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Posts posted by nzer

  1. 3 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Your arguments are getting more and more bizarre. I'm tired of this rabbit hole. My opinion is more autocast is bad, and I'm leaving it at that.


    I don't know what was bizarre about what I said, and I'm pretty sure this is just an excuse to avoid having to substantiate your arguments. But sure, more power to you.


    6 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

    Are there more than just SR and Nin?


    Shield defense as well. I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


    6 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

    Yes, and we draw lines at different spots in the sand. It happens that those of us voicing in opposition are all on the other side of your line.


    I don't have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is when someone draws the line at a different spot in the sand and can't or won't attempt to articulate why they've drawn it there beyond "more auto == bad," which is relevant because if it was clear why they've drawn the line where they have it might be possible to find a different solution that both sides are okay with.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Luminara said:

    I said the game wasn't balanced around players having the option to set multiple powers to auto-fire.  Convenience is not the measure of that balance


    I don't have any idea what this is supposed to mean. If something is trivially easy, how can it possibly be a balance consideration?


    You're welcome to substantiate this point by explaining how the game is balanced around players only having one autocast, if you can.


    17 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Because I am against making this game like an idler game. The more things we make auto, the less involved the player is in playing the game.


    Then I suppose we should remove attacks automatically targeting if a target isn't selected, the follow command, the entire macro system, the ability to load bind files in other bind files, etc., because those are all things that make the game more "auto." Might as well remove targeting altogether and make players aim their abilities, right? Why have health bars? Just physically simulate each character, right?


    Except none of those things are going to happen, because whether something is considered "too idle" is a matter of degree, not black and white, and allowing multiple autocast for self-buffs does not move that needle even a little bit.


    22 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Then the game itself is gated because we have to go looking for it instead of it just loading itself for us. And the place where it is located to be found and installed from? Are these forums. So they are already coming to these forums, where there is a plethora of additional information to help them get along in the game, as well as the wiki. So your gating argument falls apart.


    Correct, the game itself is gated because players must come to this site to install it, which is why the installer is linked very prominently right on the homepage.


    And do you genuinely think every player who comes to this site for the installer goes on to read the forum? Because they don't. I'd be surprised if even 10% did, frankly.


    24 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Then why are you binding powers to things like strafing or moving backward if you know you aren't going to always be strafing or moving backward? That definitely sounds like a you problem.


    You'd have the same problem no matter what you bound them to, and the only reason I mentioned movement keys is because that's the most commonly suggested method.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    I'm not using it as such. I'm using it solely to counter your argument that the current method of using binds is janky and unpredictable.


    And the purpose of countering that argument is to argue against the implementation of this suggestion, so yes, you are absolutely using it as such. You are saying there's no reason to implement this suggestion because a proper implementation will be just as janky and unpredictable as the hacky way players currently replicate this functionality.


    This is a patently bad faith argument in the first place, because it assumes the devs are too incompetent to implement the feature without bugs, or to fix any bugs that emerge.


    7 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    My stance on not allowing players to set multiple powers to autocast is strictly based on not making it easier to farm and not turning the game into an auto-playing idler.


    Then you should have no problem with multiple autocasts so long as they're restricted from being used on powers that affect enemies, as has already been suggested.


    3 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:

    There's a comprehensive guide to binds and macros that starts from zero knowledge and provides every bit of knowledge needed to implement your own or ones you borrow; it's no more beyond most players than, say, mastering basic slotting. If you choose not to read anything longer than 100 words related to any aspect of the game, that's on you.


    Except it's not on you, because the game could provide this behavior as a first class feature. Having to discover and read a guide on a forum somewhere to be able to take advantage of this feature is a gate, whether you want to admit it or not.


    5 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:

    As the fundamental controls of the game are all binds, they're janky only if you screw them up.


    That's not what I mean. If you have autocast cycling set up on a set of keys, you have to hit all of those keys at regular intervals to ensure reliable activation of the abilities. If they're on your movement keys, for example, what happens if you just don't move backward very often? What happens if you happen to not strafe left for several minutes? Etc.


    The solution to this is to absentmindedly spam the keys constantly, which is a degenerate play pattern that shouldn't be encouraged.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    Do you really think that if the devs were to for some reason agree to implement multiple power autocasting, it wouldn't also be janky and unpredictable? Seriously? In a game where just tabbing between targets will sometimes fail?


    "We can't implement this because the implementation might not work" isn't a compelling argument for reasons that should be obvious, but we're also talking about very different degrees of janky and unpredictable here.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Rudra said:

    Here's a dumb question: If we can already autocast as many powers as we want, just with binds, then why not just do that? No need for the devs to spend time coding something new that can already be done, right? If the means to autocast everything already exists, then what is the issue with us disagreeing with yet more means to make the game play itself?


    There are two reasons:

    • Requiring it to be done with binds gates the feature to only players who have an advanced understanding of the game's commands, or who happen to read about it on a forum, while actively implying to all other players that multiple autocasting is intentionally impossible
    • It is janky and unpredictable if you don't spam your keys to ensure cycling, which can aggravate or even induce repetitive strain injuries

    Whether these things are an acceptable cost for avoiding having to spend dev time on a proper implementation is up to the devs, not us, and that is therefore not a good reason to shoot down a suggestion.


    And I really can't take the argument that this would constitute the game "playing itself" seriously. We're talking about autocasting several minute long self-buffs here, not automating an attack chain. If you think having to recast Practiced Brawler or Kuji-In Rin every two minutes is a critical, inviolable element of the game's play experience, I have to wonder whether we're even talking about the same game.

    • Like 1
  6. There's no earthly way having to click one or two buttons every several minutes can be considered an element of difficulty. You're going to have to make some kind of substantive argument to support that claim, because it's ridiculous.


    Never mind that autocasting that many powers can already be done by cycling the autocast with binds, so the game had better be designed around it.

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  7. 10 hours ago, megaericzero said:

    and maybe I'm reading too deep but your responses seem to circle back to it - is the assertion that hasten is not only assumed in all builds but also assumed to be a ubiquitous autofire candidate


    I'm not asserting or even implying either of those things.


    If Hasten is too distracting, think instead about a */SR/Energy scrapper with enough recharge to make Conserve Power perma who wants to be able to autocast Conserve Power and Practiced Brawler. Or any other scrapper/tanker/brute/stalker who wants to do the same thing, since many armor powersets have clicky mez protection. Or a Time/ defender who has Farsight and Chrono Shift perma and wants to autocast them. Or whatever other example you want, there are many.


    10 hours ago, megaericzero said:

    but that is an active choice to use the autofire function you've been given on that particular power/function.


    This is not an argument for why there should only be one autocast. It is a cop-out to avoid having to make a real argument.


    Why is only allowing one autocast good for the game? The game's power design, both in powersets and in power pools, creates a reasonable use case for multiple autocasts on clicky self-buffs, and this restriction precludes that use case. So what problem is it solving, is it the only solution to that problem, and is solving that problem worth sacrificing quality of life?


    As far as I can tell, all the problems it could be attempting to solve could also be solved by restricting autocast from being used on any ability that can affect enemies. And that solution wouldn't hurt quality of life.

  8. 12 hours ago, Lockely said:

    Alternatively, if thats too hard can we have a way to swap the position of the numbers on our existing trays when theyre in 3x4 lineup?


    This is the solution to everything that's been mentioned so far, in my opinion. If there was a way to put the tray number at the end of the 3x4 layout instead of the front the naga tray could quite literally be removed from the game altogether.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    If this is me policing how others play rather than me trying to keep the game from mutating into something it isn't?


    If you think two or three autocasts instead of one with additional restrictions to prevent abuse constitutes the game becoming an idle game, then yes, it is absolutely you policing how other people play for no reason. That's a patently ridiculous stance any way you slice it.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Not this again.... Hasten is not required for anything in the game. If you want to take Hasten? By all means, that is why it is there, so players can take it and use it. However, this nonsense that it must be taken and further, it must be autocast, is just that, nonsense. It is a player choice, not a requirement.


    Again, this does not have anything to do with what I said or what I responded to. I didn't say hasten has to be taken on all builds and has to always be autocast. I'm saying that if you're going to argue wanting more than one autocast represents a failure in the design of your powersets, that argument has to be squared with abilities outside the powersets that lend themselves to autocast.


    In an effort to not derail the thread, I'm not going to explain this again.


    5 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    If farmers want to farm, go ahead. If players want to make the game an idler where all their toggles turn on for them and all their clickies click as soon as they recharge for them and all their attacks auto-fire at their auto-selected targets? No thanks.


    So you are trying to police how other people play even though it does not affect you at all? Cool, well I disagree with that, and frankly this is a blatant slippery slope fallacy.

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  11. 6 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

    Gonna be That Guy™ and point out deciding Hasten is strictly necessary on every build and picking it as your auto-cast are both choices.


    That doesn't have anything to do with what I said or what I was responding to. If you're going to argue that wanting more than one autocast means your powersets or AT need to be reworked, that argument has to somehow square itself with the fact that there are pool powers you might realistically want to have on autocast. Like hasten.


    You don't even have to go that far, frankly. What if your primary and secondary powerset both have an ability that lends itself to autocast? Is that not allowed from a design perspective?

  12. Actually, it looks like it can't be forced below 50% anymore? I know I had it set below 50%, but since the patch it doesn't seem to be working.


    Edit: It does work, it's just finicky and sometimes requires a logout to take. Maybe it has to do with the new close button clamping the value, not sure.

  13. 56 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    And that is something I think should be avoided at all costs.


    Not at all costs, surely. That would mean we have to not just remove autocasting, but also all abilities that are able to deal damage without constant player input.


    Again, I don't really understand why people care whether it's possible to AFK farm or not. Very few people are going to create a character just to AFK farm, those that want to already can and can even fully automate the character with external macros, and as far as I can tell AFK farming and even farming in general has done basically nothing to shift market prices over the past four years. So why exactly are we interested in sacrificing quality of life in the rest of the game to curtail farming? It seems like little more than an attempt to police how other people want to enjoy the game, which I'm not super cool with.


    45 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

    I'd note that if you need more than one power to be on auto to make a powerset (or a whole AT) work, that's more a sign that said powerset (or said AT) needs a balance pass.


    Hasten is a thing, so this would mean no powerset could ever have an ability you want to autocast. Or that hasten would need to be reworked, which I don't think there's much appetite for.

  14. On 2/19/2024 at 8:42 PM, Shenanigunner said:

    That this facet has been eroded doesn't mean we should throw the whole concept out.


    I mean, it does. If the player wants to sacrifice the ability to manually time the activation of their powers because they have enough recharge to have the buff up all the time, there's no reason the game shouldn't allow them to do that.


    If needing to manually press a button every two minutes is the only thing keeping the game from being too easy, it's already too easy. This is a quality of life suggestion that does not impact difficulty at all. Even being able to set all your attacks to autocast does not meaningfully reduce the game's difficulty, because randomly mashing all your buttons is not difficult. And it's not like it would be anywhere close to optimal. The only thing it would help with is AFK farming, and I honestly don't know why people care about that in the first place when farmers can already use AHK scripts to replicate exactly that functionality.

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  15. On 1/3/2024 at 4:37 PM, FFFF said:

    One thing that Rebirth does that may be of interest is that they time gate the acquisition of Incarnate abilities. Heather Townsend and all the other Dark Astoria based contacts are on a 24-hour timer for rewards. The fastest way you can get Incarnate powers is doing the iTrials that are hosted by the Rebirth community once a week.


    I really respect what Rebirth is trying to do, but this and the generally terrible market conditions all but ensure I will never play there. The converter-based economy Homecoming uses is, in my opinion, a stroke of genius, and it's incredibly refreshing to play an MMO where proper min-maxed character builds can be assembled with a reasonable amount of effort.


    As far as the game being easy, I honestly don't know that anything can really be done about that. The game's balance is just all over the place. On a micro level I think things are quite well tuned, but teams can vary so wildly in their capabilities that it's just impossible to design content that is appropriately challenging for all groups. So instead you end up with content being balanced not against players, but against other content, and players having free rein to adjust the difficulty however they want. The problem with this is that the vast majority of players are not going to turn the difficulty settings up to the point where the content actually becomes difficult. Rather, they're going to turn it up to just before the point that the content is no longer easy. Which leads to the general perception that the entire game is too easy.


    There are other problems too, of course. +4 is often not actually hard enough, even though it's the highest setting for most content. And the way exemplaring works allows for huge imbalances between on-level characters and exemplared characters. As well as powersets just generally over- or under-performing depending on the level range.


    I'm not sure what the point of this rambling is. I guess it's me wanting the game to be harder, but lamenting that there's probably not a good way to actually do that.

  16. There's nothing wrong with procs from a game design perspective. They're another way to boost the damage of your powers that behaves differently than direct damage enhancement, namely that they're more effective on powers that have very low damage dealing potential to begin with. It creates a question of fixed damage bonuses vs. percentage damage bonuses, which is a fairly common pattern in crunchy RPGs.


    What does seem problematic to me, which has been pointed out already, is their interaction with recharge. Mostly their not being affected by global recharge, because it leads to what I feel is a degenerate gameplay pattern where you specifically avoid recharge bonuses and even set bonuses (because you'd have to slot recharge to get them) just to maximize proc rates. Although, you could also argue this is a legitimate source of build tension, so...

  17. 1 hour ago, nihilii said:

    It does roughly same base DPA as Chop, at range, can hit multiples, comes with 80% KD, can slot AoE procs (arma, fury).


    It has 86% of Chop's DPA at base, meanwhile Chop has 88% of Gash's DPA at base. So it's actually further from Chop than Chop is from Gash.


    I take your point though. My thinking is along the line that you can reach enough recharge to not need it in either your ST or AoE attack chains, but I have admittedly not played the set that extensively, so maybe that's not true.

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  18. On 2/13/2024 at 3:45 AM, nihilii said:

    - Cleave is your cornerstone power, I would say a better recipient for the Armaggeddon set than Pendulum. I'd swap the two


    Doesn't cleave have both horrible DPA and a horrible radius? I've only played the set on tanker, but I assumed it was an easy skip.

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  19. 2 hours ago, Neogumbercules said:

    There are too many location powers in the set. It makes it hard to play. Yes I could do the whole powerexec location whatever thing but I don't like doing that because those power macros don't show cooldown status on the tray, which I need.


    I'm ready to lobby for a way to show cooldowns on macros, but in lieu of that, you can accomplish this currently by changing your binds to activate slots in two different trays, and putting the powexec_location macro in the second tray.


    For example, with this as a bind file you could place the actual ability in tray 1, which you would have visible, and the powexec_location macro in tray 5, which would not be visible, and pressing the hotkey would activate the macro while showing the actual ability on the hotbar.

    1 "powexec_tray 1 1 $$ powexec_tray 1 5"
    2 "powexec_tray 2 1 $$ powexec_tray 2 5"
    3 "powexec_tray 3 1 $$ powexec_tray 3 5"
    4 "powexec_tray 4 1 $$ powexec_tray 4 5"
    5 "powexec_tray 5 1 $$ powexec_tray 5 5"
    6 "powexec_tray 6 1 $$ powexec_tray 6 5"
    7 "powexec_tray 7 1 $$ powexec_tray 7 5"
    8 "powexec_tray 8 1 $$ powexec_tray 8 5"
    9 "powexec_tray 9 1 $$ powexec_tray 9 5"
    0 "powexec_tray 10 1 $$ powexec_tray 10 5"


    Hopefully this is not too off-topic.

    • Like 2
  20. On 2/11/2024 at 11:16 AM, Frozen Burn said:

    A big rule of respecc'ing.... never delete any enh at the end - put them in your trays to sell (vendor or market), or recycle with other toons.  It used to be that you could cash in old DOs/SOs at the end, but not now - it's a straight up delete.


    I understand this. I have hundreds of millions of inf lying around and will gladly give up the 50k I may have gotten from selling a bunch of DOs and SOs if it means not having to click and drag every single one back to my tray.


    In any case this was just low-level SOs and DOs, so I didn't pay a ton of attention to whether they came back eventually. I guess in the future I'll make sure not to respec without training up all the way first.

  21. On 2/5/2024 at 3:50 PM, Pleonast said:

    At level 5 with only four powers


    Maybe this is a nitpick, but you'd have six powers exemplaring down to level 5, because you keep powers up to five levels lower than when you actually got them.

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