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  1. Will have a gander, thanks!
  2. The only requirements are for either no travel powers or only SS/SJ as I am a ninja... ninjas cant fly. Other than those, any dps/def led build is no issue, Infl is also not an issue, as I have a pocket farmer. Cheers guys! thank you in advance.
  3. I do appreciate it! rolled a Grav/Kin and named her "Spatially Violted"
  4. Had a Claws/Regen scrapper back in live Named Hero’s Claw (real original) he was fun to use and would love to do high end game stuff and maybe if possible solo +4/x8 missions. Thank you in advance!
  5. Did you ever find your final build? Was wondering if it can +4/x8 mobs
  6. Right now I can’t look at his mids as I’m away from my COH. But right now he’s kicking ass one-two shotting everyone. But I feel like I’m missing my potential. I would like a build with no limits, and with one goal in mind. High ST damage and sustained fighting. I have no end issues, no damage issues and only minor to moderately squishy. But I know he can be a full on Beast with the right build.
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