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  1. Well this was fun while it lasted. I think myself and many others will be leaving now. The ability to use the cosmic transport at any location was a great improvement to the flow of this game. And to take that away now after so many people have gotten to rely on it is absolute nonsense. I could understand if you have is something in return of equal capability. That is not the case. There are not base portals in every zone to be near. 10 million is way too steep a price to pay at the P2W vendor on every single character we make just to replace something that was taken away from us. And how do we get the long range teleporter accolade? These things would only be a suitable replacement if they were account wide. Why are you “fixing” a bunch of stuff that is not broken? The original devs way back when would not have done something to slow the flow of the game. They were actually helping the flow over time. You are tainting the legacy. Please change this back.
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