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  1. This. Claiming that few players speak for the entire pvp community and that the entire pvp community supports only their ideas is counterproductive to bringing fresh ideas and positive change to the game. I didn't elect anyone and I don't 'only support 3 people to speak for me.' I am a pvp'er therefore I am in the pvp community.
  2. Reintroduce a form of travel suppression and eliminate base porting in pvp. 1) While most melee has survivability, that is apart of the AT. It isn't unfair that other ATs lack as much survivability because those ATs are not supposed to be tanks, scrappers, brutes, etc.. The lack of any travel suppression in pvp is granting ATs a survivability that shouldn't be there. If you want to have capped resist, defense, or not die as easily play an AT designed for that. 2) If you want to leave the zone when you are about to die don't enter the zone and don't pvp. Base Porting should've never been a thing in pvp. Just end it. This is my opinion on pvp, not facts. I am not trying to tell anyone how to play, I am just sharing my opinion on how pvp could be less run and gun (even for melee? Doesn't make sense) and more of an actual player vs. player battle. Half of my time in zone pvp is spent chasing players that just retreat and come back, retreat and come back, base port and come back. I am not trying to spend an hour in a pvp zone playing tag (Some is ok, but the complete lack of a travel suppression and the supremacy of spikes creates fotm around and caters to blaster and stalker playstyles). 3) Other pvp zones were fun, I wonder if there is anything that can be done to reintroduce an interest in BB, SC, and WB?
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