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Everything posted by D.Bug

  1. You're welcome to your opinion, but others obviously have theirs. Just because an AT doesn't click with you doesn't mean it's bad or something has to change it just means it's not a fit for you. If you can't enjoy it any other way that's a you issue and maybe you just need to accept it's not the AT for you.
  2. Domination doesn't affect Dom's damage at all, hasn't since issue 15. When it was removed and put in the AT mod and in the Assault powers themselves. They do the same damage in or out of Domination and are one of the higher dmg ATs. This is what Domination gives them a brief 25% hit buff for 15 secs of the 90 sec duration and makes it so they can spam less control so they can use assault more often, the mez protection, and a refilled blue bar upon click .They play fine at low levels without permadom currently leveling Dom #41-43 for reference. Play bit more tactical and not like some smash face on keyboard AT and you'll do fine
  3. Soloable by a melee which is clearly what the OP is talking about? Or easily soloable by a range character using range shenanigans to bypass mechanics once again? Oh I see from what you posted as I was writing this you're just going for your forum troll badge got it.
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