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  1. Both are good but SS provides more damage mitigation with the KD in foot stomp, with decent recharge you can keep the mobs bouncing a lot of the time. I've not really noticed the minus defence during the rage crash just the minus damage. Prestige damage powers aren't affected though so use those during the crash.
  2. Personally I prefer ice to electric. You can drop blizzard and ice storm and then use ST damage or frost breath to stack the damage. I've tried Electric Blast on every AT that it's available on and always felt a bit meh to me. I'd go ice blast.
  3. I've levelled an SB/SA, SB/SR, SB/Ninja and currently levelling an SB/Ice. To be honest, apart from theSB/Ice which I find sub par (I think all versions of Ice armour need a boost) they're all good. Little between them performance wise, go with whichever you prefer thematically.
  4. I take it because it's auto hit and always available with a small amount of recharge. Problem mobs like Nemesis are much easier to deal with.
  5. Personally I go with both. A Lockdown +2 proc in Char and a kb to knock down in bonfire.
  6. I tend to play Corruptors more than Defenders because they fit the concept better. I think of Defenders as a bit like Captain America, noble and doing what needs to be done but within certain constraints. Corruptors I view as more Batman like in that they're happy to dish out an extra bit of violence to make the villains pay for their devilish deeds. Also I do like seeing Scourge popping up as the pain comes down. In regards to the damage numbers being mentioned in this topic, they don't take into account the ability of each AT to deliver the damage. Being ranged ATs Corruptors and Defenders can deal damage over a much larger area than their melee counterparts, they can also do this immediately without having to chase mobs down. I feel that the devs have done a great job in balancing the ATs, something for everyone.
  7. I don’t really use mids so can’t comment on the specifics but would advise: Take Hover and stay just out of melee. Take Combat Jumping and Acrobats, this will give you some resistance to mez. Take the Dark or Psy Mastery forOP or WoC, this will give some additional survivabilty in melee. Build for ranged defence. Slot a Stealth IO in sprint and run it constantly, this will reduce ranged damage and your threat level.
  8. Agree with this completely. If you want true range, then no it can’t really be done but if you’re prepared to be in melee but have attacks with a reasonable range then spines is a good option, even the PBAoEs have decent range. Spine with FA or DA would be my choices.
  9. Gravity Control could be made to work for this, the powers are all about lifting, immobilising and crushing.
  10. The Sentinel version loses mud pots so no DoT damage toggle.
  11. I've got a personal preference for SR but I've got a Seismic Blast / Stone Armour that works well and thematically fits. You could go with both and see which you prefer, levelling is so quick these days.
  12. I agree with this. As you're going to be ground based you'll need some defence debuff resistance, SR is best for this but Ninjitsu is also an option, has some DDR plus some other utility tools too. Either will work.
  13. It shows how we're all different, your views on TT are the complete opposite to mine. I find TT to be the defining power in Dark Blast as it differentiates it from other blast sets - relatively safely immobilising large mobs due to the -to hit. The Sentinel Dark Blast I can't stand due to its removal. You can pick up TT in Dark Mastery but I prefer a more damaging blast set to compliment this.
  14. I tend to slot a full set of Lockdown for the ranged defence and +1 mag hold.
  15. Same with my crab, nothing seemed to fit themetically or add anything that was worth dropping other powers for. As it is, it's survivable and does nice damage.
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