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Everything posted by Makobola

  1. Second the Cold/Sonic as a force multiplier for the harder enemies. However, could also do Ice/Cold Corrupter, or Fire/Cold Corrupter for more clearing damage. I'm also akin to using a /Kinetics; since you can essentially slot Siphon Power to have it 4 stacked for 80% or 100% more damage; as well as having leadership on top of it. This is a lot of +damage to have at the lower levels for TFs, since I'd say a tanker would have enough survivability.
  2. 6 Damage procs - I usually chomp rages or run a FS-er. Looking at how much it does, seems like closer to 40% for a Devastating Blow; But what matters more is the attack cycle; if there's a group of bosses around me, Burn + Atom Smasher + DB = dead bosses; though, just another burn ends up killing them also
  3. The thing that may benefit is that slow does contain 2 damage procs for it; so you could theoretically load up almost all spines attack with 6 damage procs
  4. You can kill the Minions/Lieutenants in a quick cycle of TAoE epic + Throw spines, but when going against bosses you might cycle Ripper, Impale, Lunge, but those animations are really long for the damage. Comparatively, a radiation melee can almost delete a boss with devastating blow, which I think is around the same cast time as ripper. On a scrapper you at least get crits, and a tanker gets more target cap
  5. Fury proc should honestly either raise the cap of Fury, or have some additional damage modifier per fury (Like 0.5% per point of fury) to give more damage
  6. Kin for capping damage with two stacks of FS; speed boost for more recharge, and +heal +endurance when needed. However, a properly build farmer doesn't need endurance because of ageless, and has enough built in recharge for optimal attack chains. It just becomes capping damage, which can be done with inspiration macroing, but a kin makes it easier and less micro'ing while playing. To be honest; the best farming support is Literally another DPS e.g. another Fire/Rad brute, Fire/ blaster
  7. I think it's interesting that psionic kind of has this fun space where it can tear through certain T9 mobs, but at the same time get messed on, there seems to be a good mix of content that your damage can actually be strong/weak against, whereas other sets don't have as much variety.
  8. I've combined the comparison of different armor sets into a single picture to be more visually appealing. I think that it provides a pretty nice picture of how each armor looks right before set bonuses.
  9. Since you're looking for Brute specific; Radiation Melee or Energy Melee would be good; Stone Armor, Bio Armor, or Shield could work also. Rad can clear out mobs faster when it's needed, and it's one of the best balances of AoE/Single target with a damage aura. But Energy Melee is the best single target damage. Out of these, I'd bet EM/Stone might be a good contender
  10. These are some good points and things I can add into the edit; there's a few things I took off of memory and haven't compared it from a numbers perspective. I do agree with the thoughts for SR since it easily softcaps without any particular need for set bonuses. Rad armor's absorb shield is pretty great; elementals are something that can be filled in with a decent amount of ease though due to purples/winter sets, but granted it is still a hole.
  11. This is some QoL in terms of gameplay; which helps a lot versus certain enemy groups that debuff strongly. Getting hit by a lot of -tohit debuffs definitely sucks as well; although this is usually where defense helps a lot. This makes sense, I'm thinking this is the case for certain enemy groups because from what I remember mostly magic-based enemies would you need to deal with Terrorize
  12. *For builds that synergize well
  13. *Saved for Secondary discussion There's typically a choice between Resistance or Defense based powersets(As well as regen, but talking about it usually gets it nerfed). The goal then for survivability is either building close enough to the Resistance cap of 90%, which, with the lower values that Brute has means you can only realistically cap a few of those resistances. Exceptions to this is Stone Armor. The other side of it is building Defense; which is getting to the soft cap of at least 45% defense values. The best thing for survivability then is to layer these Resistances and Defenses, which, on top of either healing, absorb, or regen, provides a very tanky toon. However, this survivability is usually at the cost of recharge bonuses and proc-slotting potential; which arguably could be a better choice if you want to strictly focus on maximizing damage. Slotting for recharge is fairly straightforward; but for information on Procs I'd suggest taking a look at these other posts to get an idea of it. It usually means slotting for strictly Damage and as many procs as you can fit in an attack power as possible. Here, we'll take a look at our powersets with a few things standardized in terms of power selection and slotting. This means using 2 Res, 2 Def, or 2 Heal IOs where applicable. As well as adding in certain global procs: Steadfast Protection, Gladiator's Armor, Shield Wall, Reactive Defenses. One Def/+Rech LoTG in Maneuvers/Combat jumping to reflect usual slotting choices. This will let us see how far each set gets right before slotting set bonuses. (This helps us decide which way to move towards for the set). There are some builds which don't get represented well by this, and I'll try to note them as they come along. Here's a side by side of all the armors with the requirements from above. These aren't in order, but they are a visual cue to help determine what is worth building and slotting for. I hope this comparison can give a good reference point for everyone's Brute builds. Example Builds for Survivability SS/BIO - Softcap SLFC, almost EN; near cap S/L resistances
  14. *Going to rotate this to be a build repository
  15. You've made a brute. They were the villian side equivalent to a Tanker, but now since all the archetypes are propagated they sort of sit in this middle realm between that and the Scrapper. Pros: Damage buff Cons: Endurance; Same Resistance caps but lower values You don't care for criticals, you have a damage buff. You aren't like a tank, you have more damage, your armor modifiers are like a scrapper though. This is the middle line where you can build yourself out to be as survivable as a main tank, or have consistent damage like a scrapper(without dependence on crits) The Brute rides this odd middle line, where you could technically do one side better on a tank or scrapper, but where I believe is peak brutality is when you achieve a build that achieves close to the scrapper damage output while being close to the tanker survivability. So far, I think there is some inspiration from Proc-Rocks to have something like that for a Brute; that takes away a bit of the un-killable-ness but brings on way more damage. This middle point finds itself with something like Energy Melee, Radiation Melee, Super Strength paired with Stone; since this is the only set that allows you to cap both defenses and resistances reliably. I sort of contemplated that Rad Melee is the best between them for the AOE and aura, unless you want to focus on single target with EM, or just love foot stomping with SS(And the damage buffs). Generally, aside from specializing particularly in FARMING, which you should go to this thread instead, we're here to get into what the brute is about. I'll need to make a picture for this late like the stalker list Primaries: S: Claws, Energy Melee, Savage Melee A: Katana, Martial Arts, War Mace, Radiation Melee B: Dark Melee, Electrical Melee, Ice Melee, Titan Weapons, Super Strength 😄 Dual Blades, Stone Melee, Street Justice 😧 Fiery Melee, Psionic Melee, Staff Fighting F: Battle Axe, Broadsword, Kinetic Melee, Spines Secondaries: S: Bio Armor, Radiation Armor, Stone Armor A: Energy Aura, Dark Armor, Electric Armor, Invulnerability B: Fiery Aura, Shield Defense, Super Reflexes 😄 Ice Armor, Willpower 😧 Regeneration Some of the Primaries are fairly straightforward, Claws performs well overall; Energy Melee is your go to for single target damage, Savage's frenzy mechanic is what helps keep up the DPS, as well as some ideas where people are utilizing +range on Savage leap in order to get even more damage... Radiation gets a lot of flack for its animations, but it's blend of AOE+aura and single target actually makes it rank fairly well for damage. It is a late bloomer with it's attacks though. Super Strength, in particular, is in a weird place. You can almost get to your damage cap with double rage+gaussians+fury, and this results in some really hard hitting footstomps and knockout blows; the downside to that is managing the rage crash kind of sucks because you do no damage for 10 seconds with a defense debuff. If it was only a defense debuff, that would be nice. What I'll talk about a bit more, is secondary, since this is where you are going to be meeting the damage potential with a lot of survivability. Bio Armor: The best mix of Absorb/Def/Res, you can get softcapped defenses, near cap S/L res, 2 huge absorb shields, and nearly unlimited endurance once you're fully kitted out. Bio is good across all sets because it just layers mitigation really well. It also has a good adaptations which help to focus on defense, endurance, or offense. Radiation Armor: You can cap out most resistances with a rotation of Sorcery, T9, and Melee Hybrid. Good proc bombing, recharge, but defense is a place that is hard to get up. Usually, you would want to cover that with using a primary that can either kill fast or knockdown. Stone Armor: One of the best sets now due to the rework; you can softcap defenses, additional endurance, damage proc, HP, regen, and then have a decent amount of res 60 S/L, capped F/C/T, and you also have Granite for difficult fights where you need to tank. It can be built to be nearly hardcapped res to all except psi, but this does come with some reduction in slotting for damage. Dark Armor: One of the original sets that actually had resistances to psionic; it needs knockback protection, has 3 auras that can be proc'd out, has really poor endurance management with 7 potential toggles. It's somewhat nice on Brute because you can use superior conditioning and physical perfection to mule PFshifters. However, because it has a stealth, this does affect how you can gather aggro. Electric Armor: Good endurance management, capped energy resistances, +rech and a heal. This is a pure resistance set, but it can be built to be really tanky. Focuses will be on filling in the gap with defense bonuses. Invulnerability: The original gold standard, layered mitigation with easy way to softcap all defenses(except psi of course), capped S/L resistances, and okay resistances for all else. This set does go a bit further on tank if you want to raise resistances to everything else, but with only 3 toggles and Dullpain, it is pretty low management needed. Energy Aura: Great mitigation, defenses to all, with some amount of resistances. Has really good endurance management with both a conserve power/heal equivalent and an endurance drain. It's certainly up there, but the downside is that because you will end up being more squishy in general for attacks that do get through, it has some DDR. Fiery Aura: SSS for farming, but resistances lag, you can cap S/L on a brute, but will always be lacking in defenses. Really good damage from burn and fiery embrace, if you wanted to make something that does as much damage as possible; but you'll need some support buffs in order to shore up some sorely lacking defense and DDR. Shield Defense: Good defense, damage buff, but because of smaller brute res/def values doesn't get to the same place as a tanker. You can still softcap all positional defenses, but the resistances don't really get there. (A tanker would have 70%+ resistances before OwTS) While shield defense is generally good across the board, for what it does for brute, there are some redundancies that make it arguably better to make it for the other archetypes because damage buffs help them more. It feels like you can't easily main tank(from strictly your own res/def) for harder content. Willpower Decent layered mitigation, can softcap defenses and get respectable S/L resistance, and has some psi resistances built in. Very little DDR though, although regeneration can be built up really high, this set sort of needs a primary that can mitigate e.g. footstomp. Cascading defense failure and -regen really hurt this set. Ice Armor Really good at resisting cold; I believe it has some of the best slow resistance, some DDR, softcap defenses, basically limitless endurance from absorption, +HP, and hibernate that's good against instagibs. This is a set for aggro, because it has two pbaoe auras, but the downside is that it doesn't have much resistances to shore that up. Super Reflexes The hardest person to hit around; with the ability to cap defenses, as well as have really good DDR. The downside is that there isn't many layers on top of that; there are however scaling resists that go up as your HP goes down. You can build +absorb from Prev. Medicine and Entomb, and regen or +HP, but the other sets have these more readily. No inherent endurance management. Regeneration This is ironically one of the best sets for tanking Hamidon, but for general content, it is difficult to make it tanky enough for content; you will mainly be a damage dealer that has enough survivability, which could be your choice as a brute.
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