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About Etched

  • Birthday 11/19/1974

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  1. Still a cool idea. So if you look in Decals there are Oil Splates and if you combine them in a large area, you get to have a ice rink that will be around year round. 🫠
  2. But not any body damage. I like this idea.
  3. I have a email to myself from when I first started and just reply to that whenever I need to mail inf, enhancements , or whatever. So all I need to do is scroll to the top of my emails and hit reply and never worry about typos.
  4. It running smoothly with no bullshit. Isn't that everyone's?
  5. I was surprised that I was able to pick up a handful of great names. A lot of these kinda blew me away since it was two weeks after the name release program started. Snowman - water blast/ice armor sentinel Name released was Cold Blast Tank - Psy/Invuln Sentinel Name released was Blizted Misery - fire/MA blaster Name released was Black Chapel Goon - sr/sj tank Name released was Power Fist Trouble - Invuln/MA tank Name released was Harry Chin Invader - ill/savage dominator Name released was Duplicated I am quite happy with what I was able to get. 🤪 However, I went on a major cleaning spree and deleted a handful of toons that I never ever play. Those are listed on the Torchbearer section of the forums. Went from 29 50s down to 19. I'm kinda at a standstill on makin any new toons and honestly doubt I will anytime soon.
  6. I have an ill/savage/ill and it is very sneaky and fun. Savage provides a tp attack which I use to tp and hit blind right after. Super sweet toon.
  7. Y'all are going to make me pee myself. LMFAO! Best comments I've read in awhile.
  8. I may be mistaken but I remember it being a togg on my electric sentinel but I checked and realized I am wrong once again. My memory isn't what it used to be.
  9. It's like waking up dead. You go to bed and you're alive and suddenly you're not? WTF! Makes you not want to go to bed ever again. Remember that the Voltaic Sentinel is a toggle and is on the heavier side of endurance.
  10. I've never tried it myself but I have a good friend that tried it and he ended up deleting it. He never deletes a toon. Lol
  11. /em Hold Torch. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. ❤️☹️❣️
  12. I understand what you are sayin but I'm not playing for how quickly I can clear out Trapdoor, especially since I don't think I even ran a Trapdoor since live. I play this toon cause it is fun to ME. It's also was one of my mains back during Live.
  13. My 3 picks in my opinion works well for ME. Offense - Fire/MA Blaster. Fire has some good AoEs and MA does great STA. Plus being able to tp into a mob and nuke is fun. Defense - Shield/WM. I feel Shield provides adequate def/resist to me keep me goin, also add in Shield Charge you have an explosive start to a fight. War Mace just devastates, with great STA and PBAoEs. Support - Kin/Electric. Everyone loves a kin and Electric does fairly well for being a defender. A good assortment of single and AoEs. This is my opinion, I do not speak for others nor am I saying these are the best by no means. But they are fun to play. 🙃
  14. Etched

    Name Release

    Just released a few names today. Duplicated Clutch Cold Blast Pip Shaw Black Chapel Angel of Death Doug Fall spring cleaning.
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