Got to say I don’t massively get the pushback on these suggestions. Yes, the first two should definitely not be usable while part of a group but if they both had a one or two day recharge what advantage would that give a solo player that’s any bigger than sitting in a farm for an hour or two?
I have a lot of nostalgia for the office and warehouse maps and am more than happy to hunt for glowies any time I’m inside but I don’t think anyone has nostalgia for having to find 6 crates in The Hell Forge, a map already filled with non glowie crates. I know the dread I feel when I realise a mission has just spawned me into that map with the multi story car park. Those were bad missions in 2005 and they’re bad now. I think giving players the ability to make missions like that play like missions rather than pixel hunting chores, even if it’s only once every couple days would be a really nice quality of life addition. If people love those missions they don’t have to use the powers.
That’s a bit off topic though, I think 3/4/7 are really reasonable asks, with lengthy cooldowns though.