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Everything posted by TheMultiVitamin
Yea those are ones I've definetly been looking at too, there's so many well written ones and overall they're just neat to see in regards to what other players come up with.
Yea flipping Enhancements on the AH has been my go to for Inf. for 2 fold reasons. The first being that you make some decent Inf. income doing it regularly. The second is that it makes sense for some of my character doing so!
Thanks, your posts are always really informative so I appreciate 'em when I see 'em!
With all the information I've gotten from both here and the other threads, I now have a new addiction, and that's messing around with MIDS for all my character concepts to make stuff I like, cause mmm big number go up is nice but seeing it reflected in game is even better. I made a build for my Pure Speedster, of which is currently level 30, and have kitted out a build on MIDS along with being able to actually afford making it due to Converter Roulette and holy gods it's been such a big difference so far, and that's with only half the build done! I went from missing and doing okay damage to hitting almost every time, being able to spam attacks with enough END left over to just keep going group from, being able to tank much better damage and have even outright oneshot some enemies. All solo! Thanks a ton to all of ya for the help (both here and in my other questions threads).
Oooh, definitely joining that as well, thanks for letting me know! Edit: As I look at the webpage for it, how did I miss the big Discord button when I was downloading MIDS the first time a few days ago 😭
These look pretty helpful, thanks! And yea I was planning to make a blaster as one of my next characters once I have a concept down (currently thinking Battlesuit type blaster Ala-Iron-Man, War Machine, Doc Ock, etc etc as inspirations)
Thanks a ton, this has really helped in understanding quite a bit on how to go about things build wise! I'll have to start sharing any prospective builds then so that others can assist and get some criticisms that way, it'll really help. I've mostly been looking at builds from various threads that've been shared to me (in both this post and in other places like discord and the like) and those have been really helpful.
All very good points, but it's worth noting that I'm not exactly frustrated or anything playing the way I play. I've been having a grand old and enjoying myself immensely in the way I play, all of my questions come from me not understanding how it works (enhancement IO's and Builds) or wanting to hear about alternative ideas (non fire/spines farming). I'm aware I'm not playing optimally, that's fine with me that's not my purpose for playing the game. For me it's RP and experiencing story, for others it could be playing optimally and making big builds or tons of inf. or farming, to each their own, they're all equally valid. I'm not doing it as a mark of accomplishment or anything either, it's just that I like to do things narratively! People play things differently, I don't feel accomplished or anything for playing this way, I just find it fun and that's all the thought I put into it when playing this way. Even while I make these posts, it's not as if I'm saying "Oh I won't do that at all", it's that I'd rather not to and am asking for alternatives, and if there aren't any then I'm fine committing to it. Even in terms of like, builds and enhancements I've been told that doing normal builds is fine and optimal builds is more for if I want to do advanced mode content (of which I don't, at the current moment anyway) and following that advice and a lot of the advice I've been given in various threads, discords and in-game I've been having a wonderful time. Though I do apologize if it did come across as more frustration rather then curiosity, tone is hard to convey over text so apologies if it read that way! Yea I'm aware of the buy-in for converter roulette, I had about 7mil inf. when I started (from selling orange salvage and the like) and am now sitting at around 150mil, a friend on discord also told me how to make a bit more passive inf. using Super Packs too which is nice. I've still got the guides shared with me up on other tabs and pinned, I've been reading them and putting some of them into practice but it's a lot to go through and I still have questions, so I figure what better place to ask then forums.
That's a good idea, I didn't think to frame AE as Training sessions! Especially since Inf. isn't literal money game narrative wise, it's like resources, connections, etc that you spend to get what you need, so training in AE and getting Inf. from it absolutely could be narratively worded as just your training getting better and able to help others, thus garnering more support and connections to utilize. Fair enough! I had been avoiding AE subconsciously due to a previous CoH Homecoming endeavor I had attempted called the Writers Guild so I glimpsed over just, making my own farm if needed. Luckily Converter Roulette has been paying dividends now that I know how to do it so It's likely I won't even need AE either way (unless I want to level and farm that way, but I generally want to level organically via story content and the like.)
I can't speak for anyone else, but in my casing it's more like "Well I already resolved this plotline, why would I do it again (as it's the exact same) if it's already been solved?" While in Farming AE missions there's not even plot so there's not much point (other then obviously farming, that's what they're made for after all). So like, doing MSR once (potentially multiple times since I doubt the Rikti only have a single mothership), Hamidon once, Fog Labyrinth is doable multiple times because narratively it makes sense that you can. This changes once 50 is hit because that's when, in my casing anyway, my character would naturally gain access to Ouroboros and thus time shenanigans, so repeat missions are just alternate timelines (narratively for my characters that is). Another adjustment happens if I'm playing a character that has Time powers themselves, in which they can do repeats and the like right from the get go. It's a bit challenging sure, but it's fun and it makes sense for my characters RPly and the like for me, so it gives me immense enjoyment. Even more so since I like to read all the mission text and dialogue (which is why I mainly solo, as the people I'm grouping with from LFG channels typically just want to rush through, which is understandable, especially if they've already played through it multiple times). All of it's part of the fun for me!
Sure, but only if I'm trying to incarnate them and the like, which isn't my goal for characters. I play purely for story and RP, nothing else really. Mechanics are cool and I might indulge, hence why I'm farming Inf., but not my focus.
I actually also discovered Converter Roulette (as the entire reason I want to farm is purely for Inf.) and that's been going well!
Typically even if I do them once I mainly do it as a success of it, rather then just entirely once overall. Though making an offspring of one of my characters sounds so interesting, that's a cool idea I didn't even think of.
In my casing, it's that they have story to them. They're not just for leveling and farming, but they have plotlines and the like. I play my characters as RPed as I can so SF/TF's having story means, narratively, it'd be weird if my character did them more then once. Of course that's me being pedantic as all hell but that's just how it is for me.
In terms of Radio Missions and the like, those are fine to do more than once because they're meant to be repeatable to do the Bank missions. Same with Alignment/Morality missions.
Ah yea I saw a few of those S/L Farms, though the knockback on them just made it impossible and insta-2 shotted me. Mostly cause they're 1-54 rather then exemplaring up to 50 so even though I'm fighting 'em at my level they still beat me hard. Was unaware of the SF/TF's giving good stuff to sell, mostly cause I just do those once each for the story for that character and that's it, thanks for the advice!
Recently looked into farming, not wanting to dedicate too much of my time to it as I did that in other games and it killed my interest in them but I'm okay with doing it now and again. However I see that most farm missions are Fire farms, so I'd to know if there are any that aren't fire farms or if there's any way to farm Inf. or Salvage without needing to dedicate a whole character to it? I make characters based off of concepts and theming rather then mechanics so making a character specifically for farming just feels wrong to me.
Honestly, absolutely. If you make one or find one feel free to share, it'd be incredibly helpful.
All these setups look so good but also really making me want to get a bigger monitor for some reason lol
All very good points. I even just realized today that if I wanted I could make a Nictus if I just make a Warshade and switch alignment to Villain or just take a different powerset/archetype like Gravity Control and change the colors to purple and black. I mess around with power customization a lot so I completely get where you're coming from!
Understandable and yea I'm primarily still going to be building for theme, it was just that my old way of understanding MMO's meant "take everything in your primary and secondary, that's how you're supposed to do it" and then seeing that that is not actually true at all. I forget that while City of Heroes is still an MMO, it does things in a more unique way allowing much more freedom and creativity then other MMO's do. Hence why the Holy Trinity doesn't really exist for this MMO like it does as much in others (though you can make characters still based on the Holy Trinity if you wanted to, it's just not required to be effective in what you do for this game, instead you just need to be able to play your Powerset Primary + Secondary + Archetype combo well.)
I believe I know how I'm going to build and utilize this character now, and making other characters with stuff in mind has become much easier with all the stuff shared with me. But thanks for the tip on Elude! I wouldn't have known otherwise.
Tray 1 is my normal attacks + combo builders Tray 2 are my Finishers + Temporary Buffs Tray 3 are my Travel/Temp powers Tray 4 are my Toggles Tray 5 are my Accolade/prestige powers This is a StJ/SR Brute. My general guideline is that I take all the powers from my Primary and Secondary, though I take my Travel power as soon as I can because I hate being slow and it also helps me flesh out the character thematically and conception wise. However with the information I've gotten from this thread I'm now going to be taking more powers that fit the character concept properly rather then just taking every single power from my Primary and Secondary (unless of course all of them do fit the theme/concept). But I'm the same in that I pick them as I go and build from there. I mostly play Solo personally, but I plan to start teaming again at some point, especially to do TF's, Trials, etc.
True, I completely forgot that Respecs exist! Thanks a ton for the info, that's most likely what I'm going to start doing. Either taking ones that make sense for the character thematically (like the Psi-Blade character) or if there's a lot of the powers or the whole sets that would make sense, take all of them and then respec to ones that I've had the most use out of them and like for the character the most. I play character conception myself as well, my only issue was that I was getting so many powers from my primary and secondary that I barely used a decent amount from either, so why take them? If the rest of the powers fit the character concept and theme and I'm barely using much of the others, how do I decide what to take without crippling myself? Thankfully the answers here have helped a lot! I also at some point do want to make a few optimal characters, mainly out of interest to see how they perform, so mostly curiosity (though if it fits a character concept then even better). Yea, I can definitely see some wanting one, the other or both (myself included). True, I generally want to make characters that going up to Incarnate level would make sense for them concept wise and narratively, but I do have a few that would make more sense to pause them at level 20 or 30 as their height of power conceptually or narratively. Yea I want to avoid the Beta server and the Insta-50 PVP thing as well, much rather do it organically as I level, understand the powerset via playing it over those levels and as the character themselves grow.
Honestly taking these into account and looking back at powers in the character creation screen, some things start making more sense to me both mechanically and thematically. Using Psionic Melee as an example, my old thinking used to be "Kind of sucks that there's only 3 Psi-Blade powers there, what if I wanted to make a character that's entire thing is just a Psi-Blade? Wish the other attacks had Psi-blade variants in the customization part". But now it's like, well if I want to do that I can just take Psi Blade, Psi Blade Sweep and Greater Psi-Blade as my attack chain, along with Concentration, Taunt, and Boggle. With a maybe on Mass Levitate for it's AOE usage.