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Everything posted by weemanjoe

  1. I haven’t questioned any devs intentions and honestly I don’t care enough to have any real feelings on this issue. I care enough about this game though to think that some of these responses are needlessly hostile and incredibly off putting. You can disagree respectfully.
  2. Feel like there’s a lot of over the top and unhelpful hostility from posters on this forum who have forgotten that this mmo was never just about making the best build and being able to fight the toughest bosses. The Halloween event certainly never was. It’s a mmo, all sorts of people play in all sorts of ways and I think it’s fair for more casual players to be frustrated that fun seasonal events just aren’t for them anymore. Stuff was always going to get harder with a smaller player base but if the general response to that is “get good” it’s just gonna get smaller and frankly, very unpleasant, faster.
  3. Got to say I don’t massively get the pushback on these suggestions. Yes, the first two should definitely not be usable while part of a group but if they both had a one or two day recharge what advantage would that give a solo player that’s any bigger than sitting in a farm for an hour or two? I have a lot of nostalgia for the office and warehouse maps and am more than happy to hunt for glowies any time I’m inside but I don’t think anyone has nostalgia for having to find 6 crates in The Hell Forge, a map already filled with non glowie crates. I know the dread I feel when I realise a mission has just spawned me into that map with the multi story car park. Those were bad missions in 2005 and they’re bad now. I think giving players the ability to make missions like that play like missions rather than pixel hunting chores, even if it’s only once every couple days would be a really nice quality of life addition. If people love those missions they don’t have to use the powers. That’s a bit off topic though, I think 3/4/7 are really reasonable asks, with lengthy cooldowns though.
  4. Did the group photo from the reunion server event get posted anywhere?
  5. Oh this thread was good to see. Was worried I'd messed something up on my end.
  6. Hi there, recently got back into coh through this and am really loving it but this morning I got the error "Manifest download error for http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable." when I launced tequila and can't seem to figure out what's up. Have tried looking on the forums and nothing seems to have helped. Is there anythign I should be doing here? Apologies if I've missed an obvious solution.
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