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Posts posted by nzer

  1. On 9/24/2019 at 9:43 AM, Lost Ninja said:

    If you buy your converters then it isn't worthwhile, in the last few days I've spent well over 1000 of them to get 8 LoTG +Recharge, but my total inf cost was about 3 million everything else came from drops or merits. In the process I also made about 50 million which I know is small potatoes to real Traders but will help me flesh out the rest of the builds. (Triple Boxing is expensive...)

    It's never worthwhile. With 1000 free converters you'd have made several times that doing bog standard rare conversions. You'd probably have made just as much selling the converters directly.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    But I'm not missing the point and I resent that you think I am that stupid

    I'm not saying I think you're stupid, but I can only respond to the things you type. When you question the relevance of RMT and go down incorrect lines of reasoning searching for it, I feel compelled to step in and clarify.


    macskull is arguing that the inflationary effect was lasting, not front-loaded, and they're using a downward trend in RMT prices as evidence of that. That's how it's relevant.


    Now I don't find that argument particularly compelling, for reasons that are hopefully obvious, but I find your claim that accumulated wealth had no effect on the market thanks to inf caps equally weak. You yourself professed to having maybe a billion inf spread across a dozen characters, nowhere near the inf cap, yet somehow the cap prevented the effects of accumulated wealth? I'll buy that it curbed them, maybe even substantially, but of course long-time players having tens or hundreds of billions across their account would have affected the market. The only way it would have had no effect is if everyone was running at or near the inf cap at all times.

  3. Title, basically. I've been soloing +0x4 on my level 34 Demons/Time mastermind no sweat, but I took her into a radio mission team the other day and felt pretty useless compared to all the AoE the rest of team was doing. By the time my demons reached the enemies and got a few hits in everything was dead, so all I was really providing to the team was the stuff in /Time, which would have been better coming from a defender or corruptor.


    Is this normal? Will I eventually reach content where I'm useful to a team beyond whatever buffs/debuffs my secondary provides, or are masterminds more of a solo archetype?

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    RMT sellers were not about accrued wealth; they were about income  There was no one who decided to make thousands of characters and run them all up to 2bn and then sell out.  It was about rate of wealth accumulation.  If you could make 100mm inf in an hour, and you could sell that for $1 per hour, that was your thing.  Good for you.

    You're missing the point; what RMT sellers could charge for inf had nothing to do with the RMT sellers, it was about how much legit players were willing to pay for inf. That's a function of how much inf those players had access to, which is a function of, among other things, inflation and accrued wealth.


    Edit: I want to point out before this goes much further that I'm not agreeing with what macskull is saying, just clarifying the relevance of RMT prices to a conversation about inflation. I have no idea whether the inflation happened all at once or over time, or whether it happened at all. I wasn't there.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I'm unclear what RMTers have to do with stored influence,or inflation.  Are you saying that Chinese gold merchants (may not be Chinese, or merchandising gold) set up hundreds or thousands of accounts, built them all up to the account maximum at the time, and then waited or lobbied for an auction house, and then pounced?  


    Because it's supply/demand linked to an external metric, i.e. real world money. The price of inf from RMT sellers going down over time is potentially an indication of increased inf supply. They couldn't charge as much per unit for it because players had more of it.


    It's not a great argument since the price could have fluctuated for dozens of other reasons, but the relevance is pretty clear.

  6. On 11/17/2019 at 8:52 AM, Replacement said:

    This sounds like a Navmesh, which is certainly what a lot of other games use.


    Talking out of my ghostly Casper bottom here, but I wonder if a sort of "low resolution" mesh (few lines and thus vertices) would result in this sort of behavior.


    Basically, imagine players are standing on a chess board with very tiny squares, while the NPC version has much larger tiles.

    Afaik navmeshes just define the traversible area, they don't necessarily define specific paths agents can take. CoH would likely have both.

  7. On 8/27/2019 at 6:49 AM, Hjarki said:

    Fulcrum Shift is a great ability, but if you're planning to use it on a single Scrapper you might as well just play a clone of that Scrapper - you'd end up with a more flexible, more durable team that did just as much damage.

    This depends how close to the damage cap the scrapper is to start with, no? FS is capable of more than doubling damage.

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