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Everything posted by Salous

  1. Yeah its convoluted.
  2. So are you saying multiboxing is allowed except for Hami/abyss raids?
  3. you can use the beta server for HC to test stuff out, grant yourself levels, influence and enhancements, ect.
  4. I know you may be in love with the set bonuses but I'd suggest proccing Poison Trap with 5 damage procs Glads Net chance for lethal Unbreakable Constraint chance for smashing Ghost Widows Embrace chance for psi Neuronic Shutdown chance for psi Will of the Controller chance for psi AND Lockdown chance to +2 mag hold or w/e of your choosing Poison Trap is an amazing power it doesn't need anything other than recharge which your build has in abundance BUT if you add these procs and you have a lot of recharge you can get a ton of damage out of the power. PT is even better on Controllers since it gets an additional proc from Will of the Controller where as other Traps AT do not get that benefit. Traps is my fav set in the game, PT is your best power I've a Traps everything and Ill//Traps is by far the best one.
  5. PB does essentially nothing for Traps I'm waiting on changes to Trip Mine and Time Bomb, its a shame they couldnt port the Devices changes over to Traps even if it just were a temporary bandaid until they got around to Traps.
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