new. I am stuck between a perma light form peace bringer and a shield tank. I know both are good and peace bringers are cooler visually and have heals but in the heat of battle I don't know which one performs better due to a lack of experience. Fellow tankers, from your experience would you rather have a peace bringer or a shield tank?
This is what I have in the works so far (special thank you to Infinitum for the heavy influence in the build.) Tanker - Invulnerability - Electrical Melee1.mxd
Hello everyone, I would like to play an invul/electric tank but I am not good at building with invul after quite a few attempts, so I am here asking for assistance. I'll post some of my better attempts if I can produce something good. Thank you to anyone who takes up the request.
Archetype With Support and Melee
Reningrendir replied to Reningrendir's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Gents we are getting off topic, I proposed a class with support primary and melee secondary. I think that would open up a lot of possibilities like making empathy more viable with their small aura abilities. All the friendlies that actually need regen or heals would already be in the radius. -
I'd love to see the server have support characters that are not limited to range as their secondary power. Like how dominators work with their control primary and melee secondary just with support powers and a melee focus like scrappers melee without the crit chance for example. I feel like that would open up a lot of new character ideas.
Thank you all for the advice, here is what I came up with after taking it all in. 100% granite armor FTW Tanker - Stone Armor - Stone Melee 3.mxd
Hello everyone 😄 I want to show you all the best build I have made to date! This is me reaching the upper limits of my build crafting knowledge to get the heartiest tank for those like me who enjoy looking cool and getting hit. For starters, this build's only weakness like all granite guys is psionic and movement speed. I did my best to get the psionic resist as high as possible and managed to hit 55.7% and slotted for movement speed where possible. The tank should go at a pretty good speed even for granite. The rest of the defenses and resists are over capped as they should be. The biggest strength of this build is that I managed to get perma haste in without making any sacrifices elsewhere. I honestly didn't think it was possible, but I actually did it and I am genuinely shocked. I know it looks really, really goofy seeing 6 42% recharges in there bit it just works and that's all I can say about that. One thing I will say is up for debate is the use of the support hybrid incarnate. I figured my damage is so low that it wouldn't really be worth giving myself damage and my defense/resist is sufficient so I thought it would be good to give my teammates an all-around buff to help take their damage, healing and defense up a bit. I want to have this be the best build possible so if anyone takes a look at it and sees something I didn't I would absolutely appreciate the criticism so that we can work as a community to produce the best tanks possible for the new hard content coming out. If anyone wants to take this build and run with it, I only ask that you leave feedback for something you want to see in future updates to this build or something good for me to keep in other builds I make in the future. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy sampling, analyzing and or playing with my build. It's an honor to contribute to a community as great as this one. The Mad Geologist.mxd
The purpose of this build was to create an extremely strong support character. My goal is to create a character that will make the new levels of content coming out in the next patch to be much easier by making the enemies as easy to kill as possible through slowing them down to a halt or damn near one while providing extreme debuffs to their defense and resist and aiding my allies with bonus to defense, regen and a moderate amount of shielding and healing. Strengths: The debuffs on this are insane -recharge is consistently at -146% with just fridged and the AOE root. The -defense is at just over 23% and -resist sits at -40%. My aura and all abilities have a chance to confuse enemies causing their attacks to attack other enemies completely negating the damage of some foes. The -regen thanks to poison trap is at -1000% which mathematically boosts my dps by the enemies hit points per second regened up to 1000% as long as I am the only one with -regen on the enemy. The buffs I provide are +16.99 defense, +275% regen and +259% absorption shielding. Lastly is controlling, obviously. Weaknesses: Resistances are terribly low save for S&L as well as damage. To mitigate the lack of ability to take damage I picked phase shift as an oh crap button. The damage isn't something I can do much about, but I heard there is a damage buff coming to Ice. What I am looking for from you, first of all thank you for making it this far. I'd love it if we could have a dialogue in the comments below to try and optimize the ice/traps combo to get what I want out of it. To anyone reading these, feel free to take this build or any below and use it as you please and know that I wish you the best of luck and fun trying it all out 🙂 Controller - Ice Control - Traps.mxd
Hello everyone, the purpose of this post is to display my corruptor build in attempt to get constructive criticism on how to make it better. Below will be the build and a justification for why I made the choices I did for power selection. I hope the justification will give those who wish to help me some direction for what I was aiming for. Exactly what I was aiming for is a buffer/debuffer with good damage and survivability. I know that it's a pretty hard thing to be all around especially in the support builds but I feel that as a community we can work together to achieve that. Strengths I feel that this build is going to be a powerful dps when facing things that have high regen like a GM or AV thanks to the poison bomb. For example one of them that I know of regens 250hp/s the poison will nullify that mathematically giving me an additional 250 dps. Debuffing is a strong suit in this build for sure, between the -resist, -defense and -regen I feel that I will greatly empower those around me and set my enemies up for failure. Buffing thanks to triage beacon and the forcefield generator my allies will be safer and regen faster so those who don't have the best defense will be at the bare minimum 23.28% higher. Weaknesses I don't think this build will be solo friendly like other classes and will take more skill than say a granite brute who can walk into a room and outlast about anything. Resists are incredibly low in everything but S+L so when I get hit it will likely hurt a lot. I tried to counteract this by giving the build some additional self-healing through medicine and an oh crap button because healers will not always be available, and I want this character to be able to take part in the hardest content. Justification time! I am only going to touch up on abilities that may seem odd or like they need to be justified Web Grenade: I only threw two in here because I don't see myself using this often Caltrops: These things are on steroids, no option for accuracy so I just stacked -resist, an embolize and damage procs to try and make the most out of it the 443 damage (157) dps with no -resist is pretty insane for an ability that will never miss on a debuffer Infiltration: I feel like this will be good for soloing and slower groups that allow a good setup on my part so I can get close to enemies and not alert them. Grant invisibility: Honestly, it's a pretty niche utility power that is kind of a filler that I am ok with getting rid of The medicine abilities: The first one is to get the second, the second one is for a 35% heal because the build aside from triage beacon has no self-healing and I value that a lot. Phase Shift: I took this as an oh crap button Power Mastery: I took this because it offers energy cost reduction, resist to the most common damage type and a damage booster that boosts my healing, holds, defense buffs and more. I hope the justification section will help my constructive critics help me min/max this build for the hardest end game content. Thank you all for reading and feel free to use this build or any of the adaptations in the comments that may follow this one. Corruptor - Sonic Attacks - Traps.mxd
Alt version that has some self healing. Brute - Savage Melee - Shield Defense2.mxd
The purpose of this build was to create a well rounded brute. This build can take a beating that most builds will likely not be able to, on the downside there is no self healing. The defenses are capped and all the resists are about as high as I could get them with out spending some serious time in mids. The damage should be pretty good but mids doesn't work well with savage so I won't know till I am done leveling and slotting. I unfortunately do not know how to use enhancement levelers in mids but just throw one of those on in combat jumping and you'll be capped Please give me any constructive criticism below or take the build and try it yourself. Thank you for your eye in my post and I hope we both learn something from this. Brute - Savage Melee - Shield Defense.mxd
This build will have high energy generation from electric melee, natural regen and procs. With the hit point regen and healing procs the hero should get about 1000 hp every 20 seconds. The damage is good and is primarily focused on AOE If any of you have advice for any mistakes I made in the build I would highly appreciate a correction. Brute - Electrical Melee - Shield Defense.mxd
This is 3.0 I got rid of the filler powers, changed some of the slotting around and increased the defenses by quite a bit. I believe this is the version I will run and as far as I can tell it is the most optimized version. This one stands head and shoulders above 1.0 and 2.0 offering much more survivability without making any more than a few minor sacrifices. Controller - Electric Control - Time Manipulation3.0.mxd
Here is 2.0 which was rather quickly drafted and focused on getting the 100% up time for the two mentioned fixes as well as getting more energy through performance shifters as I predict this build to be quite the drainer so that will give me quite a bit more to run off of through longer fights. Controller - Electric Control - Time Manipulation2.0.mxd
Mission Statement: Create a controller that drains the endurance of all foes, keeps them extremely weakened or slowed if not completely locked down in a fight and benefit the team through increased recovery, regen and recharge. Strengths: This build has a lot of control. I stacked random procs on some of the abilities in order to have secondary powers knocking, stunning or embolizing foes. If they are not one of those things, then their endurance is severely drained, and their attack rate is slowed. Weaknesses: This build can't take much of a hit. Due to me stacking procs and focusing on control I wasn't able to focus on defense as much, so I had to do a few counters. I took earth's embrace and combat teleport for increased hit points and mobility. Post First Draft Goals: I would like to get 100% up time on earths embrace to constantly have more hit points incase something hits me hard. If possible I would also like to get perma haste or as close to it as possible. Any criticism is appreciated and I am looking forward to optimizing this build. Thank you for your read. Controller - Electric Control - Time Manipulation.mxd
I'd like to have a really durable ice melee and fire aura character that I can hop into pretty much any content with. Thank you in advance for the builds.
Not exactly sure how to do that but I can do this... have you tried opening mids in your folders then going to the data folder and deleting the .json file?
I had no idea that it stacks but that's awesome because it will bring the melee defense to that of a shield tank doing +4x8 incarnates who try and have a minimum of 58% defense.
Below is a build I made for my katana/wp scrapper. I feel that this build is pretty reliable however the testing is only on paper so far. For the build I aimed to have good defenses and dps. I sacrificed a bit of defenses for the later and gave the character shadow meld for those oh crap situations. Some notable things Defense is not capped 536 dps 48hp/sec regen Melee defense is beyond capped Theory crafting notes If shadow meld works like a defense instead of like personal forcefield from force mastery it will be a great oh crap button. If it does work like personal forcefield then it is still a good but less of a good oh crap button. I feel that since most of your incoming damage will be melee keeping divine avalanche's buff up at all times will keep your incoming damage low and the regen should offset most of the damage from outside that. https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1411&c=669&a=1338&f=HEX&dc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ear this apart in the comments, give constructive criticism or walk away with the build...it's up to you thank you for stopping by and reading.
This is what I've came up with on my own but if someone can is willing to provide a better build I'll gladly take it https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1521&c=698&a=1396&f=HEX&dc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
I'd like to have defenses capped if possible and high regen, thank you in advance for anyone who posts a build or building advice. I am struggling in mids trying to cap defenses.
Hello, to give some direction I'd love to have a semi speedy granite golem with very high damage and teleport. Thank you in advance for anything that gets commented below.