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Posts posted by Naraka

  1. 45 minutes ago, Bay said:

    I think you may have posted in the wrong area? This is the Tank section and seems like you're talking about concepts/roleplay.

    It is a Tanker (a Bio/Fire one).


    And he took primarily cones. It's just he just specifically took cones that are breaths.

  2. I think the most frustrating but most satisfying concept character I've made was my draconian necromancer from a dimension whose population are magic dragon warriors. Their genetics determine what kind of magic breath they can use: wind, fire, electricity, ect.


    My character, on the other hand, being undead, can swap his body parts, specifically the throat, with other dragons. He can breath fire, ice, acid and a burst of sound in the game although his concept would include water and lighting breath as well but those don't exist.

  3. 1 hour ago, oedipus_tex said:


    I assume it's got a 20 second timer so players can't just hide inside it forever. I don't know how long it would have to last for me to consider it for a power pick. At least a full minute or two seems a lot more reasonable. 20 seconds is just long enough in most cases to completely screw things up.


    I've experimented with this power a dozen different ways to see if I could make something of it. For example, I tried a Grav/Storm strategy where I summon a DS and drop Tornadoes inside while I stand outside. Doesn't work though. 



    I don't know what you guys are talking about. DS is a fun and versatile tool. If you're a player that wants to experiment and not worry about the same herd and burn strats all the time, there are other users for this power. Of course someone could say you can duplicate these effects in other ways but that's entirely fine. But not everyone wants to duplicate the same thing the same way all the time lol 


    The simplest application is just as a pocket corner pull: aggroing another group and then sitting inside the first with your DS on is similar to a corner pull but with the stipulation that the 2nd spawn probably wasted their ranged volley in the process. Or do it in reverse and drop the DS between you and the mob and add they run toward you, they get caught in the net.


    A flash-aggro tool that you can use around a corner in prep for an around the corner wormhole or just to prep for a team.


    I think one of the major strengths of Gravity is in unconventional control. It's not meant to stand behind a tank or keep a lot of foes held but rather to move and position foes. My Grav/Energy Dom often doesn't even throw out a hold or keep his Singularity out, he's sneaking ahead, scoping out where spawns are and scooping them up to dump or draw them back to the team. 


    But it's been a while. This was before they implemented Fold Space which I think should be on a much longer cool down.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Frozen Burn said:


    That makes no sense.  25% is a big enough difference and still worthy to pick a Defender over a Corruptor when you want to primarily support your team.  And player population picking one AT over another means nothing at all.  Sentinels are popular, but the AT sucks and everyone knows they need help. 


    People pick Corruptors because they want to do both damage and buff/debuff.  But having both of these functions means there is a trade-off, less of both compared to the ATs that specialize in those areas.  And this is FINE and as it should be.  It's just a lot people apparently like to play this amalgamation.  

    Anything not a damage buff or resistance debuff doesn't really care about a 25% bump.


    Heck, hardly anyone cares about anything else, even if that buff was really meaty. Like, who is crazy about the abundant -def my Trick Arrow can apply? Or the +END in Shock Therapy?

  5. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:


    To address the question at hand, yes, defenders did need the solo 30% Damage buff added to Vigilance.  They needed that because defender blast sets were designed with the understanding that some defender primaries had powers with -Res.  Some, but not all, and in fact, the defender builds which lacked -Res tended to find soloing a tedious and unpleasant experience.  That, that poor experience, is exactly why the solo buff was added.  Neither Cryptic nor Paragon had any intention of creating or enforcing a "team-only" archetype or power set, they always wanted players to have the option to log in, play by themselves and log out with the feeling that they'd made progress.  People playing defenders, on the whole, were not getting that out of the game, and they needed some kind of improvement which would impact all defenders without grossly overpowering the top end.  A simple +Damage was the easiest and least objectionable solution, because that +Damage counts toward their cap and it was made variable according to team size.  Solo experience better, high end not creeping higher, and team experience unaffected.  Job done.



    I'd sooner attribute Vigilance's damage bonus being added as Paragon viewing their own mistake after designing Corruptor.  If anything, Corruptor is what Defender should have been but since they were locked into Hero vs Villain, they couldn't just copy it. The villain ATs were just seen as better (Stalker being the exception) than their hero versions for a long time until proliferation and side switching started happening. Heck, they still don't know what to do with Vigilance.

  6. 1 minute ago, Apparition said:


    Right now, the correct choice for every support set in the game is Defender.  Making some the correct choice for Corruptors is just leveling the playing field a bit.


    And I feel that is a bad approach. Right now, the main mechanical difference between the two is corruptor gets some bonus damage on a for with low health and improving DoT to a degree at the cost of some support potency. Swinging the pendulum to make other sets a right or wrong choice depending on AT is just unintuitive and should be avoided all together. 

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  7. I think debuffs are a bit of a messy field. If I'm not mistaken, -END isn't scaled at all so such debuffs are nearly equal across the board. Then we hit the issue that blast sets come with debuffs so making the damage and the debuff both more effective for corruptor just makes the entire primary better in every way compared to the defender.


    Then there are sets that only debuff. That means sets like trick arrow, dark miasma (yeah, it's got one buff and a heal), storm summoning, poison and such just completely obsolete for defenders, making the correct choice be corruptor for those sets.


    Granted, I'm not one of those players that care that much for optimization. If anything, I value replayability. Make the sets uniquely different in a mechanical way so that there is a reason to play poison on a corruptor, a controller, a defender and a mastermind.

    • Thumbs Down 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Zepp said:

    Hmmm... trying to find a way to do this that is not Super Reflexes or Willpower and makes sense... I'd also envision this as a balanced four layer defense (Def/Res/Reg/CC) as opposed to most armor sets which have one major and one minor layer with a sprinkling of regen and maybe a dash of CC.



    Isn't that just Bio armor?


    Maybe I'm just cynical but at this point, I don't really think there are many options for different effect combinations left...so it's easier to differentiate sets by *how* they obtain their effects rather than what effects of the limited amount present and usable that could be smashed together.  The most simplistic start would be "set and forget" vs "clicked-madness" and variations between them. The set you outlined is basically set and forget although possibly having an armor set that leans on the Tier 9 is slightly different. Still needs something to make its gameplay differ from your other standard set and forget sets.


    11 hours ago, biostem said:

    "Temporal Armor" would, IMO, involve either reverting your body to a healthier state, (heals, regen), placing yourself out of sync with the current timeline/reality, (something akin to phase shift or represented with defense or damage resist), or perhaps speeding up yourself (super reflexes) or slowing your enemies, (think ice armor).


    Phase Shift, despite its critics, could be a unique feature.  Like, the set's mechanic being you have to "store up time" to fuel its heals and regen and you do that by hopping out of sync with reality and being attacked while phased (the attack doing nothing to you except giving you a stack of time with a max stack of 5). Your toggle that you hop in and out of phase would have a short recharge and a max toggle duration (like 8sec). But each stack of time could give heal-over-time and +regen for several seconds.


    Making the set heal-based with a focus on HoT with some regen and resists (your def would be your ability to phase) with the unique means of gaining that healing is how I'd try to make the set unique.  You can even add in some ability to apply slow and immobilize.



  9. Mmm, I think this is just too nebulous.


    How is this not just Super Reflexes but with a heal (*Ninjutsu blushes*)?


    I want to even say that Ninjutsu has a principles of manipulation of perception of time in its concept.


    Unless you create some sort of gimmick to emphasize "time" or create a visual that does, this can be emulated by a lot of other sets and power combos.

  10. 10 hours ago, Tath99 said:


    I think we have a slight misunderstanding.  🙂


    My suggestion to add an outright accuracy or to hit buff to Confused foes, is to address their actual combat effectiveness.  As you may be aware minions, lieutenants and bosses have a small number of attack powers.  They have a limited attack chain.  Confused foes have a habit of struggling to perceive a foe, hitting a foe with a ranged attack, running to deliver a melee attack, changing direction to attack another enemy and so on.  This is poor and inconsistent behaviour caused by threat response.  I am not seeking to overpower confused foes but suggesting it is worth considering buffing their effectiveness when they use their meagre attack chain. i.e. make their attacks have a little more upfront 'punch'.


    A minion facing another minion has lousy accuracy.  A lieutenant vs a minion is somewhat improved, a boss is greater still.  Innate improvements to +hit or +accuracy and +perception to overcome the AI and threat obstacles of confused foes meandering about the battlefield might be beneficial.



    Defense debuffs are your friends.


    If you want your confused enemies to hit each other more easily, does it make more since for the game to just give you that functionality? Or would it be better if you *built* your character to do that? 


    Controllers have access to easy -def in sets like Rad, trick arrow, or even in the control set itself (plant had a decent slathering of -def). Dominator had access to secondaries with -def as well.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Akisan said:


    Only if cast while alive.  If that untouchable period goes away for cast when dead, that's a massive nerf to those powers - the long-duration Stun pretty much ensures that you'll have a good chunk of aggro when mobs come off of stun, and you need that 15s to re-toggle (even moreso with /Fire, given that it also comes with KB and huge AoE damage).


    As far as the current meta, with the huge amounts of self- and ally- rez?  A *lot* of the self-rez stuff is P2W or Temp powers - which won't be there in the upper difficulty content they're releasing. 


    I think the main issue with these 2 powers is that you still get the debt for your defeat - which doesn't make sense thematically if you resurrected yourself.  Some sort of debt removal (on top of the 20s immunity) could make players less hesitant to fully utilize these powers.


    No one cares about debt. The game could get rid of it and, outside of badges, no one would likely notice.


    As for making self rez powers better, you could do that by nerfing other sources: P2W self rez could have it's rech substantially increases (talking about a 2hr rech), same with crafted/reward powers; inspirations increase their stun duration, mag and -recovery period while higher level awakens would only slightly decrease the -recovery period (making you still need multiple break free inspirations+blues to circumvent the death). 

  12. 13 hours ago, Zepp said:

    Some of those would really f with Warshades (and other sets that require more bodies)...

    I'm sure there's a work around for that. But changing the "death affects" of all of your pets being a passive effect of judgement could also be cool. Like putting the target cuffed and on their knees if you defeat them for all those "heroes". Would be cool if a bloody death effect could be an option.

  13. If I were suggesting customization for the Judgement powers, I'd like to make the defeat animations (when being defeated by your judgement power) have various effects: like freezing them in a block of ice, causing the foes to pause in place and vanish, disintegrate into dust, become transformed into random objects (a la gravity's propel mechanic), etc.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    I don't see it happening, but the one thing that puts me off from ice melee is Ice Patch, makes you stationary and tied to that spot. Think it would be better as a toggle like Irradiate and spawns a pet Patch with a .67 mag just enough to make them  slip.


    Remove the sleep sleep effect from, seems redundant and probably mag 1 for minions. Could be wrong on the sleep, reference Paragonwiki and it could be out of date, computer is down for a week.


    2 toggles in melee side, would be more unique. Dark armor players would love it lol.


    Alternatively have Frozen Aura and ice Patch as a toggle do some kind of combo effect.

    Terrible idea, for Ice Melee or other.


    I don't think you're supposed to stand inside the ice patch, you're supposed to stand *behind* the ice patch. For ranged ATs, putting it between yourself and enemies is a basic strat. For melee, drawing foes to the patch is basically a pocket chokepoint when you don't have a corner.


    Making it a toggle means you now can't move or you release your foes from the vicegrip of the knockdown.

  15. 5 hours ago, Koopak said:

    So the way iv always envisioned this AT working best has actually been as a pretty 1:1 of Support/Melee, where the support scale it has is the lowest of any AT, call it like 0.9, 0.8 or something and reduced range. Then the way the Inherit would work is it would build +special and +range from melee attacks, forcing you to get into melee and, with an optimized attack chain allowing you to get to a relative scale of say 1.1 like Cor? Numbers tweakable. The kicker would be that the buff decays so fast that you can only get one, maybe two support powers off before you need to be back at the melee boppery to maintain max power. Similarly applying buffs could provide +damage, leading to cycleing playstyle.


    I don't think this design can work. Because the different support sets have different applications, properties, and strength and weaknesses, such an inherent would be somewhat decent on certain sets or downright unwieldy for others. Not only that but it emphasized a strategy of staggering your support after your attacks. This is just not useful when your support is supposed to be used tactically, which means the circumstance in which you want or need to use your support is going to vary wildly. Sure, you can say this will play into the combat considerations of the AT, balancing the needs of their support with the bonuses of their inherent... But support isn't always a shift in combat thus is a fickle point of the AT to lean on here. 


    The more simple and static direction for the inherent to target would be the melee powers. More standardized, application is the same and easier to balance.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Agree to disagree. I'll let more sensible heads than mine debate the pros and cons of this.


    Understandable. I do feel, if anything, the tanking role has become saturated in power so, unless it could deal similar damage to a furied out Brute, the AT might actually be considered weak. 


    Overall, I think the difficult part is going to be making the AT seem powerful while filling a role but not overshadowing anything, not so much the roles it's taking.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Yeah... that is what I am against. Supports aren't supposed to be tanking. If they are going to be support types, I would rather they retained the current support vulnerabilities. If the melee support can tank and it has the primary supports people want, using your example of Transfusion and Fulcrum Shift, then why bother playing any other support? Because the other supports get Speed Boost? If the melee can spam AoE heals as part of the attack chain, AND use Fulcrum Shift to further enhance the team regardless of muted or not, AND hold the line soaking damage while ignoring mezzes, then you are your own team. The other supports are not needed any more.


    Not to mince words here, but Kinetics is primarily there for Speed Boost and Fulcrum Shift.  Having one missing and the other muted does not equate to a one-man team nor does it invalidate other support, much less a Kinetics support.


    Why? Because spamming an AoE team heal is practically worthless in the grand scheme of things. Having a muted Fulcrum Shift just means you can complement a real Kinetics user to assure damage cap OR add extra damage if another support is present. To point out the difference of a muted Fulcrum Shift, the directed suggestion has a 10-target cap and a smaller radius on the target-per +dmg and the ally +dmg buff. You're not going to reliably hit every teammate or keep max targets for your buff in range.


    While I can understand your apprehension, you can't just ignore the points presented to attempt to appease those problems. 

  18. 3 hours ago, MsSmart said:

    Sweetie, if i understand right, I can't really support this suggestion, because:


    If this is done, then there would be no need for the support classes, since they are too vulnerable and this new class would have the plusses of the support and the status effect, resistance and defense protections that the support simply do not get.


    If this is done, I am done playing the second hand heroes (support who the wimpiest status effect auto defeats them) and play the real heroes that can go in and beat up the enemy and smile after the butchery.


    Truth be told, when I want challenge in the game, I play a support class. When I want to abuse the game, I play a melee class. I have o desire to blur this line.




    That's why I actually like the idea I linked to. Mainly because as a melee support, it is aiming to be *NOT* vulnerable (i.e. the tank) but at the same time, only have a limited amount of the pluses of the support.  For example: the pluses of Kinetics support is mostly Speed Boost, Transfusion and Fulcrum Shift...so just limit the melee/support so it only gets Transfusion and a muted version of Fulcrum Shift.


    3 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Either the melee support AT will outshine the current supports, or it will be phenomenal garbage compared to them and not be used. So yeah, gonna say no too.


    On the other-hand, as far as being outshined by the other supports, that's sort of the point. The other support (Defender, Corruptor, Controller, Mastermind) will still have their place and still out-support the suggestion I'm pointing to...but those that don't want to be limited by the lack of mez protection and personal vulnerability would have an option to help their team via both support AND tanking. 

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