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Col. Kernel

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Posts posted by Col. Kernel

  1. On 1/10/2021 at 9:00 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

    Hurricane has the potential to be an amazing power, if we modify it to remove the Repel effect from it. As it is it scatters mobs, causing extra agro, and pushed the mobs outside of the debuffs of the power.


    Hurricane has knockback, which can be slotted into KD, but the Repel effect still makes the power a situational at best power.


    Why not remove the Repel effect on hurricane and let stormers do their job of debuffing mobs?

    That's a HORRIBLE idea.

    Storm is an incredible set as is.  The problems people have with it are, IMO, because it plays completely differently from every other powerset in CoH.

    Storm is all about positioning.  Your positoning prior to activating a power changes the mob's positioning.  If you play intelligently the mobs will be where you want them to be, e.g. against a wall in a debuff patch.  If you don't play smartly your teams AoEs and debuffs won't be effective.


    Storm's job isn't about debuffing the mobs, it's about positioning them.  Put a KD>KB in Tornado and you're in complete control.

    • Like 3
  2. On 9/25/2020 at 4:30 PM, Super Atom said:

    As for these suggestions, I like individual ideas like Offensive/defensive targets having different effects, but for the most part they're wildly random and while they work for a server like Thunderspy they wouldn't fit in much here. My suggestion would just be to roll a thunderspy account as well and just play those things there. Can't hurt playing on multiple servers 😛 

    Who's got time for that?  I certainly don't.  I barely have time to play here.

  3. On 4/7/2020 at 8:33 AM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    wait so u want KB converted to KD and then have players use the KB enhancements to actually get KB if they want KB? hmm, that sounds too reasonable and logical to ever happen.

    If I want KB I'll take a KB powerset.  Don't make me waste a slot on something that's native to a few powersets.


    As for the rest of you haters, I hope they never change KB.  KB is a powerful control and a great tool.  The problem you all have with it is that you don't want to learn to use it.


    I had a Storm/Energy Def on Live who could tank a 50+4 ITF.  He wouldn't have been able to do that without KB.  And I'm not talking about Hurricane either, that's Repel, not KB.


    The mobs go where I tell them to go, usually into debuff patches dropped by my team mates, but sometimes up against a wall or into a corner if they started all spread out.


    KB is a tool, learn to use it.

  4. 5 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I use Time Manipulation to simulate "luck" powers for my concept characters.  YMMV.

    That works too, but more powersets = more replayability.


    And this set will play differently than Time Manipulation.  That's the really nice thing about buff/debuff sets.  While the difference in playing different melee sets is like the difference between playin squash and playing racquette ball, While the while playing different buff/debuff sets is like the difference between playing hockey and playing piano.

  5. On 2/11/2021 at 5:07 AM, Ura Hero said:

    You can get all the badges with any character starting from any alignment.  Null the Gull in Pocket D can change your alignment for this purpose.


    You cannot miss any badges.  Ouroboros sees to that.


    There really isn't a preferred or 'better' archetype.  The only way the archetype matters is this; You are going to be playing it a lot.  It's more important than you like it than trying to play something someone else likes.


    I badged during Live on a Spines/Regen scrapper.  It was not fun for a lot of reasons.  Mainly, I just didn't enjoy playing the toon after the Regen nerfs.  Now I badge on an Ill/Rad controller.  Much more enjoyable since I like the powerset.  Only suggestion here is to be sure you build the character well.  I have went through about four respec's and spent a billion or so influence getting my badger to be mostly invincible.  Not required, but it has made things easier for me to do solo.


    Play what you want.  It's all about having fun.

    I'm pretty sure there's a badge in Praetoria for swapping alignments repeatedly, and that you can't get it unless you both play the tutorial and make the necessary alignment changes at the correct times.

  6. First off, thank you for publishing this.  I'm "recently" back to Homecoming and haven't leveled any of my MMs yet.


    I run my MM binds a bit differently.  I dislike loading the file from disk for each tier of pet (or for any other binds) simply because you're tied to that computer for that character.  So I have a bind file that creates binds.  Also, my henchman buffing is handled by quickly tapping the decimal (numpad . ) key.


    Here's my BeastMastery bind file for example.

    ctrl+NUMPAD1 powexec_location self "Summon Wolves"
    ctrl+NUMPAD2 powexec_location self "Summon Lions"
    ctrl+NUMPAD3 powexec_location self "Summon Dire Wolf"
    ctrl+decimal "powexec_name train beasts$$powexec_name tame beasts$$target_custom_next mypet"
    NUMPAD0 "bind numpad4 petcomall agg$$bind numpad5 petcomall def$$bind numpad6 petcomall pass$$bind numpad7 petcomall att$$bind numpad8 petcomall fol$$bind numpad9 petcomall stay"
    NUMPAD1 "bind numpad4 petcompow wolves agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow wolves def$$bind numpad6 petcompow wolves pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow wolves att$$bind numpad8 petcompow wolves fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow wolves stay"
    NUMPAD2 "bind numpad4 petcompow lions agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow lions def$$bind numpad6 petcompow lions pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow lions att$$bind numpad8 petcompow lions fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow lions stay"
    NUMPAD3 "bind numpad4 petcompow dire wolf agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow dire wolf def$$bind numpad6 petcompow dire wolf pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow dire wolf att$$bind numpad8 petcompow dire wolf fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow dire wolf stay"

    I don't use a dedicated bodyguard bind because it's easy enough to select the tier of pet you want doing bodyguard duty and hit 58 or 85.


    I usually use add for target_enemy_near, and save multiply, divide, and subtract for buffing/debuffing commands from my secondary.


    I apologize for any errors in this example file, none of my MMs are high enough to even call their T2s yet.  If you find errors let me know and I'll correct them.


    Edit:  The Train Beasts never fires on my decimal bind.  Pretty sure it would if I remove the target command.  I'll have to think on this.

  7. On 6/18/2019 at 4:32 PM, GM Widower said:


    People ask me, mostly.


    Do all of you think there'd be a use for a dedicated utilities forum? Other than this, Pine's, and Vidiotmaps, what's come out?

    One could hope for a return of...  what was it called on the Titan Network...  City Information Tracker?  You ran a side utility and it would tell you when you last logged each of your characters, along with some info on them.


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