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  1. I was on mission "Disrupt The Meeting" from Night Widow Raganain in Striga Isle. Tried using the mission transporter from position [-3718.8 0.0 -654.8] to [-506.6 8.0 -1080.0] in Striga Isle. (not realizing the TO location was the contact) Mission transporter cooldown was spent, but I didn't go anywhere and received the below message: [02:33] You have a mission, but it has an invalid door_id. Make sure that the city zone containing your door is running on a live mapserver! Shouldn't I have received the usual message that states I can't use the Mission Transporter rather than it burning the cooldown?
  2. Since the last comment on this subject is about two years old, I wanted to give a "2024" update. (1) I came across this exact issue. I could not get 0.37 to complete in the Aspect of the Pillar mission select screen. (2) I saw the advice from noldrek and jumped down to 11.05, I completed that, but that did not complete 0.37. (3) I went back up to 0.38, and completed that, no change. Then, when I completed 0.39, 0.37 was completed. So, from my observation, 0.37 seems to need that whole arc/series to be completed before it shows completed. (0.37, 0.38, & 0.39) I hope that helps others who come across this post.
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