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Everything posted by Jaremaru

  1. whats your reason though? I appreciate the help, but saying I wouldn't use it doesn't help me decide on a build. I am torn whether or not I should be going for the attack vitals chain or not. So far anyone that has recommended DB has said thats your bread and butter, and you are the only one that doesn't. I would like to know why you decided that? I am very interested in your build but going full gusto on it without knowing your reason. Simply saying the uppercut animation is the reason why doesn't really convince me to not take the power. I have a titan weapon tanker so animations arent really a make or break for me.
  2. why did you not choose vengeful strike for the chain?
  3. Title pretty much say it all. I figure someone already has a min/maxed build so was wondering if they would share. I play on a Mac but can Bootcamp to run mids for the build file but making one myself becomes a hassle having to switch back and forth. I appreciate any help and builds that might follow.
  4. I got two heal and one endurance insp for the first few. One sells for 100 and the two heals are selling for 5k but nobody is buying mine at 1inf. Is there a way to start this method without sitting and waiting for the auction house? Also this will only net me 10k which seems much lower then 24k
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