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  1. I have a Rad/TW tank that is somehow the tankiest tank I've played and seen. The only thing to even scratch that tank was Lord Recluse at the end of a +4x8 Liberty TF that I was tanking while everyone else was taking care of pylons - and I don't even think I had max level incarnates. I am at work, but I can post a build later.
  2. Go on....
  3. Radiation? You'll get a self heal, absorb shield, and a ton of Regen/Rec.
  4. Ok, so I got my tank to 50+1, slotted out with a hybrid of the Aprocalypse build and wow, what a pleasure to play. Definitely not as tanky as my Rad/TW (maxed res and def - probably a bit overkill), but just beats the living hell out of things. For sure it just feels about a thousand times better than that clunky TW set - and the damage. Wow.
  5. I think my last question! You took Radial over Core for your Hybrid. Does the doublehit proc often enough to outweigh the near constant uptime of Core (because dots)? I was leaning toward Radial, but then I had to read about it and now I'm more confused than I was originally lol.
  6. Hmmm... I will think on these things. @Glowman I take it your examples include incarnates? Do you use any end modification incarnates to help?
  7. @Aizbaer Good to know. Is Rage crash a problem? I saw that you can have it double-stacked. Is the gameplay with this tank based off of perma-Rage? If that is the case, I guess I'm just worried that I'll be relatively squishy because of the constant Rage crash whereas on my Rad/TW, I rarely even take damage.
  8. @Glowman @Gobbledegook How tanky are these? I have a Rad/TW IO'd out that is super super tanky, but am interested in testing the Rad/SS proc build for damage. I can tank ITF and Miss Liberty like a breeze with the one I have now but am super interested to see if this build stands up to the tankyness with all the damage. Mostly because Momentum sucks...
  9. I have a Rad/TW build and I have a few thoughts. First of all, I haven't tried making a "Proc Tanker" like most people recommend so I can't speak to that, what I can speak to is Titan Weapons don't do the damage they used to , so soloing +4x8 is going to be slow. I do find it odd that you didn't take taunt. Sure, you will be mostly solo and a good tank doesn't need taunt, but it just comes in handy when playing with a team since someone will always need rescuing. You can ditch hover and fly for a skiff from the p2w vendor and pick up Assault for a 10% attack buff and Tactics for the +ToHit. They're so worth it and with 3 slots in Stamina and Ageless maxed out you shouldn't be worried about End. I don't know how Invul works out but I can say that my Rad/TW is pretty much unkillable and I still wouldn't try and solo +4x8. If you are super duper tanky but just don't have the DPS you're looking for, rebuild it as a Brute and tell me how that goes.
  10. NM this post it's TW my bad.
  11. Oh man, great write-up and yet now I feel a tad more confused. Hmmm.... What would you recommend to someone who wants to solo the majority of end-game content? Edit: What you wrote wasn't confusing, it was great. It just provided more info than I was prepared for - but still super important to learn! Thanks again.
  12. I have a WS that is full build and tons of fun to play, and I want to play a tank as my next toon. First, I just want to swing a huge sword around. Second, I hate carnies and mezz worries me at higher levels. Lastly, I'd like to be able to solo as much as the game as possible, once slotted out. As I understand, Rad is great for soloing, but Dark is best vs. mezz. Thoughts?
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