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Everything posted by DrWinkie

  1. I want to make a "healer" so that I can team-up with people like the good old days. are there enough people on this server to make teaming up easy? I've just recently come back (played for a bit when homecoming came out, but then got sidetracked). I used to have a level 50 Empathy/Dark Hero called DrWinkie on the original game, but seemed like no one needed a healer after reaching 50. This time I'm going to make a controller healer so I can still solo when I want. Also, can I transfer Influence from one server to the next? Someone gave me 8M influence and I'd like to use that here if I transfer. Thanks!
  2. Anyone remember Legendary Healer DrWinkie? Good to be back, even if its just to plunk around a bit!
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