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Posts posted by Excraft

  1. 26 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

    I get that hence why I am not saying everyone gets one, it will be 100% up to the Homecoming team on who gets one and who doesn't (Exactly as it is atm as custom perma gold titles already exist out there) But just for some consideration towards people who keep server events running too, giving people things to do as I have seen the effects on a server when there are no event leaders how it gets a lot harder to form them ❤️  


    Right but the suggestion was to have a form that anyone can request a gold title.  I don't think that's necessary or a good idea.  It's just one more thing for the HC team to look after. 


    I don't know about anyone else, but getting a round of "thank you" from a league goes a long way.  Every Saturday night there's tons of people thanking @Kalikamata in League and Broadcast chat for hosting the SNS on Torch.  That's more meaningful to me and shows more appreciation than a gold title does. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

    ...in the middle of a pandemic. But still clocked nearly $400m.


    Yeah against a budget upwards of $300 million (if not more since budgets are always understated).   Even without COVID, there's no way that it would have pulled in a billion + at the box office.  They'd have been lucky to barely break even.  It just wasn't that good of a movie.


    1 hour ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

    Yelena and Alexei, though, felt like they'd got cut in from a somewhat better script, and the Pugh fully redeemed her with a cheerfully psychotic performance in Hawkeye. (I'm never making Kraft Dinner the same way again.)


    Nothing against Florence Pugh as I'm sure she's a fine actress.  Yelena just isn't an interesting character in my opinion.  We've already seen Black Widow.  Yelena is the bargain basement/budget/clearance sale Black Widow ripoff. 


    1 hour ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

    I think giving a good character/performance from a bad movie another shot can be A Good Thing. Margot needed three goes at Harley - in all three she was a standout, but the last one just worked.


    All of those films were flops too lol. 

  3. On 9/24/2024 at 5:59 PM, InvaderStych said:

    I'll probably watch it anyway just for some "Brain Off, Show Me The Shiny Action Set Pieces" fun, but it does look like they are leaning on the same formula that was used in multiple Avengers movies. Get some characters, have them bond through fighting each other, introduce the McGuffin, deal with the McGuffin, close with a cheeky group shot in the credits. Tweaking the formula here by using morally ambiguous characters is all well and good, but it's still the same numbers they usually use as a painting guide.

    The problem in trying that formula here is that none of these characters are even remotely "D List" characters.  They're not going to hold the same interest or have the same gravitas as a Tony Stark or Steve Rogers or Natasha Romanoff or Thor.  Let's face it, Black Widow was a huge flop.  Why even bother trying to put those characters into another film?  That's half your cast coming from a movie that was an enormous steaming turd of a flop. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Gravitus said:

    I asked a simple question on whom it would morally fall on. Yes I was implying I thought I was correct but that’s when you state your position and argument. Instead it degenerated into personal attacks. You really should go back and re-read.


    I did read the thread.  Your intent was quite clear in that you felt you were "morally superior" and "in the right" for insisting everyone else cater to you instead of you adapting to working with others.


    14 hours ago, Gravitus said:

    I said I use it on open maps, not closed maps. Reasonable imo. I also stated I was using it for 75% of the TF and it wasn’t an issue. When you leave out pertinent details like this. You are being intellectually dishonest. 


    Correct, you admitted you don't need to use it.  Since you don't need to use it, it's perfectly reasonable for a team lead who is being adversely affected by your use of GF to ask you to turn it off.  That's the point, not how long you were or weren't using it.  It doesn't matter if the team lead asked you within 30 seconds of starting or on the final mission of the TF.  It's their team, their rules.


    14 hours ago, Gravitus said:

    So at what point does a person’s lack of knowledge or forgetfulness then transfer to another person as a problem? Not trying to be a dick, I’m genuinely curious. There has to be some level of personal responsibility.


    You can't fault new players for not knowing about Null.  Personal responsibility falls upon you as well.  Again, as was repeated many times in the other thread, there are other people on the team to be considerate of.  If you are using abilities that you know will be adversely affecting them, then you also have some degree of personal responsibility to inform your teammates ahead of time or to not use those abilities when asked on a team.  You're supposed to work together on a team and play well with others.  Telling everyone else to suck it up and that it's their problem they're being affected by your use of group fly simply because you can't be bothered to turn it off (again when you admitted to not even needing it), yes, that's being a dick and not taking any personal responsibility on a team.  If you're playing solo, knock yourself out.  Use group fly all you like.


    14 hours ago, Gravitus said:

    It would be interesting to see if this would actually change anything because tbh I thought null was a pretty solid and simple fix. 


    Null is a simple solution, the problem with it is that it's not easily found unless someone knows about it ahead of time (and remembers to use it) and new players will not even know what things like speed boost and group fly are until they experience it first hand. 


    14 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Didn't the devs say they would not propagate Null the Gull to more locations?


    I don't think Null needs to be in more locations, rather give some of his options to trainers like Miss Liberty so that players can see those options and explanations for them when they first start out. 

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Lunar Ronin said:

    C. There's been a loading screen tip for the past three years: "Annoyed by Group Fly?  Talk with Null the Gull in Pocket D!"  So unless people have completely ignored loading screen tips for the past three years, few people can legitimately say that they don't know about the Null the Gull option.


    I'm being honest here, I don't think I've ever seen this loading screen message.

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  6. This happens A LOT in the Crimson arc where you have to rescue Jack Firenze.  It's that same map too like the one in your screenshot.  Soon as you run up those steps, the mobs will rubberband to the other side of the map.  Super annoying.

  7. As others have said, you're fair game in a PvP zone even if you're there for non-PvP related activities.  You do get more than ample warning you can and will be attacked by other players when entering the zone.  I will say that the overwhelming majority of PvPers I've run into in RV are very cool.  Once they kill me, I'll send them a tell and let them know I'm just there for a badge or whatever and most are very cool about it.  There's one or two complete dicks, but most are very friendly. 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Krimson said:

    If players don't want players choosing Badwrongfun powers then find a way to inform players BEFORE they choose them. 


    I agree with the sentiment that players should be informed sooner rather than later.   I made a suggestion in one of the other GF threads that maybe add Null's options to Miss Liberty and such so players can make those changes right from the start.  The main problem is newer players aren't going to know what things like speed boost and GF are like until they experience how it affects them.  They may think it sounds cool and not choose to disable them, but then realize how those powers affect them really sucks.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Gravitus said:

    What's rich is those same folks seem to have the energy to type entire essays on why I'm a narcissist when I tell them to use Null on the forums though. 


    There's a little more to it than that. 


    For clarity, you came to the forums ranting about getting kicked from a team when you didn't follow the team lead's request to turn off group fly, so they booted you.  You yourself admitted in that thread to not using GF all the time.  Your posts in that thread were trying to paint everyone else on the team (and anyone who disagreed with you) as somehow "morally wrong" for not catering to your whims, and that everyone else was clearly wrong and you were right.  That's why you were being a narcissist.


    All you had to do was bite the bullet and turn off GF like the team lead asked you to do - which, again you admitted you don't need all the time -  then finish the TF and received your rewards.  Once done, you could have 1 starred the team lead and anyone else on the team to make sure you don't join any teams with them again. 


    To be clear, you're not wrong that there is an option at Null everyone can choose to use or not, so I agree Group Fly doesn't need to be changed.  Not everyone remembers to do this on every character though and new players probably don't even know Null even exists.  Perhaps it's a simpler/more elegant solution to add a Null type contact in AP and MI or perhaps add Nulls options to Miss Liberty or the P2W vendor so these are setting players can adjust right from the start. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, Shin Magmus said:

     I am depressed by the current state of affairs.  I can't even remember the last time I was so dissapointed with the way a staff/admin group treated their community.  Any change at all is probably a good change. 


    I don't disagree with the sentiment.  With that said, I've come to the realization we aren't important in the equation here, and the HC folk don't owe us anything.


    This isn't "our" server.  This game and server doesn't belong to the community.  This is Homecoming's server and we're here at their pleasure, not the other way around.  They don't need any of us.  If everyone disappeared tomorrow, folks on the HC team could still log in and play with family and friends just like it was before the secret was let out.  The HC folks are going to do whatever it is they want to do whether any of us like it or not, and they don't owe anyone an explanation for changes they want to make.  We're simply asked to validate whether a change they made is working the way they want for the most part.


    Let me be perfectly clear - there's absolutely nothing wrong with how this server is being run.  I'm not faulting them for it in any way.  Again, it's their server and their rules.  They're volunteers doing this in their free time for the love of the game and that is to be respected.  Personally, I prefer they work on things they find interesting and worthwhile so they don't get burned out and start feeling like this is a job and not a hobby.  This is a passion project for a group of dedicated people, not a commercial venture.  It's entirely their decision what to work on.  They don't owe us anything. 

    Just my 2 inf, it's better to accept how things are here.  Makes life easier for both you and the HC team.  If that doesn't work for anyone, there are other CoH servers out there to try, some of whom have some very cool stuff.  Otherwise, continue on here and enjoy roaming around Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.

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  11. No thank you.  I already saw the Avengers movies.  The OG Avengers were the "A" team with bankable stars.  I've no interest in the "D" team. 


    56 minutes ago, Techwright said:

    They're lacking an analog to Iron-Man

    Marvel/Disney is waiting to see whether or not Ironheart is going to flop.... which we all know it will. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    I thoight a couple of those star trek shows were just to promote large chested women in catsuits…. 7of9/T’Pol etc


    Call me crazy but I was more into Dr. Crusher and Hoshi Sato. 


    2 hours ago, Gravitus said:

    I see your Spoc and raise you a Picard.  Like Picard, if there is way to let both sides have what they want, that's the correct choice. 


    Sisko would've just blown them all to bits.  That's why he was more awesome. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Gravitus said:

    I simply pointed out among other things that a light show (taking his advice on the ground) slows down that process. 


    /noparticles is a huge help with that.  I'll be the first person to say that the game is absolutely polluted with way too much VFX vomit in team content, but I don't see it being an issue for clicking buttons to re-summon henchman and buff them.  You could always move off the field of battle to find a clear spot as well.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Gravitus said:

    Why do you consistently gloss over the fact that the null solution solves everyone's problems, whereas what you're suggesting only appeases one side? Accomodating laziness and/or forgetfulness isn't a defense full stop.


    Why do you consistently ignore the fact that you can just turn off GF and solve everyone's problems?  You've said a few times here that you don't use it all the time, so it's not necessary.  That's you asking everyone else to accommodate your laziness in changing your tactics while on a team.


    1 hour ago, Gravitus said:

    You mean the needs of the guy holding the star.


    They hold the star, it's their team to run as they see fit.  Don't like it?  Quit and form your own team.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Gravitus said:

    Except that going to null is there for that purpose just like GF exists to be used. 


    Except that GF is a toggle that can be turned off at any time. 

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  16. 4 minutes ago, Gravitus said:

    Congrats on subscribing to the ad populum fallacy. 


    Congrats on the victim mentality syndrome.  You're taking no personal responsibility for your own actions and blaming everyone else like you're the victim.  What about your teammates who couldn't go and use Null mid-TF and had to suffer through you refusing to turn off group fly on them?  

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  17. 2 hours ago, Gravitus said:

    About the door swinging both ways...I think that only becomes a viable argument if Null didn't exist. As far as I'm concerned, they didn't take the correct steps. 


    The reason turning off group fly at Null the gull is even an option is because narcissists like yourself would rather grief and inconvenience everyone else instead of being courteous to your fellow players.

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  18. On 8/25/2024 at 8:41 PM, Techwright said:

    Kind of like when a terrifying, nigh-impossible to kill hive-mind pseudo-race, having no clear central command or heart to kill, suddenly has a queen that can be targeted and killed, destroying significant portions of the hive in the process.


    Even that no longer holds true.  The Borg Queen has been destroyed how many times on screen now?  3 or 4?  Yet the Borg somehow manage to survive.

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  19. 13 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    Refer again to the Defender that took on Hopkins.  The reason I was in his face is because throughout the TF, I had been doing the tanking.  Teleporting in with Hurricane running would debuff the accuracy of the enemy, making it possible for me to get their attention and not get killed.  Except that Hopkins hit me once and that was all it took. 


    You're a Defender attempting to tank an AV.  Of course you're going to get annihilated.  Why would you expect any different result?  If Defenders have enough HP/Resists solo in order to survive multiple hits from an AV, the game is way out of balance.  

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  20. 3 hours ago, Techwright said:

    That a very reasonable question.  If my suggestion does turn out to be the context, I suspect that cost is a factor.  Why CGI a face the stunt guy won't use when a rubber mask gets the job done?  Save the CGI for the main actor who has to portray details.


    Could be, although depending on the shot there's more than likely going to be CGI work/cleanup needed anyway, so not sure what the difference is.  I've seen that video in a few articles around and they're all saying that's Ebon Moss-Bachrach in the suit.  Maybe Marvel/Disney is trying to cut costs and going with a rubber suit instead of full CGI.  The rest of the promo stuff for this looks cartoony, so wouldn't surprise me if this turns the Thing is being done practically.


    2 hours ago, TTRPGWhiz said:

    It's hilarious that anyone would be so prejudiced against a movie that they would downvote a post pointing out that one of the things they're upset about isn't real. 


    Even more hilarious that anyone puts so much emphasis on the emoji random strangers on the internet use on posts in an internet forum. 

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  21. On 8/23/2024 at 1:23 PM, ZacKing said:

    "To the extent that I was aware of the kind of toxic fandom, the anti-SJW, you know, sad little corner of fandom — you just disregard that. Sometimes you’re motivated to have things simply because it’s possibly going to piss off or provoke people who seem to have missed the memo about just what exactly “Star Trek” is and always has been all about."



    I've seen that article before and yes, Michael Chabon really is a total hack and a complete piece of fecal matter.  Back in the day, the creatives behind Star Trek knew that not everything they produced was of the highest quality and they were very humble in admitting it.  Today, if someone doesn't like something, they're labelled as "toxic" and told they're every kind of negative -ist there is.  Total hacks like Michael Chabon would never admit they're writing stinks - it's the fan's fault, not his complete and total lack of talent.


    Most here may have seen this before, but here's a good example.  This is Shatner and Nimoy at a Trek convention when Star Trek VI premiered.   If you've never seen it, Nimoy and Shatner both humbly talk and joke about how Trek wasn't always emmy award winning writing.  They never blamed the fans for it.  Nimoy even compliments and thanks the fans for being so forgiving.



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