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  1. Poison Trap from the Poison Set used to have -1000% Regen on it at the beginning of the year
  2. can you please reinstate the missing -regen from poison trap in the poison set
  3. they fixed end crash on blasters why not health crashes on tanks and brutes quick fix massive replicability value win win
  4. In order to bring end game Elec armor back into discussions can we fix the health crash end crash is fine but health crash just means that it gets leapfrogged by every other armor set
  5. Fault would be gone for placate Hurl would replace assassin strike
  6. it cant crit it has a 3.5 sec cast time total focus cant crit for the correct damage it crits for a certain ammount that is less than critical damage for every other ability
  7. Can we turn back energy melee so energy transfer has a short cool down or enable it to double damage and keep the current animation and possibly up the damage to suit total focus cast time ( they dont have to apply in pvp)
  8. I would really like to see a belt with two holsters they dont need to be interactive and the model is half there with the official belt just asking to remove the baton and replicate the holster on the other side love you work guys and thanks
  9. I understand how scourge works and have been doing extensive testing with regards ie getting them down low and then using the sbility
  10. I have checked both
  11. For some reason it posted twice
  12. Either dual pistols nuke is broken and is unable to scourge or combat and display is and doesn't display the numbers as no matter how many times I have used it, it never shows and scourge damage or even that scourge has proced.
  13. Not a draw from belt that would be unreasonable but two holsters on a belt wouldn't be to much
  14. Can we please get a dual holster belt that can be directlly take from the official belt love you work all
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