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Posts posted by Naraka

  1. 3 hours ago, ejworthing said:

    I like both of the OP's suggestions. I think it should apply to all buff powersets, including Thermal Radiation. I'd like to give both the recipient and the caster the option of turning off the visual effects.

    The OP's suggestion is about the animation, i.e. how the target of the power animates.  The suggestion doesn't cover at all the visual FX that a power has.


    To specifically explain, he's wanting to exchange or have an option that the "shock robot-dance" animation that the player character performs be replaced with the kinetics "power shrug" animation but the actual visual electricity covering the character's costume would remain the same.

  2. 2 hours ago, Keen said:


    Read again:



    If I have to move after getting a seizure, I'm not avoiding it. The damage's already been done.


    Thanks for proving my point.


    Firstly your base premise was faulty to begin with, pointing out that you can just have mez protection to stop foes from mezzing you still doesn't stop you from getting the effect if you are shot with an electric power OR if you're currently not under the effects of mez protection.


    Secondly, you can't take back your previous words.  You said there's *nothing* you could do.  I gave you something and you're trying to move the goalpost so hard, you apparently don't remember what you said to begin with or feel it's somehow more difficult to just move (have you ever did CoX PvP?...or any PvP in general?  Oh and mez protection in PvP is limited to mez resist for the most part so you're more likely to get mezzed period) than it is to have 100% mez protection all the time on every character.  Go play a Scrapper from level 1 facing Outcast and see if you ever get mezzed by electric powers.

  3. 45 minutes ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    As said; yup.  Inf bonuses won't attract people interested in Redside.  It will attract people interested in Inf.

    Sounds like a proper Rogue at least.


    45 minutes ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    I think the best way to incentivize people to be playing Redside is to give players the power to make an impact in the game world.

    How about them dozens of purse robberies happening right in your heroes' faces and you don't do anything?


    I think expecting Redside to have magical world-shifting mechanics is unrealistic and unreasonable.  

  4. 48 minutes ago, Rathulfr said:

    While it sounds like a good idea at first glance, I doubt it will actually solve the problem.  What will happen is that we'll see a surge of Null the Gull Vigilantes that go slumming for double (quadruple) XP for a brief period of time, and then they'll all shift back to blue side when the period is over.


    Even in its hey day, red side never appealed to most players.  It has always been significantly underpopulated, even in the best of times, right after CoV launched.  We all created our villains back then to check out the new content, and a few of us even got a few to 50.  Then later we all we went back to playing heroes, as usual.


    Ehh, I'd rather you not talk for us.


    If anything, the main reason I ended up going blue is because it's easier to get TFs.


    I like redside plenty because I guess I'm one of those hipster centrists who like to get a taste of everything, see all sides of the coin.  I actually enjoyed it just fine having the ATs limited by heroes and villains and requiring going through some trials to convert.  Not saying we need that back, but I always felt people that whined about it were just extremely picky and always want to be catered to.  Same for people that "only" like blue for the nebulous reason of wanting to be a "hero" while they go vaporizing the faces off of bad guys and pretend they are "arresting" them.  If you can't be true to yourself, no need to go the extra mile to lie to me too lol

    • Like 2
  5. 32 minutes ago, Psyonico said:

    I'm assuming by poison you mean Toxic damage.  Toxic Damage is rare because it is resisted by so few enemies (or , that would be my guess as to why it's rare).


    I think Toxic is the most resisted damage type, actually, at least for mobs.  What makes Toxic stand apart from other damage types is the nonexistence of Toxic Defense.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Razor Cure said:

    I see what you are saying, Monos but..and a big but..Time/Nature both say a big, fat Hello.


    And just like Titan Weapons, they deserve a big fat critical stare.


    This is exactly what I always talk about when people start advocating for buffs.  They don't want to see things getting nerfed despite needing a *good* reference point for your buffs.  Players versed in the meta will look at the meta builds and things getting buffed will be in reference to the *meta* sets and not the *balanced* sets.  I'm all for helping weaker sets...but not to push them into the meta territory (in this case, Time, Darkness Affinity and Nature).


    7 minutes ago, Razor Cure said:

    Again, to me, a slight self buff to these sets should be more to encourage people to use the very powers that are meant to be supporting a team, than to make everyone tanks.

    That is already the case.  Those that skip the supporting team powers are doing so likely to chase the meta.  Meta players don't need to be catered to.  They will naturally gravitate to the most powerful combinations and there is nothing you, I or any buffs to sets will do about that.

  7. 1 hour ago, ZeeHero said:

    the sets which focus on buffs which cant be applied to themselves are already underperformers in need of buffing. Kin doesn't count since kin is all about Fulcrum Shift- which applies to everyone.

    You didn't really respond to those criticism brought up.


    Just so I don't have to repeat them:




    That isn't to say that I'm against improving certain sets in certain ways but blanket "make AoE buffs affect the caster" change isn't the answer.  Some sets with AoE caster affecting buffs likely need a look at too.  For example: for the sonic and FF shields, combining the effects of their 2 shields into 1 power and then making the free power something that can benefit the caster.  Cold Domination doesn't need help, though and Thermal Radiation already has a leg up on having +res and heals.

  8. I believe the last discussion on this took into account the amount of buff, the uptime/upkeep and the circumstances of set/AT balance being that support type ATs aren't meant to have easy amounts of armor available in bulk without some sort of high cooldown or limited duration.


    All you have to do is look at sets like Force Field and Super Reflexes or Energy Aura and the amount of defense and endurance/sec as well as the amount of power picks and then stand them next to each other.  One is a set solely focused on an individual user and the other focused on the whole team and the individual user.  On top of that, balance within the AT shifts further and sets like Trick Arrow need even bigger changes just to get near the central AT reference of balance.


    And then would the AT be justified having more personal armor toggles in the epics?  

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Bartacus said:

    I disagree strongly. Have you used it? it's not nearly as strong as Adrenaline boost from Empathy. You don't seriously think that 800% Recovery, 500% Regen AND 100% recharge is on the same level as 75% to special do you? That means 75% to defense buffs, heals, holds, etc? If so I'd have to disagree with you strongly. The former is much more useful to an individual than the latter. Amp Up I've strongly considered dropping for something else. I only keep it because it's cool to cast, not because it's a very good power. 

    Especially at higher levels of play, +Special is not an inherently great buff. It's useful but it's also difficult to play around. Again, the teammates that I think it would be useful on would be like a Bubbler or something with Defense buffs. But, Then they have to (in the short window of the buff) make sure everyone is re-bubbled. It's just not that useful. 

    To me, take the part about the power that is truly unique and make it the main focus. Giving Discharge procs to the entire team or even half of the team would be way more cool and feel like a much stronger T9 than giving it to one person and giving them special. 

    I'd agree and say yeah, make the tier 9 the crown jewel of the set but you really do need to look at the set as a whole and not powers in a vacuum.


    I mean if you're comparing power-by-power, you see differences like Heal Other vs Rejuvenating Circuit healing for nearly as much but also in an AoE and can heal the user.  Or Resurrect vs Defibrillate which rezzes in an AoE (not all that useful utility but it's there) and has an AoE debuff on it...not super amazing but it also recharges in 2min vs Resurrect's 3min.  Faraday Cage is leaps and bounds above Clear Mind even with its utility to grant mez protection at long ranges instead of needing them to stay in a specific area primarily because it also covers KB...and all for the user as well.


    Just gotta face facts: Electric Affinity is already stacked.  Adding anything else, while it might be unique, is unnecessary and should likely need to lower its effectiveness in other ways to compensate.  And if someone says "Well Empathy needs buffs too" that is neither here nor there and outside of the purview of the discussion.  



  10. I see where your heart is but conceptually and mechanically, Sneak Attack = Assassin's Strike.


    My other hits that turn out criticals are conceptually being very accurate or ignoring a foe's protections, i.e. the a critical HIT.


    I wouldn't disagree with changing Scrappers' to critical STRIKE as I conceptualize Scrappers' criticals being just using overwhelming power.

  11. 5 hours ago, golstat2003 said:

    No I'm not. I'm advocating for no changes at all to incarnate powers, period.


    Folks pushing the idea that judgements are used every mob have yet to show that's a fact. 


    Suggestions for limits on incarnate powers need to show an actual justification with data.


    Seeing as how only the devs have access to that data, we'll all just have to agree to disagree.

    Well who is best to provide the data you want?  The person defending keeping everything as it is or the person who avoids the content like you initially suggest?  I only have to prove incarnate powers invalidate many aspects of team play as asserted by the meta-game build direction.  Then the argument goes toward what to do about it and what requires less manhours to make.

  12. 5 hours ago, ZacKing said:

    Yeah fallacies don't work dude.  You're being obtuse, but enough with derailing.  Agree to disagree and move along. 

    I thought fallacies don't work. 

    Ad hominem.

    Proof by assertion.

    Argument from fallacy.


    I'm sure deflecting to something being off topic and then stating "Agree to disagree and move on" and then disappearing is some sort of fallacy I'm not aware of because I'm not trying to pick apart people's intent by looking through a list of fallacies to point at...and isn't it rather hypocritical to assert someone is committing argumentum ad populum while you then commit argument from authority (or false authority since it's just wikipedia)? I mean, don't commit a fallacy while accusing others of a fallacy.

  13. Just now, ZacKing said:

    No, you're being obtuse. it's pretty simple to understand what was said, you just decided to be obtuse about it.  But you go right on doing that.  It's clear you're just trolling.

    I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.


    As for being obtuse, I described what I didn't agree with about his example and why I didn't.  I could went further and simply said your example is flawed but I figured that was implied.  Being obtuse would mean I'm trying not to understand him which is obviously false since I am actively replying and clarifying my position.  If I were being obtuse, more people would be saying I'm being insensitive or some such.


    2 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Ok so it is more than apparent you are just trolling at this point.  Good day to you.

    Um, okay.


    Funnily enough, my perspective hasn't changed.  My villain has no issue causing allies to convulse on command.  It's not unfitting at all but that has been completely ignored among all the discussion.  

  14. 9 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    Don't be obtuse.

    How was that obtuse?  I took their example and described what I didn't agree with it and why.


    6 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Ok, let me clarify since it is abundantly clear the point was missed - in a buffing set there is a power named "Heal"  - as in add hit points to an allied target  -  that uses a spinning kick to the face animation.  It does not fit.  At this point, if all you would like to do is argue semantics, I think it best to agree to disagree. 

    Not all electrical attacks from NPCs have a huge cage of electricity.

    Well I didn't miss the point, you just made a bad example because you specifically stated the power does a spinning kick and knocks an ally unconscious as the effect.  Both of those adhere to each other.  You just tried to make the claim, since it's in a buffing set and it's a kicking attack, that it doesn't fit...which is incorrect.


    As for your new example, a kicking HP recovery tool, while unorthodox, can be a good concept for a melee support AT.  It's not that it "does not fit", just unorthodox (one might even say bizarre).  Having a shocking power that buffs you can fit, you just choose to not want it to.


    Also, which electrical attacks from NPCs that hold you don't have an electric cage?  I can namely only think of Electric Shackles which comes with an electric circle and chains of electricity on your arms and feet.

  15. 3 hours ago, golstat2003 said:

    That's fine. But I am leery of suggestions that push that old style back when a majority don't seem to enjoy the slower paced style. (I say that as I've yet to see anyone leave a team complaining "we are clearing mobs too fast, bye".) And as you said this is only at the higher levels. It's not even most of the game.


    And as others have pointed out on this thread we need more than anecdotal evidence that "teams are using judgement every spawn". They're not.

    I've seen plenty of people leave because "they can't keep their eyes open".  Likely not because everything is "too fast" or even "too boring" but I've also rarely seen someone leave specifically because the team is clearing mobs "too slow" so your assumption of me advocating for slower gameplay is off as well.


    The point I was making isn't that we needed old crashing nukes back, it's that suggestions are constantly pushing the opposite.  My position is "Why? We're already moving fast enough, far faster than necessary, actually."  Or if you took your statement's opposite perspective: I'm not advocating for slower gameplay, you're just asking for faster gameplay.  With regards to the whole Judgement suggestion, I'm only speaking in hypotheticals ("If the live devs had kept the game going longer, they'd probably have started looking into ways of curbing power creep") and I'm not actually suggesting HC team to do this primarily because they have no means of monetizing the game anyway....


    As for my perspective as a whole, do you disagree that there are various little problems that stack on top of other problems to make a larger issue overall?

  16. 2 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    You should have argued the case from the standpoint that the animation is shared with an effect that NPCs cast on players that tells them they are being held.

    There is no rule that says an animation can't have dual purposes.


    For the players confused about being held, being held comes with visual FX that tell you you are held like a *HUGE CAGE OF ELECTRICITY* and NPCs use that for hold and sleep.

  17. 10 hours ago, ArchVileTerror said:

    Generally, Naraka, it's my understanding that it comes down to context, situational expectations, and the perceived risk of griefing.

    A player can "psyche themself up" before going up against an enemy which they know has interactions or content which they find distressing or personally harmful (or simply avoid that enemy all together in some cases) and still have the opportunity to play the game.

    However, should a fellow player be able to perform a "drive-by buffing" with absolutely no warning or contextual clues, it can be rather upsetting.  Particularly since there are players out there who strongly empathize with their character, and a loss of agency for the character translates to a loss of self-empowerment for the player.


    Short version:  Not everyone's the same, and some people are more sensitive to crap they find harmful than other players.

    That sounds like a conjured answer you more or less assumed without experience of the circumstance.  It sounds rational on paper but still ignores why seeing it on others is okay (those others being foes).  As for psyching yourselves up, is that not a more personal issue that likely could be addressed by having someone with modding knowledge go in and swap that particular animation for something else?  Then you won't have to worry about seeing the seizure animation on foes, on allies or on yourself.


    As far as drive-by buffing, I can only assume is really prevalent in open spaces or high traffic areas.  If you can turn on a switch to psyche yourself up, why not do that in areas where such is drive-by buffing is likely to occur.  That and just stand around in not-so-occupied areas when you don't want such effects.  


    As far as risk of griefing, I could only assume it's the same feeling I'd get from someone using the throw snowball power on me or the smack emote.  It's annoying a bit but one can reflect on the context of the situation on a personal level and try to understand it's only an animation and the person is likely only being playful and isn't actually harming you.  I could make a thread requesting a null the gull option to opt into the snowball impact animation because it causes me to feel certain ways or I can just have a discussion with some people about it, get how they feel and maybe get insight and more context as I create my own means of coping with the effect.


    I am not equating the snowball impact power to anyone else's trauma, merely trying to find some other avenue to relate since I won't be able to without further discussion of what they go through and feel.


    2 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Again, you are putting words in my mouth and trying to interject something into my post that is not there.  I never said the animation caused me distress of any kind.  I just do not feel it fits for an allied buff - that is all.  Think of it as having a power called "heal" that uses a spinning kick cartwheel animation to strike the ally in the face and knock them unconscious - the animation does not really fit.  The animation used here makes sense thematically against an enemy target because you are trying to subdue them.  To me, it does not fit as a buff for an ally.  Feel free to disagree.

    That doesn't sound like the animation is wrong.  It sounds like the name is wrong.  It should be "Heel".  The effects reflect the animation and effects.


    Also, which Electric Affinity powers cause the target to convulse?  Is the the +rech buff?  If so, then it kind of does make sense as it's causing a person to react more twitchy.  The portion of twitch here is the "sudden" part which is the only way the set would be able to buff recharge at all.

  18. Could give each AT a different power that chains to add to replayability.


    Blasters - T1 and T2 attacks chain off of a target you use Tesla Cage on.  People wanted Tesla Cage to do more damage but how about it enables additional AoE. It'd be controlable when you wanted to chain it to 2-3 additional targets and it's some of your better powers.


    Sentinel - Chain Tesla Cage but only after defeating the target caged.  Since TC is already shorter duration (I think), it'd more likely just be a good finishing attack that also could chain to defeat another foe (and another foe if that foe is weakened too).  The hold is just a situational cherry.


    Corruptor - Chain Zapp.  Does less ST damage but if you're scourging, who cares?


    Defender - Voltaic Sentinel chain.  I'd say give it some sort of 2nd attack that also chains.  Maybe a chain immobilize or chain KB both adding some -recovery to the pet.



    • Like 2
  19. 2 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

    I also feel the animation is poorly chosen.  I understand the choices are limited, however selecting one that looks like we are being electrocuted by an ally is a very poor choice. 

    Well that's your opinion.  Considering it's already in the game, you'd have to provide a reason other than preference to change it.  For my villain, I think it's fitting.


    1 hour ago, Burnt Toast said:

    Why? You ARE being electrocuted by an ally. If someone jolts you with electricity you are just going to stay there and not have any physical reaction? 

    To clarify, "electrocute" is injuring or killing with electricity so technically you're not electrocuting an ally.


    I feel too much flack is put into hero preferences.  If you think it looks shabby on your hero try using a villain with it.  


    • Like 1
  20. 20 minutes ago, Burnt Toast said:

    It's only a problem if you let it be one. 

    It's more like "It's only a problem in your perspective so you should overlook it".


    But there are various other "problems" that stack one on top of another on top of another.


    Should Blaster nukes get nerfed?  That a discussion for another topic.  The shift from crashing nukes with some special non-crashing nukes to all crashless nukes has caused an imbalance within the blast sets by itself.  It's also created a push to remove crashes from all powers.  And here we are now, with an oversaturation of buffs and AoEs that mobs can barely withstand.  "It's only a problem if you let it be one." Pfft.

    • Like 1
  21. 4 hours ago, Coyote said:

    A simpler fix would probably be to increase the HPs of Minions (mostly) and Lts (a bit) after level 25 or so. This would minimize the spawn-clearing effects of AoEs, and with more mobs living longer, controls and debuffs and tanking ability may matter a bit more than just front-loaded AoE damage that debuffs minion damage to 0. That should just be a change in numbers in a table. If burst AoE damage at the start of a fight is no longer the one-stop solution for both defense and offense against minions, then maybe having defense solutions against large numbers of minions may become useful again.

    Rather than going for the simplest fix, why not go for the "right" fix and fit it in with their scheduled workload?


    If I'm not mistaken, didn't the devs say they wanted to do a pass on enemy damage resistances seeing as some damage types might be a bit too resisted too often?  While doing that, they can do a lot more than adjusting hp.

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