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Everything posted by bdick99

  1. Hi JJDrakken, would you be as so kind to make a ill/rad controller and a rob/rad mastermind. was scrolling through post and either missed these 2 builds of they are not there either way most impressed.
  2. bdick99


    Hi JJDrakken, would you be as so kind to make a ill/rad controller and rob/rad mastermind.
  3. Hi JJD, Appreciate your help you have provided in making builds to help people out including myself. Thank you!!
  4. Good day. JJD not sure if your still able to make builds but was wondering since i am starting a mastermind (robo/rad) if you have a build for and possibly a controller (ill/rad) with a build. With all the scrolling i think i have overlooked these builds. would greatly appreciate your help.
  5. Thank you very much JJD for taking the time to make a water/kin corr. this will be a big help and hope to see you in the winter..
  6. Hi JJ, do have a build for a water/kin corr that you would mind sharing. i am sure my blind eyes missed after scrolling through half the threads for the build. thank you in advanced
  7. Thank you..I look forward to trying this out.
  8. bdick99


    llt Storm - Controller (Fire Control - Storm Summoning).mbdthis is my working fire/storm/mu controller so far
  9. anychance of seeing a fire/storm troller build?
  10. bdick99


    Yes i just made a dark/dark controller to try as well.
  11. bdick99


    i was looking for build help for this one. i am bad at building toons. Would anyone have a build for a fire/storm/mu?
  12. bdick99


    Any chance of building afire/storm/mu controller?
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