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  1. -Using TFs and AE mode to bypass the AFK logout timer may result in being disconnected by a GM- I'd love to see Pocket D be a no AFK zone. So many people park there to roleplay or advertise for their clubs (at least on Everlasting), and they have to use AE mode to avoid going AFK and autologging. Is there any way to make just that zone a place where autolog does not apply?
  2. I remember MMO Radio.
  3. I did, they didn't "take it away" per say, but they're making it a lot less desirable.
  4. I'd still rather farm. It's what interests me the most and what I enjoy doing the most. I like the continuity of it. I like knowing what to expect, including how long it should take. Jumping into teams is hard for me, because I often have to get up for this or that, and may not return for longer than expected. Or I'll find that it's just taking too long and have to leave, causing my team to be a man down. I've done other stuff, I've played in all the zones. I just don't care for it.
  5. People have already mentioned other servers here in this thread. I can't say for certain, but some people may just go over there while others will just quit playing and go to something else. This game seems to be leaning towards only being designed for roleplaying and TFs/ Trials. I'm telling you, if the devs take away the ability to farm in AE people will just do it another way. I've been around since issue 3, I watched how every time farming changed, people just evolved. Even with AE people still mostly just do TFs, Trials and Hami. So no one is really doing "content" anyway. These changes are just going to drive people to do MORE of that. Which is actually fine. As long as the end goal is reached, I suppose.
  6. This change is going to backfire the other way though, with people like me who primarily farm leaving, because I'm not interested in doing other stuff. So really it'll just create LESS players that could possibly join TF's or Trials. Also, if people have to grind for the stuff they need instead of just farming for 3 hours to get it, that will further reduce the availability of people to join those things. OR people will just find a way to farm those things, and that'll be all people do and everything else will get neglected.
  7. So some people don't know their way around, so what? Not everyone knows how to farm either, or wants to. This is why it's good to have people like you to help the folks who get a little lost, and people like me to help people who want to farm, but don't know how. We're all here to help each other. Nerfing certain parts of the game to force people out and into stuff they don't want to do isn't the answer. Should we encourage people to try new things? Sure, but not force them. Tell me how often you respond well to being forced to do something. Just because you personally think these changes are good, doesn't mean everyone agrees. We should all be able to experience the game the way we want to.
  8. That's unfortunate for the player, but it was his/her choice. But it's good on you for helping them.
  9. Nerfing farmers, huh? Why? What did farmers do to deserve this? I love farming. It helps me pass the time and I always just give away what I earn to other players who need it for builds. So why punish farmers? Is someone trying to get farmers to "play"? Well, our builds are specialized to our craft.... farming, so that is not possible. I noticed no one did ANYTHING to nerf roleplaying. Well, let's just call this my roleplaying. Farming is how I roleplay. I know people will find ways around this, they always do, but this is also going to drive away some of the die-hards, who have been here since the game was released almost 20 years ago. Maybe the devs will reconsider this change if enough of us complain enough about it. Maybe they won't. Who knows? What I do know is we will adapt as we always do. As someone else said, this could quite possibly start bogging down other zones, and/or force people out of AE. These could all become huge issues for people who don't farm. Think about it....
  10. Oh Guardian? I had a lot of alts, but some of my mains were.... -Medussa -Anneurysm -Raven Gale Hubby was Adavan I'm looking for Chromus and Zapp Brannigan
  11. Can anyone tell me if there is a badge master list somewhere I can download so I can keep track of what I have and what I don't? Obviously I'd need it for all 3 alignments. Does something like this exist?
  12. I'm a farmer, so I pl'ed my own toon to build later. I've played kinetics a lot and illusion a lot, but I've never put the 2 together. I wanted to try something new I guess. I know what all the powers do and how they work, I just don't know where to start with slotting and enhancing. I figured I could come here and ask for help on how to do this. I looked and looked for a build to even get a start with, but couldn't find anything. It seems it's not very popular.
  13. I haven't done anything, I don't even know what slots to put where. She's just 50 at this point.
  14. I've built this toon, but have no idea how to slot/enhance it. Money is not an issue, so show me what'cha got.
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