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Biff Pow

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Posts posted by Biff Pow

  1. 2 hours ago, OdinAZ said:

    I was also looking at this.  What is the difference between lingering and prolonged vibrations?  And the other odd vibrations?


    I think they just gave them different names to allow the resist debuffs to stack. I honestly don't pay too much attention to them because damage is already so high, but it is noticeable when you hit a Boss with a couple debuffs then do a ton of damage with the melee attacks.

  2. 9 hours ago, Marshal_General said:

    The only way SS can be buffed/adjusted/fixed is if they made another set called Might and made all the adjustments for SS to it.


    Otherwise people will be screaming on the forums, "MUH RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


    Yeah, I'd make the current set "Smash" and the new set "Might", which would also be balanced with Scrappers and Stalkers in mind.

  3. I can tell you that Sonic/Energy is great for soloing. Siren Song puts the minions and lts. to sleep, Screech plus the EM attacks keeps the boss stunned while you take them out.


    Also about the KB to KD in Shockwave, I actually find it handy when some enemy groups are spread out to use the knockback to clump them together (usually for Siren Song.) But your mileage may vary.

  4. 6 hours ago, malewitch40 said:

    Was wondering if other than spending millions on those set pieces, is there abilities which boost my protection against psi attacks?  Does Stealth?  Does Leaderships Maneuvers?  Does Weave? Does Combat Jumping?   I see many of these powers on Mids saying +def vs all, does that include psionics or not?


    I'm pretty sure all those +Def pool powers give Psi defense now (they didn't use to.) But Invulnerability isn't as weak to Psi damage as it used to be, either. Unyielding, Resist Energies and Unstoppable all give Psi resistance. Invincibility gives a little Psi defense. It's not a big deal anymore.

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  5. My Inv/Psi Tank will be sticking with Energy Mastery. Focused Accuracy is just too useful, and now they've reduced its End use too. He also uses the Force of Will pool, which I think works well with the Psi theme too.


    But I'm glad they're adding sets and giving us more options.

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  6. 2 hours ago, hoopahnan said:

    though if there’s a move that makes you leap to an enemy that’d be nice.


    Yes, there's Spring Attack and it is cool! I just wish it had a shorter recharge time.


    I don't know much about Mids compatibility but here's my build to see if it works and give you ideas.


  7. Just one Rare Salvage drop, sold in the Auction House, can fund SOs for quite a few early levels (as long as you're not upgrading every level.) And you can buy a Rare Salvage for the 5 Merits you get for the starting zone exploration badges.


    Yeah, this info isn't exactly new player friendly, but isn't figuring out strategies like this part of playing games?


    (And honestly, how many new players is this game really getting?)

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  8. I like Resilient for Invulnerability, since it effects so many powers and pushes the exotic Resists over 70%. (The ToHit buff also effects Invincibility a little bit, it's a bigger deal with Inv/SS because of Rage.)

  9. My suggestion to help Endurance problems (and I realize some people won't like it) is don't take Hasten. One power that saps your End every two minutes is bad enough, two is asking for trouble. Yeah, you can hit Footstomp and KO Blow a couple seconds faster, but by the endgame purpled-out build, I barely notice the difference.


    I'm surprised you'd have Accuracy problems, I think the +ToHit from Rage is one of the best parts of Super Strength. I still take Focused Accuracy though, for the +Perception and ToHit Debuff resistance, but generally only need it running fighting Arachnos.

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