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Everything posted by Diantane

  1. Let's see... I have 78 Sentinels 🙂
  2. I've played a corruptor a few times, but failed to see much damage from them. When I looked on MIDS I saw that a corrupter's blasts are only about 15% higher than a Defender's secondaries. Even the Sentinels do substantially more damage with the same blasts (let alone the blasters). The only time I saw a high damage is when I finally got to "Scourge." Note: When it takes every blast you got a few times over to solo something, you know you can't do much damage.
  3. I've only seen someone try this a few times, Since the mm's get a few blasts or similar attack, players can think they will do well using these as their only offense. But if you look on MIDS, those blasts do less damage then a Defender's secondaries. Of the five archetypes that can cast these attacks, the mm is by far the weakest. So when these petless mm's come on my hosted teams, I tell them, "Sorry, but no." The same thing I tell players that choose not to train any travel power and just use sprint to get around 🙂
  4. All other games work fine. I've tried reinstalling on a different SSD. Worked for one day only. Now crashes in 10 minutes. Tried using diagnostic client. Keeps crashing with no help. All of this started about 6 weeks ago. No issues before that. Have played since LIVE. Will I ever be able to come back?
  5. I installed the game on a faster SSD. Maybe all I needed was a re-install because it did not crash tonight.
  6. Spoke too soon. Crashed after 20 minutes on Everlasting. Gonna play another game. Maybe DC Universe.
  7. It only crashes on the Excelsior server
  8. Found it. You have to unhide it in the launcher settings. It just crashed sooner. Now what?
  9. Where are you seeing that launcher?
  10. This started about 6 weeks ago. Never did it for several years before that. It used too crash after a couple hours of playing. Now within only 10 minutes every time I log in. Unplayable. Desktop is liquid cooled. Game is installed to SSD.
  11. It would seem in the real world it is what you say. However if the suppliers aren't selling below say a million each and will hold their ground until they get it (and will continue to gain more supplies of this), it will only show a larger and larger supply number until the buyers have to start raising their prices to get and that are for sale. The ones that are selling for less are the players that are selling one or two and trying to make anything they can.
  12. For years Enhancement Boosters were selling for about a million each. There were much more buyers than sellers keeping the price high. Today on Excel, there are about 19,000 for sale and only about 10,000 buyers. This had driven the price down to about 830,000. The reason so many are for sale is because sellers (like me with over 400 (and climbing) in inventory) are holding out for the price to come back up. There are only a few scared sellers that have sold for that low price. With over a billion in "savings" I'll never be "scared" and will hold out as long as it takes as I am still making a nice income from other wares. As soon as the buyers start realizing that the present low price is a fairy tale, the sooner this all changes again.
  13. I've been hosting teams for several years. Within the past year, the population of the Excelsior server has dropped significantly. This makes it much harder to put teams of 6 to 8 players together. Most times it takes up to 10 minutes to get a full team. Before 6pm EST on weekdays, its sometimes impossible to find more than 1 or 2 players (have to log for another hour or two before enough players come online). So when I have a full team of 7-8 players doing +3 arc missions, it is very inconsiderate of 3 players or more to leave all at once (sometimes during the mission). The rest of the team has to wait several minutes most times to get the team filled again. No more than one player should leave at once unless it is an emergency. A very few players are considerate enough will let me know when they will have to leave which allows me to start recruiting before that time. Keeping the team full allows all players a great enjoyment of the game. I've been on COH Homecoming since shortly after it started, Really enjoy playing this mmo, but if the population keeps dropping and these team occurrences keep happening, I'm going to have to seek my "fun" elsewhere.
  14. A vet level 197 EMP joined our team last night. During the battles in RWZ, I noticed that he emp wasn't healing or buffing anything. Instead he was playing as a weak blaster using his secondary attacks. When I see this, I wonder why he chose a defender.
  15. Other Archetypes get armor or really cool powers. What do we get? Stuff that a low level archetype may get. Doesn't sound so epic to me. So every time I make a new Sentinel (at number 77), I use the pool powers to finish off the build. What do you think of Epic powers?
  16. Have tried Arsenal (or others) with Pain and Thermal. You end up healing everyone and not having much time and/or endurance to use your control powers. Arsenal was a cool idea at first, because once you get the cloaking power, you can heal without the enemy seeing you (of course I would rather just be a Thermal Defender with a cloaking device in a pool power if/when available).
  17. The cursor on my desktop is blue and big - easy to spot. But in game it is very small and hard to find. Want to click on a player to heal or buff and it always takes a while to click on them. If there a way to adjust the mouse cursor in game?
  18. When I post something on a strong topic such as this, and the replies start coming in, I look for constructive replies, but somehow I get a lot of flaming. They should make an AT called Forum Flamer.
  19. I obviously didn't start at 50 🙂 So I see this reaction from players waiting for someone else to start it at the brink of combat. Now it doesn't matter what type of AT I'm playing, I always take the alpha as the team leader unless there is a rare tank on the team that knows their role. The best tanking defender is one with Personal Forcefield. I also like tanking with Sentinels. Even if there is a low level tank on the team, I don't expect them to just jump in the middle of a group on alpha if their powers are 50/50 between primary and secondary. Only a "defensive" tank can handle the onslaught. I jump into the group with my tanks at any level as they were all defensive (taunt is the only attack for quite some time). The team does most of the damage anyway.
  20. Getting defense was a priority. The team does most of the damage anyway. My defense aids the team so they don't have to receive much damage. Training weak secondary attacks up front is pointless.
  21. I have 3 Preventive Medicine in Particle Shielding (absorption). Gives me an extra 112.56). It also gives me a Large Increase Health Bonus (+35.14), Small Lethal Smash and Mez (2.25%). This was made for me by a friend about a year ago (unslotted it from an old alt). Other than that I have never used anything beyond SO's or done anything past filling Hybrid because I have no idea how it all works.
  22. Yes, but if you do that you might end up with a team full of controllers. Had 6 once and took us 3.5 hours to complete Frostfire. Never again.
  23. Yes, but you have to look at Dom melee vs Blaster ranged. Sentinels got some love a few months ago and boy did they ever -- 1.100 vs 1.125 on a Blaster? I have 8 blasters and 72 sentinels (see the trend?)
  24. Okay, why are Dominators telling me they do DPS just like a Scrapper or Blaster?
  25. I've been playing COH since the first hour of LIVE. The team is assembled, they stand right before the enemy and then they freeze. Waiting for something that will start the battle. Its like they are waiting for someone else to do something. Starting the "Alpha" attack which will harm that player beyond belief. I've seen this and decided to do something about it. To create an "Alpha Tank" that will immediately jump into a group of baddies and be able to take plenty of punishment. These tanking players do the same on other mmo's, but there the healer is standing by ready to aid the tank. In this game its rarely that organized. So the tank that I create has to be defensive enough to take a beating without much help from the rest of the team. Tried many combinations of tanks and kept failing. They had no staying abilities. So I created a list of goals: 1) High endurance recovery 2) Lower endurance use 3) Very high defense 4) Very high health Tried Invul and it was a very good defense, but ran out of endurance quickly and all of the defensive toggles dropped. The same with Super Reflexes. The best defense I tried was Radiation. Not only is the defense high, but they get the essence of two stamina's with Gamma Boost, a very high absorption (1,100 with single origin enhancements at 50) with Particle Shielding, a negative to-hit buff with Beta Decay, a substantial heal with Radiation Therapy and a emergency defense with very little loss when it ends with Meltdown. As they say, your best defense is a good offense. I found that Ice Melee gives you the best "defense." Using Ice Patch keeps most from touching you. With two recharge reduction enhancements and Hasten, I can keep up to two patches going at once; casting another in 2-3 seconds. And Frozen Aura does just as much AoE damage as Foot Stomp does with Super Strength. Except all of my other attack powers slow the enemy down and accept a "Slow" enhancement. In first creating this tank, I chose only defense powers with my first attack power at level 10 (Taunt) and my second at level 20 (Ice Patch). My third attack power came at level 30 -- tier 9's Frozen Aura. But by then I had all of my defenses including Tough and Weave. After that I filled in with the other secondary powers. I also trained Leadership's Maneuvers and Tactics so I could see through "blindness." As well as Teleportation to get Fold Space so I could tighten up nearby groups. I've been working with this 50 vet often and he's definitely a team pleaser.
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