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Everything posted by sjj668

  1. I see your point now. It would be nice if the mobs that count took precedence over the ones that don't. Perhaps that is too much to ask for.
  2. Good to know. Not the Tyrant mission but also good to know. I believe I did say something about clearing the mobs in the vicinity of the hostages. But no. I did not clear the entire map. It goes against logic to assume that someone is being held hostage by someone yet to exist. Be that as it may, what would trigger such an appearance? The extirpation of all other mobs? No other mission required that unless explicitly listed in the objectives. Perhaps this one is an exception in which case I would suggest adding it to the quest requirements. As it is a timed mission clearing a whole board and then waiting for new spawns, being time intensive, would necessitate clearer instructions. More information is usually, not always, preferable to less. The trick is to figure out what that information is. Thank you for your pointers listed above. Would that it were posted earlier this thread would have been a good deal shorter.
  3. It's axiomatic that one cannot prove a negative. I cannot prove it doesn't exist. Since it's instanced you can't prove it does. I don't expect anyone to to suddenly take my word and rush to look for a solution, but, rather, if others run into the same situation there is a compendium of reports. You know, but reports, like the title of this forum. Hard to confirm they are stuck in the wall unless it is so egregious as to be reproducible at the drop of a hat. I do take your point the a /loc would facilitate the analysis and make the job easier. More difficult perhaps without it but not impossible. Probably wise. Whether someone does anything with this report is more a matter of inclination than information. By your own admission clipping seems to be a relatively common occurrence, so one more in the hopper. It appears that it does: By your aggrieved tone and ad hominem attacks, you appear to take the bug report way to emotionally. Suggestions which resolve situations are greatly appreciated. Suggestions which are essentially workarounds to a defect (such as clearing all opponents in the hopes of getting a misplace malefactor) are also greatly appreciated but speak to a larger issue seemed to be ignored. Pointing out a problem, I suppose, is a complaint. I thought a forum for bug reporting was an appropriate venue. And with all due respect, unless you are the moderator, it's not your place to adjudicate whether this post belongs here or in file 13.
  4. The auto completion of one quest has no bearing on the ability to abandon another. This is about active (red) quests. The above post typifies why bug reporting on forums is not workable. There's always someone who has to snark it up because he doesn't like the post. Well YOU managed to figure out what quest it was. If you can than even a junior dev can. And if the instance is procedurally generated /loc is useless. If not then the pictures are more that enough for someone to zero in on whatever walls may be involved. There are only 7 nodes on the map. Using circular logic is always a good way to avoid a problem. If a thing hasn't been found you haven't searched hard enough, not thatit's not there or bugged in some way. Not hard to believe you can't see that. Not being able to find something not there is a bug. Having two hostages cleared of the mobs harassing them and not registering is a bug. Note: this is a bug reporting site. I reported a bug - two bugs actually. What the devs do with them is up to them. If they want more information I will give it to them.
  5. Sounds like a bug to me.
  6. I waited and if they were stuck in the wall that is a bug. You cannot autocomplete except 3 or 4 days. I used that option on the broken Circle quest. You cannot abandon an active quest. Why, I don't know. I am familiar with getting stuck and hunting high and low. I have not quarrel wit that, These are bugs. My debugging days are in the rearview mirror. I just report them now. Believe it or not I played the game when it was live. When I ran into issues like this I posted a problem via the game support option and within a half hour someone responded usually by autocompleting the quest w/o the time penalty. That option I have found is not available. Only bug reporting here. What I have described are, no matter how you fashion them, are bugs.
  7. As to the first point there were multiple portals in that room which although irritating did not deter my search for containers. While it could be argued that that there were containers here that contained an objective, they did not pulse or emit that intermittent hum, in which case that is still a problem that needs to be fixed. As to the second problem the mobs in the near vicinity of the objectives were in fact cleared out. If the stated objectives are to rescue the hostages then that should be the goal. It the stated objective is to wipe out all the villains that is the goal. Sometimes you get both. In this case the objective was to rescue the hostages - only. To require more than that is a workaround to a compensate for a bug.
  8. I did one quest where I had to find 7 books in a Circle cave.. There were plenty of false containers but only 5 books. I cleared all the MOBs except a room which kept spawning behemoths that gave no XP. But no books or containers there. I found all the passageways but nothing. I had to auto complete that one. And then there's this one. Find 7 hostages and free them. Found them and freed them or rather found all of them and freed 5. The other two were standing by themselves shaking like wet chihuahuas in the cold. I even cleared the mobs within shouting distance. I'll have to wait for this one to time out. Please please oh please when you generate these procedural quests make sure they work or give an option to reject the quest in progress. But really fix them. I loathe the quests with multiple objectives now because I dread the broken ones like these that I spend 30 minutes to an hour looking for a quest solution(s) that don't exist..
  9. I see your point on the offense/defense imbalance. I see the ED issue but to keep below the diminishing returns ignores the set bonuses which are substantial. How do you square that circle? I was under the impression that loading up on LotG, especially 7.5% was a good thing and have seen many builds doing so. Even on this forum (under other venues). Is there a place to view VETTED builds? Is there a link to a guide to explain WHY? I mean I get pieces here an there like your placate rationale (tyvm). Following build formulae with no reason other than "that's the way you do it" is not very interesting.
  10. I am doing a huntsman like build (I hate, hate, hate, the crab armor). And I like the gun. The guy does real well, laughably almost, against mooks and Lts. Against Bosses and EBs (never mind the AVs; I turned that off), I can get them down about 20-30% and my health or stamina run out. This is principally because the CC interrupts don't work at all on these mobs. Here's the build. He is lvl 28. Too wordy to write out the stats. A picture is worth a thousand words. The stats not shown have standard IOs at 25-30. The set IOs are 2 Full sets of LotG; Steadfast Prot: Knockback -4; Power Trans: Chance to Heal; Blessing of the Z; Knockback -4; Kin Comb: Chance for Knockdown; Pound Slug: Disorient Bonus; LotG: 7.5% Rech. It IS a work-in-progress so... What I usually do is web them and use the AoE to wear the clusters down or kill them outright. If they close the melee skills keep them on their backs or disorient them until they agreeably expire. Frequently I can fly above the melee fighters and hose them as needed. As you can see the skills are 70/30 ranged/melee. Something must be off the get toasted by the bosses which show up even tho' I turned them OFF. (Yeah I know some don't have downgraded versions). I know bosses have a built-in Mag -3 but I have read a number of builds and at least am going after the intent. If builds are reductive (i.e., there is only one optimal and the rest suck) please let me know.
  11. I was unaware of that item. I will look into that. Thx!
  12. This one didn't have any warning; it was only the second mission. I have no teammates and strangers are problematic. The inspirations ran out when the boss was down to 50%. Some bosses ARE easier than others. This guy has a never-ending fount of drones that appear periodically that makes it difficult to concentrate on the one guy. C'est la guerre.
  13. Ah. So skip it since it is clearly not meant to be soloed
  14. I set this to NO solo bosses and in the second mish in "The Buried Past" I run across Arbiter Sands who is an elite boss 2 levels above me. I believe the setting is broken or the quest is ignoring it. Either way a fix is needed.
  15. Thanks for the advice. I will check out the specials as they seem to obviate the need to replace the worn out set IOs.
  16. I genuinely appreciate the advice not only for the pick but the WHYs of the pick.
  17. Agreed which is why I understand that particularly in the case of the brute, a total redo is in order. I would like to see at least one alt make it to that end without a prodigious suicide rate.
  18. Money is not directly an issue. From what I have read here particularly with the brute the secondary powerset is not tenable. I presumed, incorrectly it seems, that a healing base would be useful. i WAS looking for the easy choices. In a perusal for recommended builds the interwebs are filled with a wide variety of choices and without much details as to WHY, apart from overload a brute with LotG, In any case a respec is not going to eliminate a poor choice of a powerset. I'm all about exploiting the quirks of the game to my advantage. It's how I get inf in the game.
  19. Thank you all for your feedback. As per the title of this thread. I do not have a clear understanding of the game as it is now. I played a bit back in the day about 15 years ago so things have changed. So if I understand the gist of all these comments: Build choices are more degenerate than they once were. I will need to find a proven formula to min/max my ATs where possible. In cases where my choices for primary/secondary don't fit within the paradigm it's best to restart the character from scratch with better choices. Appreciate the input.
  20. It might have been that group thing with Twinshot. Ridiculous those things never fought the right enemies and died horribly. You couldn't heal them either.
  21. No the quest line was lower level. The Brute did the Rikti Ambassador quest. The MM definitely did not. The Boss was Kadabra Kill. This was related to the Arachnos Soldier. The quest level was 22; he was A Level 23 Hero and remained that way toggles be damned. So he not only was a hero, he was a level above me, his procs always worked (mine rarely worked on him). He had summons, preexisting mobs and he could group heal. I do not think that was fair at all. That was a quest by Darrin Wade on Sharkhead Isle. It also made no sense. I was to rescue 4 captives of which he was one. My reward for rescuing him was he attacks me (his associate Sigil did the same). They were killed in the previous quest but apparently someone resurrected them off-board.
  22. Honestly not offhand. I know there was one where I had to fight Positron of al things and I was in the teen level. There was a frozen dame in a sub pen with a "team" that were as useful at mammary glands on a boar. The MM handled ok the brute not so much. And there was a spate of quest taking down on villain after another in Brickstown. I wish I could remember their names. I think the New Praetorians was one of them because they offered it to one of my toons who was not a Praetorian which I thought odd.
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