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  1. No, it isn't. There's certainly differences, but the power system that was written by Number Six on the secret server explicitly supports legacy powerset files. I appreciate people's effort pointing out our flaws. But that's a literal teenager, who was also warned for doing that. Unsurprisingly, so are a lot of the "edgy" users people try to point out. Our policy is for the game to be treated differently than how people interact on the forum or Discord, because the game offers tools for people to block and filter words. That's not true. The server certainly has roots in /v/, but the majority of the staff uses imageboards as a maybe once a month thing if at all. There's more users here that post on 4chan, if the responses I've seen were any indicator. Our changes also aren't part of Ourodev. We contribute to Ourodev's upstream fork for bug fixes and I do code reviews, but the majority of things people talk about that we do are kept to us. There's a litany of reasons for that, but it's the same reason I don't bash Homecoming for being closed. -- I will fully admit to being a Thunderspy developer, if it wasn't obvious, and unfortunately, could not log into my original account here due to locking myself out from phone typos - so this isn't some attempt at evading a ban. I typically try to not reply here - as I read the forums for Bug Reports, something I do with every server's public reports, and less so for drama. However, I'd prefer to clear the air on what we do and do not do. Otherwise, these threads tend to get locked over people being wholly incorrect and breaking the rules with people intent on spreading complete misinformation. -- Personally, I don't mind that servers don't share our same opinions and people feel that this is a "safer" place. I don't feel that way - and I left partly as a result. My experience was that it tended to be just as bad here, but people are better at hiding their vitriol. I also didn't find teaming any easier and ended up with the same small group of badge hunters every single time I ran something. That was on Excelsior. I'm sure people can provide their anecdotes for how they always get groups, but I didn't as someone who barely spoke in game chat more than using LFG, offering public farms, and responding to tells. The staff can confirm that with my logged messages, if they want to go digging for how some awful Thunderspy developer treats people. Ultimately, the CoH community is just the insular group of cliques it has always been - starting from the old forums, to the secret server, to how people operate here. People like to pat themselves on the back for being so open, even though it's easy to see people's toxic behavior on this forum towards new players and old players alike. Yet there's a wonder why the community at large is in death throes. After all that is said and done, my views on how to treat users, how to develop content, and how to treat each other didn't align with people here. And so I did my best to not be here.
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